Monday, February 28, 2011

Sisterchicks In Wooden Shoes by Robin Jones Gunn

When Summer receives a report that a medical test needs to be redone as it was abnormal, she panics. Within a short period of time has made and confirmed reservations to Holland to see her friend Noelle. Although they had never met they had been friends for years as pen pals.
What a delightful trip! I wanted to be there with them, and I could just picture the things that went on! Summer driving in a strange country, teaching the birds English, riding in the boat! I would love to go to the Ten Boom's home. I learned things about the Churches in Holland and what happened to them during the Reformation that I had never known.
I would highly recommend this book to anyone who want a delightful read. Am so glad that I agreed to read it!
The book was provided for me by the publisher, I was not required to give a good review nor was I compensated.

Lilly's Wedding Quilt by Kelly Long

This is the story of the right people finding Love. What starts out as a wedding for Jacob' Wyse's unrequited love to Sarah King and Grant Williams. He and Lilly Lapp are thrown together in the middle of a bad rain storm. They end up together while Lilly tries to protect Jacob, and Jacob defends her honor. Lilly is the local school teacher and Jacob runs a Horse farm with his family. I loved the interaction between Jacob and his brother Seth….whom according to Jacob is a "tortured soul!"
Lilly has her hands full with teaching and taking care of her depressed Mom. In the end all will need to trust the Lord to go on with their lives and begin their new ones!
I enjoyed this story, and the only problem I had was with the sex implications.
I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys Amish Fiction.
I was provided with a copy of this book by the publisher, I was not required to give a positive review, I was also not give any further compensation.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Journey, Kentucky Brothers Series #1 by Wanda E. Brunstetter

The Journey is the start of a new series...Kentucky Brothers, it is a spin off from the Daughter's of Lancaster County Series.
Titius is a twin and his brother Timothy has already settled down with a wife and a young daughter. He also has chosen his career path. While Titus is floundering in a relationship that has just broken up with his girl choosing to go to California rather than join the Church. When an opportunity in the form of a friend of his brother comes along, Titus decides to go to Kentucky with Allen and start his own life. He will be leaving his big extended family and the only life he has even know. He is also leaving his identical twin.
Suzanne Yoder lives with her Mother, brothers, sister and her Grandfather on a farm in Kentucky. Her Grandfather owns a Woodworking shop and her brother Nelson is learning to take it over. Suzanne loves working with wood, and would rather fish than cook...she is a horrible cook...just what every man wants in a woman!
When Titus meets Suzanne she resembles his lost love Phoebe and he takes a dislike to her. As you follow along with the story you will have some very sad, moving moments, and some really laugh out loud times. The trust in the Lord is seen in both families is very inspirational. This is a wonderful story, and I can't wait for the next book in the series.
This book was provided by the publisher, I was not required to give a good evaluation, the opinions are my own and no further compensation was received.

Monday, February 21, 2011

A Time To Heal - Quilts of Lancaster County Series #2 by Barbara Cameron

Christopher Marshall has recently been released from the hospital. He was injured in a roadside bomb attack in Afghanistan and spent 11 months recuperating. While he was in the hospital he had met Jenny and after corresponding with her decides to visit her Amish home. He is able to find the peace he has been looking for among the Plain people. He meets Hannah Matthew's sister and an attraction ensues.
Hannah longs for a family of her own. After Matthew's wife dies, she fills in and loves the role of taking care of the three children and being a Mom. Things change after Matthew and Jenny marry and she returns to just being an Aunt.
You will love the warm feeling of family and the interaction of the adults and the children. I would recommend this book to anyone who loves a sweet Amish family story. You will find out a lot about forgiveness!
I received a review copy from the Publisher, I was not required to give a positive review. No further compensation was received, and the opinions are my own!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Amish Hearts by Beth Wiseman, Kathleen Fuller and Kelly Long

