Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Celebrate Lit Presents: The Title Wave Author: Chautona Havig


About the Book

Book: The Title Wave

Author: Chautona Havig

Genre: Christian Contemporary Romance

Release date: April 25, 2023

All he wants to do is help people, but local women want to help themselves… to him!

When Henri Tupuola returned to Suamalie to open his holistic mental health clinic, he had no idea what he was getting into. After ten years in Australia getting his degree and practical experience under his mentor, the locals had all but forgotten the quiet “boy”  who had always made them feel like he could see right through them.

Not anymore! The ladies of Lafoina are eager to meet the island’s therapist and spend hours staring deeply into his eyes on their weekly dates… ahem, sessions.

Desperate for relief, he hightails it down to The Title Wave and begs Ezra to order him a couple dozen copies of his own book. Yes, author copies would be cheaper, but he needs these things fast. Maybe if he hands out his book like an old-time quack handed out pills, the ladies will get the hint and leave him alone.

But when he tells his troubles to Ezra (who’s the therapist now?), and she jokes at how much her father would love to have people flocking to his “sessions” so to speak, Henri gets an idea that could save his sanity… if only Ezra will agree.

Take a trip to the Suamalie Islands where palm trees sway, the sand and sea pulse with life, and the people will steal your heart.


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

USA Today Bestselling author Chautona Havig lives in an oxymoron, escapes into imaginary worlds that look startlingly similar to ours and writes the stories that emerge. An irrepressible optimist, Chautona sees everything through a kaleidoscope of It’s a Wonderful Life sprinkled with fairy tales. Find her at and say howdy—if you can remember how to spell her name.


More from Chautona

It happens with every book—probably for every author. What “it” is… that’s always different. Sometimes it’s the moment you realize that your character has morphed into someone you didn’t intend for him to. Other times it might be that you discovered a huge plot hole in your mystery and there’s no way any of it would have happened (not that I’ve ever had to deal with that or anything). It could be that your characters don’t have chemistry (and that doesn’t have to be romance—friends should have it!). Let’s face it. Lots of things can derail a book.

And if you don’t lay some new track fast (think Gromit in A Grand Day Out laying tracks as fast as he can as the toy train hurtles him after the penguin), your story could end up as the biggest trainwreck this side of… wherever they have bad train wrecks.

Or in my case, sink the book boat.

So there was blithely typing my first chapter when I realized something was wrong with my premise for The Title Wave. See, I had a plan. This would be a fake-dating romance. A local therapist needs a fake girlfriend to get the women to quit hitting on him when he was supposed to be helping them with their problems. Reasonable right?

Yeah. There’s all kinds of problems with this… starting with the fact that I don’t actually enjoy FAST romances… and I wanted them together—like totally committed—by the end of the book. OOPS! Not only that, but come on. Fake boyfriend/girlfriend? Ezra is an MK. This girl isn’t going to want to live a deception like that. She’s got a sensitive conscience, thanks to close ties with the Holy Spirit Who indwells her. She’s not going to do that.

But I needed her to.

I have this group of ladies who read everything as I write it. Most have been with me for over ten years! So, when I realized my book was in serious trouble (as in drowning before it really got out to sea!), I went to them and told them what I wanted/needed to happen and why it wasn’t going to work.

Guess what? They came through for me (as they always do—love you, Escapeables!). After just a bit of tossing out ideas and lobbing them back and forth, things fell into place.

Yes, Henri will approach Ezra with the idea.

Yes, Ezra will have a fake boyfriend.

And yes, being the romance it is… they WILL be committed by the end and without irritating myself with a bunch of insta-love.

Somehow. Since I’m writing this before it all plays out, we’ll both have to see just how that all works out. Join me for a cruise through love-tossed waters?

