Saturday, June 30, 2018

Plain Discovery (Plainly Maryland #2) by Susan Lantz Simpson

Members of Esther Stauffer’s Southern Maryland Amish community have been struggling to recover from various maladies despite seeking medical care from the substitute doctor who has been filling in for the town's regular physician. Something strange--something potentially deadly--is going on, and Esther aims to find out what it is. If she can't obtain answers from the doctor, she'll simply have to launch her own covert investigation.

On the heels of the trouble with her community, Andrew Fisher has returned to town, and he’s one more thorn in her side, one more aggravation to deal with. She still views him as the mean-spirited boy who teased her mercilessly and who later lied to her, shattering her dreams. She has no intention of allowing him into her life or her heart.

Somehow, though, circumstances make him the only person she can confide in. Because of her concern for her community, she lets down her guard to reveal her suspicions and to trust him with her secret plans. And slowly, old feelings return.

When her amateur sleuthing goes awry, and her own life is endangered, Esther must rely on her quick wits to save herself, her people, and her hope for love.


About The Author

Susan Lantz Simpson has been writing stories and poetry ever since she penned her first poem at the age of six. She has always loved the magic of words and how they can entertain and enlighten others. Her love of words and books led her to earn a degree in English/Education. She has taught students from Prekindergarten to high school and has also worked as an editor for the federal government. She also holds a degree in nursing and has worked in hospitals and in community health. She writes inspirational stories of love and faith and has published a middle-grade novel (Ginger and the Bully). She lives in Maryland and is the mother of two wonderful daughters. She is a member of ACFW and Maryland Christian Writers Group. When she isn’t writing, she enjoys reading, walking, and doing needlework.

  My Review

 Once again, this author has pulled me into her story, and look forward to her next book, she is that good.
We are in a Maryland community of Amish back with some old friends, yes this is the second book in this series, but definitely can be read alone.
We are offered a bit of mystery, scary when I think about it, a bit of romance, danger, and immersion into this caring group of people.
This one will keep you page turning and surprises abound! Enjoy!

I received this book through Net Galley and Vinspire Publishing, and was not required to give a positive review


Thursday, June 28, 2018

A Vast and Gracious Tide by Lisa Cox Carter

A Vast and Gracious Tide Blog and Review Tour
Welcome to the blog tour and giveaway for A Vast and Gracious Tide by Lisa Carter, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!

a vast and gracious tide

Title: A Vast and Gracious Tide
Author: Lisa Carter
Publisher: Gilead
Release Date: June 12, 2018
Genre: Inspirational Romantic Suspense
A wounded veteran and the police chief’s daughter must work together to bring a killer to justice
Caden Wallis lost friends, his girlfriend, and even his leg to the ravages of war. He arrives on the Outer Banks broken and still reeling, struggling to make peace with his new life.
McKenna Dockery has been stuck in limbo since her fiancé died three years ago. Now, when the handsome yet heartbroken Caden arrives at her doorstep, she starts to wonder if there may be hope for her heart after all . . .
But no sooner do they meet than a man is found murdered on McKenna’s property–and Caden is the prime suspect. The two must learn to trust each other, or no one will be safe in the tangled web of conspiracy, greed, and deceit lurking in the tidal marshlands of the Outer Banks.
LINKS: Goodreads | Amazon | B&N | CBD | Book Depository

Award-winning author Lisa Carter describes her Southern suspense novels as “sweet tea with a slice of murder.” She is the bestselling author of seven romantic suspense novels, four historical novellas, and a contemporary Coast Guard series. Lisa enjoys traveling to romantic locales and researching her next exotic adventure. A native North Carolinian, she has strong opinions on barbecue and ACC basketball.
CONNECT WITH LISA: website | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest

AVGT giveaway

Don’t miss your chance to enter this great giveaway prize pack! One winner (US only) will receive:
Print copy of A Vast and Gracious Tide by Lisa Carter
Sea glass jewelry set (see here)
Framed print of Psalm 93:4 (see here)
$65 value
Giveaway will run from midnight June 18, 2018 through 11:59pm July 2, 2018. It is subject to the policies found here.
Enter via the Rafflecopter giveaway below.

