Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Stuck In A Good Book Giveaway Hop: A Copy of Angel of The Cove by Sandra Robbins

Anna Prentiss wants to be a nurse, but first she has to spend a summer in Cades Cove apprenticing to the local midwife. Anna is determined to prove herself…but she never expected to fall in love with the Cove. Has God’s plan for Anna changed? Or is she just starting to hear Him clearly?


Sandra Robbins and her husband live in the small college town in Tennessee where she grew up. They count their four children and five grandchildren as the greatest blessings in their lives. Her published books include stories in historical romance and romantic suspense. When not writing or spending time with her family, Sandra enjoys reading, collecting flow blue china, and playing the piano.

My Review:

We begin this book with Anna Prentiss and her Uncle Charley heading into the Smokey Mountains to the Community of Cades Cove, TN. Nothing has prepared Anna for the beauty she is experiencing...she is heading her to fulfill her reluctant commitment to her brother. Since her Dad has passed her brother Robert is in charge of the families finances.
Anna has been accepted into the new Nursing Program at Bellevue Hospital in New York City. In order for her to be able to attend she must get a good report to her brother from Granny...Mrs Lawson.
The description of the area sounds so wonderful and made me think of where the Walton's lived! When she arrives Granny and the Preacher Simon are at the house to greet her. She is so afraid she is going to fail. You will fall in love with these Mountain people! They are reserved and leery of strangers, but soon warm up to Anna. I really enjoyed how she interacted with these people, and came to understand their ways. You find God's Hand on these delightful people, and you find Anna trying to do her own will, and not God's. She has been so blessed with Healing Hands, and I adored her interaction with the children. You will wonder to the end how things are going to turn out...and I mean to the very last pages of this great book. Don't miss this sweet book to get lost into!

I received this book from First Wildcard Blog Tours and the Publisher Harvest House, and was not required to give a positive review.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Angel of The Cove sounds like a good story to get lost in.
    ruthcox at abitosunshine dot net

  2. Cades Cove is one of our favorite vacation places! It is so peaceful! We love the Cove!

  3. Sounds like a beautiful story of self-discovery. ♥


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