Blog Stops

lakesidelivingsite, May 24

Lots of Helpers, May 24

The Sacred Line, May 25

By the Book, May 26

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, May 27

Aryn The Libraryan, May 28

Texas Book-aholic, May 29

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, May 30

Locks, Hooks and Books, May 31

For Him and My Family, June 1

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, June 1

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, June 2

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, June 3

Gina Holder, Author and Blogger, June 4 (Author Interview)

Mary Hake, June 4

Simple Harvest Reads, June 5 (Guest Review from Donna Cline)

She Lives to Read, June 6


To celebrate her tour, Chautona is giving away the grand prize package of a $25 Amazon gift card and a copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Celebrate Lit Presents: Love's True Calling Epic Book Launch


Book: Love’s True Calling

Authors: Lori DeJong

Genre: Contemporary Christian Romance

Release date: June 27, 2023

After years of jumping through other people’s hoops to be all they thought she should be, and enduring a tragedy no mother should, self-described “newbie” Christian, Harper Townsend, has finally found her true calling … and her true love. Until it appears that to follow one may mean leaving the other behind.


Adolescent Psychologist, Wyatt McCowan, is beyond delighted to have the-girl-that-got-away back in his life, and his heart. But even as they fall more in love, he realizes that being obedient to God’s calling on each of their lives may pull them apart. She rejected him once in favor of another, which left him hurt and angry. But this time, he can’t fault her for following hard after the God she loves with all her heart, even if it means leaving him once again.Will Ryan return to his faith and stay with her in Sweetheart or leave when the election ends?


About the Author

Lori enjoys writing stories full of grace and the redemptive power of God’s love that inspire hope, joy, laughter, and perhaps even touch a soul or two to get to know Him better. She resides in Georgetown, Texas, with her husband and two fur-babies and is the mother of one grown daughter. Love’s True Calling is the 2022 winner of the ACFW Genesis Award for Romance.


Book Excerpt

He pulled an electronic tablet from his bag and leaned against the whiteboard spanning the front of the room. His brow furrowed much like she remembered from all those years ago as he scrolled through pages on the tablet.

How could this be happening? After all these years? That of all places, they’d end up in the same classroom at this small Christian university.


He gave the screen a tap. “Let’s take a quick roll so I can put names with faces. Anderson, Kathryn.”

A girl in the first row and four seats over raised her hand. “Kate.”

“Kate.” He grinned, then tapped on the screen. “Got it. Barrett, Cody.”

Harper’s pulse accelerated as he neared the T’s. Had he already seen her name on the roster before coming to class? Was he more prepared for this unexpected reunion than she was?

“Townsend.” He brought the device closer to his face, his jaw falling slack.

Nope. Clearly no time to prepare.

He looked up to scan the room, and when he found her, her breath caught. She didn’t know if it was contacts that made his eyes even more blue than she remembered or his aqua polo shirt with the Dallas Heritage University logo. But that azure gaze communicated with no doubt she was more shock than awe.



Missed Any Excerpts, Go Here


Excerpt One:

Excerpt Two:

Excerpt Four:

Excerpt Five:

Excerpt Six:

Excerpt Seven:




After Anne by Logan Steiner


As a young woman, Maud had dreams bigger than the whole of Prince Edward Island. Her exuberant spirit had always drawn frowns from her grandmother and their neighbors, but she knew she was meant to create, to capture and share the way she saw the world. And the young girl in Maud’s mind became more and more persistent: Here is my story, she said. Here is how my name should be spelled—Anne with an “e.”

But the day Maud writes the first lines of Anne of Green Gables, she gets a visit from the handsome new minister in town, and soon faces a decision: forge her own path as a spinster authoress, or live as a rural minister’s wife, an existence she once likened to “a respectable form of slavery.” The choice she makes alters the course of her life.

With a husband whose religious mania threatens their health and happiness at every turn, the secret darkness that Maud herself holds inside threatens to break through the persona she shows to the world, driving an ever-widening wedge between her public face and private self, and putting her on a path towards a heartbreaking end.

Beautiful and moving, After Anne reveals Maud’s hidden personal challenges while celebrating what was timeless about her life and art—the importance of tenacity and the peaceful refuge found in imagination. 



About The Author

Logan is a lawyer by day and a writer by baby bedtime. Her writing explores motherhood and the creative life—two things she once thought could never happily coexist.

Logan's debut novel AFTER ANNE will be released on May 30, 2023 by HarperCollins. For fans of Anne of Green Gables and fans of complex, creative women, the novel tells the life story of the author Lucy Maud Montgomery. Logan also writes a Substack newsletter called The Motherhood Question.