My Review

he author has given a story of survival, although there are times when we wonder who will.
A loss of a mother, a fiancé, a comrade, and a canine hero, and more, and the ravages of war bring us to Hatteras Island, a historical suspense that will keep you page turning.
While the story takes place in the present day we are transported back to WWII, and previously unknown facts are presented.
A very interesting story with a bit of romance, and then we are thrown into some murder mystery, along with finding out whom you can really trust.
Loved how the findings worked out for the betterment of all, and you won’t be able to leave this one!

I received this book through Just Read Book Tours, and was not required to give a positive review.

tour schedule
PLUS these reviewers:
Karen Rumba
Kelly Bridgewater
Kim Gradeless
Alice Stanford
Laura Shuck
Patti Stephenson

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

To Catch a Bride (Montana Brides #1.5) by Gina Welborn, Becca Whitham

Montana Brides Romance

Across the vast Montana Territory, dreams have no limits . . . and prayers can be answered in the most unexpected ways.
After the untimely death of her husband, Marilyn Svenson has one option to keep her isolated ranch in Montana Territory: Remarriage. Of the two men in the rough mining town of Helena who fit her criteria for a husband, the charming resale shop owner is her preferred choice. Logically, she proposes.

David Pawlikowski came west to escape past heartbreak. Just when he thinks he’s content, Marilyn shakes up his bachelor life with her innovative spirit and unexpected marriage proposal. As much as David would like to say yes to the beautiful widow, he’s thinks Marilyn would be better off with the town’s dapper new lawyer. But when real danger closes in, only Marilyn can decide whom to keep close to her side forever.


 About The Author

Bestselling author Gina Welborn is a lifetime member of the National Corvette Museum. She is also graduate of the Ron Fellows Performance Driving School at Spring Mountain Motor Resort in Pahrump, Nevada, and she bought fabric (for her mother) at The Quilted Dragon. Should you not be a fan of the premier American Sports Car or of doing sewingy stuff with fabric, know Gina has actual writing credits.

Gina Welborn is the co-author of the new Montana Brides Series (Kensington Publishing). A longtime member of Romance Writers of America, she once served at president of the RWA-FHL chapter. Her manuscripts finaled in numerous contests, including the RWA Golden Heart© and ACFW Genesis. A few of her books are ECPA bestsellers. Gina currently serves on the ACFW Foundation Board, where she helps organize the silent auction which provides scholarships for ACFW members. Find more about her books at!

Becca Whitham (WIT-um): Award-winning author, paper crafter, and Army wife, Becca currently resides in Virginia with her husband of over thirty years and a twelve-foot long craft cabinet she thinks should count as a dependent. So far, neither the army nor the IRS are convinced. In between moves from one part of the country to the other, she writes stories combining faith and fiction that touch the heart. You can find her online at 

My Review

I enjoyed this read, it is quick, and I read it in one sitting, and hated that it ended.
The author presents a story of loss, greed, and new beginnings. Set in the settlement of the Montana Territory and the gold rush. While the land was tamed by man, the roots were put down by woman, and we are show some really strong ones here.
I loved how a pregnant woman had two suitors and how she chose. Hoping for more from this author!

I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Kensington Books, and was not required to give a positive review.

Celebrate Lit Presents: The Love Letter by Rachel Hauck

The Love Letter FB Banner copy

About the Book

The Love Letter

Title: The Love Letter
Author: Rachel Hauck
Release Date: June 12, 2018
Genre: Contemporary
Tour Dates: June 21 – July 4
From the New York Times bestselling author of The Wedding Dress comes a story of long-lost love and its redemption in future generations.
Romance has never been actress Chloe Daschle’s forte—in life or on screen. But everyone knows who to call for a convincing death scene . . . and it might be killing her career.
When Chloe is given a peek at the script for an epic love story, she decides to take her destiny into her own hands and request an audition for the lead female role, Esther Kingsley. The compelling tale, inspired by family lore and a one-page letter from the colonial ancestor of scriptwriter Jesse Gates, just might break her out of this career-crippling rut. Jesse would rather write about romance than live through it after his past relationship ended in disaster. But once on-set together, the chemistry between Jesse and his leading lady is hard to deny.
Centuries earlier, in the heart of the Revolutionary War, Hamilton Lightfoot and Esther Longfellow wrote their saga off the silver screen. Esther’s Loyalist father opposes any relationship with Hamilton, but Esther must face her beloved father’s disapproval and the dangers of war in order to convince Hamilton of their future together. Hamilton has loved Esther for years, and on the eve of battle pens the love letter she’s always wanted—something straight from the heart.
Set in stunning upcountry South Carolina, The Love Letter is a beautifully-crafted story of the courage it takes to face down fear and chase after love, even in the darkest of times. And just maybe, all these generations later, love can come home in a way not even Hollywood could imagine.