After graduating from Pomona College and Harvard Law School, Logan clerked for three federal judges, spent six years in Big Law, and served for three years as an Assistant United States Attorney. She now specializes in brief writing at a boutique law firm.

Logan lives in Denver with her husband, daughter, and the cranky old man of the house, a Russian Blue cat named Taggart. 


My Review


This is a read about the life of a woman that shared her gift with the world, and we were all blessed by her.
We meet her in this read as a young woman living with her Grandmother, her own mother died when she was an infant, and her father gave her to her grandparents to raise.
It is good to note that this is a fictional read, and some things have never been proven, and you can take away what you want.
You will find the book flipping on time line, mainly The Birthday! It is a pivotal point in Maud's life, and she makes a decision. While, I don't agree with some of the happenings, it is up to the reader to take what you want from what the author offers.
Life is not always easy, and Maud's life sounds very bleak here! You are left with questions, and I choose to accept that we were blessed by her.
I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher William Morrow, and was not required to give a positive review.

Monday, May 29, 2023

Celebrate Lit Presents: Forgiveness: A Surprising Way Forward Authors: Mark Henderson and Michael Snuffer


About the Book

Book: Forgiveness: A Surprising Way Forward

Authors: Mark Henderson and Michael Snuffer

Genre: Non-fiction; Interpersonal Relations; Religion

Release date: April 13, 2023

WHY AM I SO MISUNDERSTOOD? I am only trying to do what is right! Of course, I forgive, but I can’t seem to get past the pain. God seems distant. Does he even care about me?

Do any of these questions hit close to home? It may surprise you that the underlying cause is often hidden unforgiveness. Our closest relationships, emotional health, and perhaps even our faith seem to be crumbling around us, but most of us have no idea that forgiveness is the way forward. If we are honest, we don’t even know what forgiveness is. We may have a vague idea that it has something to do with “forgetting” or “letting go” but would be hard-pressed to come up with a working definition. Worse yet, we have no idea how to practice forgiveness in a way that brings lasting relief from the hurt we carry. Most of us are not trying to hang on to the pain, but freedom is elusive.

Freedom from your pain is within reach! Forgiveness is not a vague, esoteric concept, nor is it a lofty, out-of-reach ideal. Forgiveness: A Surprising Way Forward digs into the biblical definition of forgiveness, tells real stories of real people who have found healing, clears up some huge misconceptions surrounding forgiveness, and teaches us how topractice forgiveness. If we do not address the wounds of our past, they will shape our future. God has provided a powerful tool to help us find freedom—forgiveness is the surprising way forward!


Click here to get your copy!


About the Authors

Mark Henderson received a Masters of Pastoral Counseling, was a licensed counselor, and served as a pastor of counseling for twenty years.

In Memory of Mark Henderson

Mark David Henderson, co-author of this book, passed away from cancer as this book was being finalized. Mark was a loving husband, father, and friend. He touched lives all over the world through his counseling ministry and often said he had a front row seat to God’s miracles. He always made sure the individual knew it was God’s healing, and Mark was simply the servant. His desire was to take what he learned and share it with others, which is the reason for this book.

Michael Snuffer has ministered as a counselor for more than ten years. Mark and Mike founded Equip2CounselTM, a ministry dedicated to providing simple yet powerful counseling tools globally to ministers.




More from Michael

Challenging relationships, frustration with unfair treatment, bursts of anger, and disconnection from God are persistent problems for individuals who carry burdens from their past. Most are unaware unforgiveness is an underlying cause. Time, by itself, rarely brings healing. Instead, the wounds fester and become more painful. Many feel stuck and see no way forward to joy and peace. For most, forgiveness is the first step to healing.

Modern culture and thinking have muddled the meaning of forgiveness. Most don’t understand what forgiveness is or how to practice it. The result? Relief remains out of reach. Forgiveness is a powerful tool which brings healing and freedom.

Mark and I launched the Equip2Counsel™ ministry to provide powerful counseling tools which bring healing to hurting individuals around the world. We soon realized the limitations of in-person training and began to consider how written materials could extend the reach of these tools. We wrote Forgiveness: A Surprising Way Forward to provide a clear, step-by-step process. We wanted to share the stories of real people who found hope and healing through forgiveness. Whether you are a hurting individual or a counselor helping others, we hope many learn and apply the practice of forgiveness which brings freedom.

Blog Stops

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, May 22

Simple Harvest Reads, May 23 (Author Interview)

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, May 24

For the Love of Literature, May 25 (Author Interview)

Book Butterfly in Dreamland, May 25

An Author’s Take, May 26

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, May 27

Artistic Nobody, May 28 (Author Interview)

Texas Book-aholic, May 29

Guild Master, May 30 (Author Interview)

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, May 31

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, June 1

Blossoms and Blessings, June 2 (Author Interview)

Vibrant Wings by Valerie, June 2

Becca Hope: Book Obsessed, June 3

Locks, Hooks and Books, June 4


To celebrate his tour, Michael is giving away the grand prize package of $50 Amazon gift card and a copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Celebrate Lit Presents: Murmur in the Mudcaves Author: Kathleen Denly


About the Book

Book: Murmur in the Mudcaves

Author: Kathleen Denly

Genre: Christian Historical Romance

Release date: May 16, 2023

He came to cook for ranch hands, not three single women.

Gideon Swift, a visually impaired Civil War Veteran, responds to an ad for a ranch cook in the Southern California desert mountains. He wants nothing more than to forget his past and stay in the kitchen where he can do no harm. But when he arrives to find his employer murdered, the ranch turned to ashes, and three young women struggling to survive in the unforgiving Borrego Desert, he must decide whether his presence protects them or places them in greater danger.

Bridget “Biddie” Davidson finally receives word from her older sister who disappeared with their brother and pa eighteen years prior, but the news is not good. Determined to help her family, Biddie sets out for a remote desert ranch with her adopted father and best friend. Nothing she finds there is as she expected, including the man who came to cook for the shambles of a ranch.

When tragedy strikes, the danger threatens not only her plans to help her sister, but her own dreams for the future—with the man who’s stolen her heart.


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Kathleen Denly lives in sunny Southern California with her loving husband, four young children, and two cats. As a member of the adoption and foster community, children in need are a cause dear to her heart and she finds they make frequent appearances in her stories. When she isn’t writing, researching, or caring for children, Kathleen spends her time reading, visiting historical sites, hiking, and crafting.


More from Kathleen

The Making of a Hero


Picture in your mind the typical male rancher or cowboy. Can you see him? If we’re going for the full stereotype, you’re looking at a tall, handsome man who is, above all, strong. Particularly in the nineteenth century, it takes strength to build a house, install fencing, chop wood, haul water, heft hay bales, and most of all manage cattle. Not to mention the 101 other things it takes to start and keep a ranch running. 


Now consider the aftermath of the American Civil War. Many men never returned from the battlefields, and those who did often returned with injuries that would remain with them the rest of their lives. Some would suffer chronic pain until the day they died. 


In considering whose story I wanted to tell next, I wondered about that last group of men in the context of running a ranch. How could a seriously injured man, suffering chronic pain, keep his ranch going in an era where able-bodied men were more difficult to find? And what about those whose ranches were too new and small to support the cost of hiring help? 


This was the beginning of my inspiration for Gideon Swift–a Civil War Veteran still struggling daily with the consequences of having gone to war, ten years after his injuries sent him home. 


Raised to believe true men were strong and weak men were next-to useless, Gideon’s identity is shattered when an explosion leaves him with brain damage that causes recurring migraines with aura and the loss of periphery vision in one eye. For those unfamiliar, a migraine with aura is a severe headache preceded or accompanied by sensory disturbances called aura. Examples of such disturbances include flashes of light, blind spots, general blurry vision, and blurry or shimmery lines in vision. There can also be speech or language difficulty, muscle weakness, and/or numbness or tingling in one side of a person’s face, one hand, or one limb. Gideon experiences most of these at different times, but his most common sensory disturbance is a curled shimmery line that appears in his vision.