Click here to purchase your copy!

About the Author

Rachel Hauck

Rachel Hauck is an award winning, New York Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author.
Her book The Wedding Dress was named Inspirational Novel of the Year by Romantic Times. She is a double RITA finalist, a Christy and Carol Award Winner.
Rachel sits on the Executive Board for American Christian Fiction Writers, and is the comical sidekick to Susan May Warren at the amazing My Book Therapy. She is a worship leader and speaker.
A graduate of Ohio State University with a degree in Journalism, Rachel is a devoted Ohio State football fan. She lives in sunny central Florida with her husband and ornery cat.

Guest Post from Rachel Hauck

I’m always looking for story ideas. My husband does a standard disclaimer when I start drilling into a conversation with questions like:
“Really? So why did you do that?”
“Have you sought help?”
“Was it love at first sight?”
Hubster says, “Warning, anything you say can end up in a book.”

Of course, stories abound! Interesting people abound!

Then again, sometimes ideas just hit out of the blue. A few years ago I had the idea of a young, contemporary couple meeting by “accident” only to learn that their great grandparents were in love but time, life, family, war, or society made their love impossible.

I suppose there are a hundred ways to tell such a story but when it came time to write The Love Letter, I was slightly infatuated with the Poldark series on PBS.

Set in 18th century Cornwall, the story and the characters were so dynamic I had to write my own version of Poldark.

But could I write a split time with a 240 year difference? I mean, they didn’t have electricity or phones in 1780! They didn’t even have a postal system. Letters were carried by traveling friends or family.

What possible conflicts could my historical characters face? What event could be so dark and tragic to keep them apart?

The Revolutionary War created a perfect backdrop for my young lovers.

I set the story in upcountry South Carolina not realizing the battle I chose for the back drop, the Battle of Cowpens, was the inspiration for the movie The Patriot. (A fav movie of mine!)

For the contemporary story, I started with shoes. I mean, doesn’t every thing start with shoes?

“Nice outfit but what shoes are you wearing?”

“You’re going on a date? You need new shoes.”

What we “walk in” can either empower or defeat us. There’s a spiritual metaphor I’ll mediate on for awhile.

However the shoe angle didn’t quite work so the contemporary story ended up in Hollywood with an actor/screenwriter and an actress.

Both worlds—1780 upcountry South Carolina and contemporary Hollywood—were a bit out of my southern bailiwick.

I did a lot of research on the war and the colonial south. Where I couldn’t find details, I filled in with my imagination.

As for Hollywood, I talked with a screenwriter friend, read books, watched interviews, and then, you know, made the rest up. Don’t you know I eventually ended up on a movie set—Once Upon A Prince—four days after I finished reading the galley proofs for The Love Letter!

One of the hardest parts of the story was the actual love letter. What did it say? Who wrote it and why? Was there more than one? No, only one. But why only one?
I must have written and rewritten the letter five different ways to Sunday before I settled on the magical one.

During the course of the book, I realized I’d never written a love letter. Have you?

I’ve written sentiments to my husband on an anniversary or birthday card. I speak my love and affection out loud all the time. But a bonafide love letter?

A love letter is it’s own art form. They range from sickly sweet with a lot of “darlings” and “sweethearts” to Shakespearean sonnets.

There’s a vulnerability that comes with writing a love letter. Putting one’s heart on the page creates a new level of commitment with your affections.
Will the reader receive your words? Will the reader respond in kind?
It’s fascinating to consider the purpose of a love letter. Have we lost something intrinsic to the human heart with our instant texting and email society.