He is further humbled by a series of tragic losses partially triggered by his medical condition. These are the events that send him to California, determined never to work with cattle again, and never to marry.


I am often asked how much of myself I put into my characters. In Gideon’s case, I modeled his pain partially after my own. While I have no peripheral vision loss, nor brain damage, I do have recurring migraines. In my case, these are brought about by my menstrual cycle and only occasionally involve aura symptoms. Still, these severe headaches have lasted from a mere hour, up to nearly a week, and are frequently beyond anything my medications can alleviate. Too often, this pain leaves me unable to function. If I’m lucky I can sleep through it. If not, I lay awake in a darkened room for hours with pain preventing me from drifting into blissful unconsciousness. Nauseousness, foggy thinking, dizziness, and exhaustion are frequently parts of my experience. I have also experienced one-sided tingling numbness and the same curly, shimmering line that Gideon experiences. Yet, I know others who have far worse migraines. So, in describing Gideon’s episodes, I combined my own experiences with those of family and friends whom I have witnessed suffering. 


Through Murmur in the Mud Caves, we see how God works in Gideon’s life and heart to remind him of where his true value and strength come from. It is my hope that his journey will touch the hearts of readers and encourage them in whatever trials they may be facing. We are never alone. Whatever God brings us to, He will bring us through. He loves us and has a good purpose for everything we endure in this life, even when we cannot understand His reasons.

Blog Stops

lakesidelivingsite, May 17

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, May 18

Books You Can Feel Good About, May 18

Texas Book-aholic, May 19

Locks, Hooks and Books, May 20

For Him and My Family, May 20

Melissa’s Bookshelf, May 21

Connie’s History Classroom, May 21

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, May 22

Betti Mace, May 22

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, May 23

Madi’s Musings, May 23

Pause for Tales, May 24

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, May 25

Kristina Hall, May 25

Vicky Sluiter, May 26

Blossoms and Blessings, May 26

Blogging With Carol, May 27

Gina Holder, Author and Blogger, May 28 (Author Interview)

Mary Hake, May 28

Cover Lover Book Review, May 29

Holly’s Book Corner, May 30

Karen Baney Reviews, May 30


To celebrate her tour, Kathleen is giving away the grand prize package of 1 set of beautifully engraved, metal measuring spoons, 1 pouch of “Baking Day” potpourri, 1 Cat and Mouse kitchen timer, 1 vintage wooden sign with Christian encouragement message, 1 Cowboy Hat cookie cutter with recipe for Cowboy Sugar Cookies, 1 Kitchen towel that reads, “This Home is our Happily Ever After”, and 1 Kathleen Denly engraved pen!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Celebrate Lit Presents: A Cry in the Dark Author: Jessica R. Patch


About the Book

Book: A Cry in the Dark

Author: Jessica R. Patch

Genre: Inspirational Psychological Thriller

Release date: February 28, 2023

Deep in the Kentucky hills, three women have been found brutalized and murdered.

But the folks in Night Holler have their own ways and their own laws.

And they’re not talking…

Led to an isolated Appalachian Mountain town by a trail of disturbing murders, FBI special agent Violet Rainwater’s determined to catch a serial killer with a twisted agenda. With locals refusing to reveal their secrets, Violet’s only ally is Detective John Orlando. But even John has an ulterior motive—he’s convinced this case is connected to his wife’s murder.

As they dig deeper, Violet uncovers a link to her own unresolved past. For years she’s worked the cold case of her mother’s abduction, which had led to her birth. The need to look into the eyes of the sinful man who fathered her consumes Violet. Until she can, she’ll never have peace. Because she’s terrified she might be exactly like him.

In this chilling novel, when the present collides with Violet’s mysterious past and John’s tragic loss, they must unravel the warped, sinuous connections before the killer strikes again. But solving the case might not be nearly as terrifying as the possibility that Violet’s finally found her roots…


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Jessica R. Patch is a Publishers Weekly bestselling author known for her dry wit, signatures twists, and complex characters. She loves reading true crime books, discussing cold cases over chips and salsa with her girlfriends, and hunting down serial killers in her romantic suspense novels and psychological thrillers.

Jessica loves to encourage and inspire people to forward living through her Forward Friday Blog posts and through her monthly email newsletter. You can join the Patched In community at her website:

She resides in the Memphis area with her husband, two young adult children, and her spoiled tri-color Shetland Sheepdog. Jessica is represented by Rachel Kent of Books & Such Literary Management.


More from Jessica

A Cry in the Dark can’t be compared to Scooby Doo, but I can thank Scooby Doo for being my first introduction into the world of mystery and all matter of things that go bump in the night. But, in the end, the masks of darkness are always revealed in the light and are exposed. Justice served. This is why I write gritty crime fiction/psychological thrillers outside of my Love Inspired Suspense books.


In Luke 22:53 NLT, they come to arrest Jesus and crucify Him. “Why didn’t you arrest me in the Temple? I was there every day. But this is your moment, the time when the power of darkness reigns.”


Darkness gets one moment. Just one. When they crucify and kill Him. But we know what happens next! Light bursts out of that dark tomb and victory is ours. We’re rescued in darkness from darkness into marvelous light.


In a thriller, darkness gets its moment. I don’t shy away from those tough things. The Bible didn’t shy away from it! We read about a Levite who gave cruel men his concubine which they abused all night until she died, and then he cut her up into parts and sent her to the tribes! God never approves of darkness, nor does He edit it out or sanitize the people. We see the depravity of humans when walking apart from God all through the Bible. And honestly, I’m glad He doesn’t edit out things I’d rather not see or read about. God works in broken people’s lives and through brokenness to accomplish His redemptive purposes. I’m broken. You’re broken. He can use the righteous as well as the wicked. I need to be reminded that without Him, I could fall into those same traps (not cutting up women but… you know) and I need to know that despite my weakness and brokenness, God can and will still use me!


A Cry in the Dark has some violence and darker subject matter (though it is not graphic in real time) because darkness gets a moment…and then hope reaches in, hears the cries in the dark of broken people, and rescues them. And in the end, that’s what this book is about. A great and powerful rescue mission out of darkness and into light!

Blog Stops

The Sacred Line, May 23

Genesis 5020, May 23

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, May 24

Walking Fruitfully, May 24

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, May 25

Betti Mace, May 26

Cover Lover Book Review, May 26

Pause for Tales, May 27

Texas Book-aholic, May 28

For Him and My Family, May 28

Simple Harvest Reads, May 29 (Guest Review from Mindy Houng)

Blogging With Carol, May 30

Blossoms and Blessings, May 30

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, May 31

Splashes of Joy, May 31

Godly Book Reviews, June 1

Paula’s Pad of Inspiration, June 1

Holly’s Book Corner, June 2

Locks, Hooks and Books, June 3

amandainpa, June 3

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, June 4

JESUS in the EVERYDAY, June 4

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, June 5


To celebrate her tour, Jessica is giving away the grand prize package of a $50 Amazon gift card and a signed paperback of Her Darkest Secret!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Friday, May 26, 2023

Celebrate Lit Presents: Forever Yours Author: Annee Jones


About the Book

Book: Forever Yours

Author: Annee Jones

Genre: Christian Contemporary Romance

Release date: January 13, 2023

He’s there on a whim. She’s there to help her aunt. They’re both missing something. Can it be each other?

“Find your Perfect Match this summer at the seaside…” The Forever Yours matchmaking agency is hosting a vacation package week in Seaview, Florida. Taking a break from her busy but unrewarding life in Chicago, Callie Winthrop has come to town to find respite at her beloved Aunt Fran’s bed and breakfast.

When the CEO of Forever Yours – who just happens to be staying at the inn for the event – offers Callie the opportunity to attend the activities and meet the most eligible bachelors in the country, how can she say no?

Jackson Thorne, a successful Tampa contractor, can’t believe the nerve of his brother, who actually thought it was a good idea to sign him up for a matchmaking vacation this summer. Jackson acknowledges, however, that he has been avoiding commitment ever since his last relationship ended in tragedy. Hence it may actually be good for him to start dating again – much as he would hate to admit it. Maybe there’s even a chance he could meet the woman of his dreams this summer?