Can you imagine Romeo texting to Juliet in 2018?
Saw you at your window. You looked hot.
Doesn’t quite have the same ring as: “But soft! what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east and Juliet is the sun.”
Scripture is a continuous love letter. “For God so loved the world—”
Whether you write love letters or poems, or quick texts, or put XO’s on cards to loved ones, write a love letter this month.
Write one to yourself, to Jesus, a spouse, child, parent, friend, foe—
See how it will bless your heart! Off to write my love letter…

Blog Stops

Among the Reads, June 21
The Avid Reader, June 21
Genesis 5020, June 21
ansel book blog, June 22
C Jane Read, June 24
By The Book, June 25
Carpe Diem, June 26
Mommynificent , June 27
Radiant Light, June 28
Novels corner, June 29
Bigreadersite, June 29
Pause for Tales, June 30
Splashes of Joy, June 30
Remembrancy, July 2
amandainpa, July 2


To celebrate her tour, Rachel is giving away
Grand prize of a Kindle Fire 7
Semi-Grand prize of a book basket
2nd – 4th place prize of a copy of The Love Letter!!

My Review


I loved how the author’s mind worked as she wrote this story, a love story that spans centuries, and six times greats.
We are spending time in the fight for America’s Independence the 1700’s and then we are in modern day Hollywood and making movies.
We are shown that love can have its problems, especially if is a one-way affair, but we are also shown God’s hand in the lives of these individuals and forgiveness.
Wait until you see how it is possible for a love of 1780 to come to a conclusion in 2018, Rachel Hauk has successfully melded these two-time periods into a tale that will stay with you long after the last page is turned.

I received this book through Celebrate Lit, and was not required to give a positive review.

Portrait of a Sister by Laura Bradford

Katie Beiler was always the follower to her twin sister Hannah’s lead. That is until Hannah left their Amish upbringing for an English life—leaving Katie to find her own footing in a world that no longer looks as it once did . . .

Katie has always imagined her life being just like Mamm’s. It’s why she chose baptism and why she’ll soon marry Abram Zook. But ever since Hannah left, the only thing that truly makes Katie smile is the sketchpad in which she indulges her talent for drawing faces—a sin that, if discovered, could get her shunned by her family, her friends, and even Abram. Yet Katie sees her secret pastime as the only way to quiet a growing restlessness she’d just as soon ignore. That is until their Mamm’s untimely death brings Hannah back home to Pennsylvania, with a new outlook on life, a man she adores, and, soon, an invitation for Katie to visit her in New York City.

Suddenly, Katie is experiencing a freedom she’s never had, in a world she never imagined. She’s also spending time in the company of a fellow dreamer, someone who sees her as strong and brave and makes her laugh. But it’s when Hannah shows Katie’s drawings to a gallery owner that she truly finds herself at a crossroads between the only life she’s ever known and the powerful lure of an unfamiliar future.


About The Author

While spending a rainy afternoon at a friend's house nearly forty years ago, Laura Bradford fell in love with writing over a stack of blank paper, a box of crayons, and a freshly sharpened number two pencil.

Those early attempts at the craft had her writing and illustrating stories for young children. Wise beyond her years, Laura saved her first writing attempt in a hand decorated shoe box (complete with sparkly stickers) and moved on to her next idea. Her second book—O’Casey’s Wish—was so utterly brilliant, she sent it off to a well-known New York publishing house at the tender age of ten, confident she was on the verge of becoming the next Don Freeman (Corduroy) or Shel Silverstein (Giving Tree).

Months later, she received her first form letter rejection.

While she wasn’t of the mindset to save that first crushing blow for posterity, Laura did save the original copy of this particular literary masterpiece in the event the letter was a mistake.

Desperate to prove her flexibility as a writer, Laura soon found herself dabbling in jokes (for her Girl Scout troop’s newsletter), stories of angst (a somewhat autobiographical look at her teenage years), movie reviews (for the Xavier University Newswire), and countless news and feature articles (for newspapers in CT, SC, TN, and MO).

It wasn’t until Laura was home raising children of her own though, that she was finally able to dust off that rainy day dream and bring it back to its original form—writing fiction. Today, she is a bestselling mystery author with Berkley Prime Crime (Penguin Publishing), and an award winning romance author with Harlequin American. She lives in New York with her family.

Oh, and if you meet Laura at a book event in the future, ask her about O’Casey’s Wish. It tends to travel with her everywhere she goes.


My Review

The author kept me guess throughout the read as to whether our Amish girl Katie will stay in her community and give up her heart’s desire. Her twin has already left the home and you wonder if she will join her, especially when she is given a taste of living English.
I love how we are shown what is really important and are we ready to grasp ahold and cling to what we think we want.
There are some surprises here some very sad happenings, and I loved how the family seems to pull together when needed.

I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Kensington, and was not required to give a positive review.


Kappy King and the Pickle Kaper (An Amish Mystery #2) by Amy Lillard

Kathryn "Kappy" King is happy being a plain-spoken unmarried odd-woman-out in her Pennsylvania Amish hometown. Her talent is making the special kapps local women use to cover their hair. But her skill at uncovering trouble in this quiet valley is about to be truly tested . . .

At first, young Sally June Esh's tragic death doesn't look like murder. Even in peaceful Blue Sky, collisions between buggies and Englisch cars aren't unheard of. Still, the Eshes are skilled drivers used to delivering their popular pickles for miles around. And after Kappy notices Sally's buggy was deliberately run off the road, her ex-Amish friend Edie gets strange texts saying the crash was no accident . . .

Kappy won't let her community's silence keep justice from being done. And even though a still-shunned Edie thinks of moving back to the city, she and Kappy start rooting out secrets about the Eshes' long-time neighbors--and new pickle-producing rivals. But when they learn that Sally's brother is secretly courting an Englisch girl, their investigation takes a disturbing turn.


About The Author

I'm a wife, mother, and bona fide Southern belle. Published author, expert corn bread maker, and Squirrel Princess.

I live in Tulsa, though I was born in Mississippi. I moved to the Sooner State when I was seventeen and met my soul mate and best friend not long after. I've retained a little of my Mississippi accent though most people think I'm from Texas. (?) Rob and I have been married for over twenty years and have a son--a mom proclaimed prodigy, of course!

I love homemade tacos, nail polish, and romance novels--not necessarily in that order. I'm a big fan of country music, a staunch proponent of saving the Oxford comma, and I'm shamefully obsessed with all things Harry Potter.

I believe that God is love. I guess that's why I adore romances.

I have always been intrigued with the Amish culture, their gentle ways and slower-paced lifestyle. (And I love, love, love the fact that they stay married for their lifetime.) But until recently I never thought to blend this interest with my penchant for romance. Okay, okay, I'm a bit old-fashioned and even enjoy the gender roles that are present in this culture. I love to cook and take care of my family. Yes, that's me June Cleaver with a laptop.


My Review

One of those book that you can’t wait to read, but don’t know if you want to because then it will be done, but I couldn’t resist. Yes, this is the second book in this series and it can be read alone, enough information is provided, but you will miss out on a previously delightful book.
There is a sad part of this book, but most of it is full of chuckles, and becomes a quick page turner. We have two individual, one Amish, but considered a bit odd by the community, and the other an eclectic fence jumper, that came back to take care of her handicapped brother.
We get to watch, read, these two as they go about with their detective work of trying to solve a murder. Surprises and chuckles abound here, and I want more, and yes, I have to wait until December, but there is another coming!

I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Kensington, and was not required to give a positive review.

#UnforgettableLove – Elizabeth Johns

Moon and Stars by Elizabeth Johns
Lady Charlotte Stanton was officially on the shelf. Her first offer to be a chaperone had sealed her fate at the advanced age of eight-and-twenty. Yet, one magical evening a mysterious gentleman took pity on her and danced with her clandestinely under the stars. He refused to tell her who he was—other than unsuitable. It has ruined her peaceful existence as an aging spinster.
Sir David Douglas, known to many as Captain Deuce the infamous smuggler, regardless of having changed his ways and made his fortune away in the Indies. His past was destined to follow him forever. Despite helping bring down a high level smuggling ring, the King wants him to do more to earn his pardon. Reluctantly, he is forced back into the dark trade of smuggling once again.
As Sir David struggles to gain his freedom, Lady Charlotte tries to unravel his mystery and help him. But will she find her happily ever after or will she be caught up in the sins of his past?