Warm your heart by reading this sweet clean romance about starting over today! Bonus section with recipes included!


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Annee Jones is an international bestselling author of romance, fantasy, and mystery. She is passionate about writing stories where dreams come true and love wins!

Professionally, Annee works as a disability counselor where she is honored to help her clients navigate through complex medical and legal systems while rediscovering their wholeness in Spirit.

Subscribe to Annee’s newsletter to stay up to date on new releases, sneak peeks, author parties, and exclusive giveaways:


More from Annee

Bonus recipes are included!

This book features a rescue puppy named Peanut Butter!

You will find both recipes and pets in nearly all of my books!  😊

Blog Stops

A Reader’s Brain, May 25 (Author Interview)

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, May 25

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, May 26

Texas Book-aholic, May 27

Beauty in the Binding, May 28 (Author Interview)

Locks, Hooks and Books, May 29

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, May 30

Adventures of a Travelers Wife, May 31 (Author Interview)

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, June 1

debs book review, June 2

Blossoms and Blessings, June 3 (Author Interview)

Simple Harvest Reads, June 4 (Author Interview)

For Him and My Family, June 4

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, June 5

Vicky Sluiter, June 6 (Author Interview)

She Lives to Read, June 7


To celebrate her tour, Annee is giving away the grand prize package of an opportunity to name a character in a future book and a copy of the eBook!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Great Escapes Virtual Book Tours Presents: Copper Waters: A New Zealand Cottage Mystery (Annalisse Series) by Marlene Bell


Copper Waters: A New Zealand Cottage Mystery
(Annalisse Series)
by Marlene Bell

About Copper Waters 

Copper Waters: A New Zealand Cottage Mystery (Annalisse Series)
Cozy Mystery
4th in Series
Setting – New Zealand – South Island
Ewephoric Publishing (October 7, 2022)
Paperback ‏ : ‎ 342 pages
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0999539493
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0999539491
Digital Print Length ‏ : ‎ 280 pages

A rural New Zealand vacation turns poisonous.

Antiquities expert Annalisse Drury and tycoon Alec Zavos are at an impasse in their relationship when Alec refuses to clear up a paternity issue with an ex-lover.

Frustrated with his avoidance when their future is at stake, Annalisse accepts an invitation from an acquaintance to fly to New Zealand—hoping to escape the recent turbulence in her life.

But even Annalisse’s cottage idyll on the family sheep farm isn’t immune to intrigue.

Alec sends a mutual friend and detective, Bill Drake, to follow her, and a local resident who accompanies them from the Christchurch airport dies mysteriously soon after. A second violent death finds Annalisse and Bill at odds with the official investigations.

The local police want to close both cases as quickly as possible—without unearthing the town’s dirty secrets.

As she and Bill pursue their own leads at serious cost, the dual mysteries force Annalisse to question everything she thought she knew about family ties, politics, and the art of small-town betrayal.

About Marlene M. Bell


Marlene M. Bell is an eclectic mystery writer, artist, photographer, and she raises sheep on a ranch in wooded East Texas with her husband, Gregg.

Marlene’s Annalisse series boasts numerous honors including the Independent Press Award for Best Mystery (Spent Identity,) and FAPA— Florida Author’s President’s Gold Award for two other installments, (Stolen Obsession and Scattered Legacy.) Her mysteries with a touch of romantic suspense are found at her websites or at online retail outlets.

She also offers the first of her children’s picture books, Mia and Nattie: One Great Team! Based on true events from the Bell’s ranch. The simple text and illustrations are a touching tribute of compassion and love between a little girl and her lamb.

Author Links

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Twitter:     @ewephoric




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May 25 – Indie Author Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

May 26 – Celticlady’s Reviews – SPOTLIGHT WITH EXCERPT  

May 26 – Ascroft, eh? – AUTHOR INTERVIEW


May 27 – Sapphyria’s Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

May 28 – Cozy Up With Kathy – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

May 29 – Brooke Blogs – SPOTLIGHT

May 29 – Carla Loves To Read – REVIEW, AUTHOR GUEST POST

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