“Sometimes I think I have more in common with the moon and the stars than Polite Society,” a deep, baritone voice said from behind her, as if the man had heard her thoughts.
Charlotte managed not to flinch. She was unused to anyone seeking her company in dark places.
“Yes, I was brought up amongst the ton, yet it is not often comfortable,” she replied, still looking at the night sky.
“That is the last word I would use for it,” he said as he came to stand next to her. He was so close she felt warmth radiating from him and smelt his scent of spice and pine. She was afraid to turn and look. She did not wish to ruin the moment with reality, yet the arm of his coat appeared to be well made, and his hands appeared to be strong.
They stood there in silent kinship, listening to the sounds of laughter and dancing coming from the ballroom.
“Would you care to dance?”
Charlotte did not answer. This man must be someone new in Town, someone who knew not who she was, or could not see her clearly in the moonlight. What did it matter? It was only a dance. One dance would change nothing.
She held her hand out to him and finally allowed herself to look up.
“Have we been introduced?” she asked, annoyed at her inanity. She had never before seen this man, of that she was certain.
His light grey eyes twinkled in the moonlight, and they were looking at her—her!—flirtatiously. Crinkles formed at the edges of his eyes, indicating an experience and maturity that made him more handsome when he smiled. It was devilish cruel that men became more striking with age.
“You know very well we have not,” he answered.
He pulled her close—too close—and began to twirl her around. The moment was too intimate for mere words. Charlotte felt light and dainty for the first time ever as this man spun her in his arms. She must be dreaming. It was a heady, delicious feeling as her pulse raced and her insides quivered.
When the music ceased, they stood there still, retaining the position of the dance as their breathing slowed. Charlotte grew self-conscious as the man studied her.
“Am I to know your name?” she whispered.
He took her hand and brought it to his lips, sending shivers through her.
“Some things are better left unspoken, my lady.”

“I loved everything about this story. Every woman needs to meet a man who wants her just the way she is. Despite the struggles and self doubt, despite the familial opposition, despite the outside forces and ever present danger from sinister forces – our dear couple finally triumphs.”
“Elizabeth Johns writes lovely, intricate Regency tales filled with angst, longing, tragedy and triumph. She does not pander with superfluous and gratuitous sex scenes. Yet her stories are romantic and satisfying. I highly recommend this series and all of Johns’ books if you want to be transported and escape this time period to the land of happily ever after. I cannot wait for the next one!”

Author Elizabeth Johns
National bestselling author Elizabeth Johns was first an avid reader, though she was a reluctant convert. It was Jane Austen’s clever wit and unique turn of phrase that hooked Johns when she was “forced” to read Pride and Prejudice for a school assignment. She began writing when she ran out of her favorite author’s books and decided to try her hand at crafting a Regency romance novel. Her journey into publishing began with the release of Surrender the Past, book one of the Loring-Abbott Series. Johns makes no pretensions to Austen’s wit but hopes readers will perhaps laugh and find some enjoyment in her writing.
Johns attributes much of her inspiration to her mother, a retired English teacher. During their last summer together, Johns would sit on the porch swing and read her stories to her mother, who encouraged her to continue writing. Busy with multiple careers, including a professional job in the medical field, author and mother of small children, Johns squeezes in time for reading whenever possible.

Through the FireMelting the IceWith the WindOut of the DarknessRay of Light: Traditional Regency Romance
After the RainSurrender the PastSeasons of ChangeSeeking RedemptionShadows of Doubt

Giveaway Details
Ends 7/15/18
Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use money sent via Paypal or gift codes via Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. This giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

 a Rafflecopter giveaway

Celebrate Lit Presents: Have You Heard from God Lately? 30 Messages from Heaven to You Author: Keon Lindsey

  About the Book Book:  Have You Heard from God Lately? 30 Messages from Heaven to You Author: Keon Lindsey Genre: Bible Stud...