This is my kind of book! I loved it and never wanted it to end! The three stories take place in the same Amish community and some of the characters appear in the other stories. The book is written by three great Amish story tellers, Beth Wiseman, Kathleen Fuller and Kelly Long.
The first is about a hurting girl who tricks an newly baptized Amishman into marriage. Loved how this story unfolded and how love and forgiveness abounds.
The second story is about a tragic accident and death. Again this book has a lot to do about forgiveness and dealing with a handicap. You will love how Ellie deals with her blindness. Will love prevail?
The last story is Naaman and Lavina and a lot of forgiveness! Naaman has returned home after abandoning his family for almost a year. Some of his children forgive easily while the others are not ready. You will love how Naaman tries to win back Lavina...dates, notes and even kite flying!
As I said I didn't want this book to end, want to go along with their lives. I also loved the recipes that were included in this book!
I received a copy of this book from the publisher for review. I was not required to give a complementary review, nor was I compensated. The opinions express are my own.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Rugged and Relentless, Husbands for Hire Series #1 by Kelly Hake

Product Description
When three landowning women put an ad in the paper expressing their desire for healthy, hard-working husbands-for-hire to help them set up and run a sawmill, they never dreamed their tiny town would be overflowing with proposals from bachelors who responded promptly...and in person! Out of this logjam of potential suitors, which one will Evelyn Thompson choose? Jacob Granger trails his brother's murderer to Hope Falls where, to keep his true intentions secret, Jacob pretends to court Miss Evelyn Thompson. Will this lumberjack-turned-bounty-hunter find himself falling for the enterprising female?
This book was delightful. I loved the banter that went on between the woman and the men. Also the dialogue between the four woman kept me giggling. This is a twist on the mail order brides, with the woman advertising for men. When the men see the advertisement they are expecting ugly woman, but these girls are far from that. Can you imagine going where there 5 men for each woman? The book has murder, romance, and the Wild West thrown in. Can't wait for the next books in this series and finish the romance of the other 3 woman!
I received a copy of this book from the publisher and was not compensated or expected to give a positive review. The opinions are my own.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Digitalis by Ronie Kendig

This book is a quick pace grip the edge of your seat book. I enjoyed the romantic suspense, you never knew what was going to happen next! If you enjoy shows like the Unit or maybe NCIS this is your book! You want to plan on having extra time, because this book is hard to put down.

Product Description

Step into the boots of a former Marine in this heart-pounding adventure in life and love. Colton “Cowboy” Neeley is a Marine trying to find his footing as he battles flashbacks now that he’s back home. Piper Blum is a woman in hiding—from life and the assassins bent on destroying her family. When their hearts collide, more than their lives are at stake. Will Colton find a way to forgive Piper’s lies? Can Piper find a way to rescue her father, trapped in Israel? Is there any way their love, founded on her lies, can survive?

I won a copy of this book, the opinions are my own!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Grace by Shelley Shepard Gray

Loved this book, it was like visiting with old friends and getting caught up on their lives. I have followed the people in this book through 3 previous books and it was great fun meeting up with them again. The main story in this book is about Levi and Melody and the pain they have experienced in their lives. The story is about Levi trying to forgive himself, and Melody who is about to deliver a baby and deal with rape. I enjoyed the interaction of Grace and Forgiveness and Love!
Product Description

It's never too late to go home

It's Christmastime at the Brenneman Bed and Breakfast, and everyone is excited about closing down for the holidays. But when two unexpected visitors appear seeking shelter, the family's commitment to hospitality is tested. First Levi arrives, sullen and angry . . . but insisting on staying for five days. Next Melody shows up. She's almost nine months pregnant, but won't say a word about why she traveled all the way from Kentucky by herself. As the two strangers settle in, the Brennemans try to make the best of an uncomfortable situation, except for Katie, who and knows a thing or two about keeping secrets. She is determined to learn the truth about these two strangers . . . all while keeping her own secret safely hidden away.

All is revealed when a snowstorm traps them at the inn.
I won this book in a giveaway, the opinions are my own.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Curiosities of the Civil War by Webb Garrison

This books offers a look into the Civil War with unknown facts. It is divided into nine chapters and starts with an Introduction "Every Aspect of the War Produced Its Own Crop of Curiosities."
You will be able to wow people with these was that horses were more valuable than people. When battle started the officers hid behind trees to save the animals...while the soldiers went ahead into battle.
I found it interesting that some of the wives followed their husbands into battle. They provided them with home cooked meals, and even followed then to prison...can you imagine that happening today? Another remarkable face is that a Confederate prisoner who becomes a Supreme Court Justice.
I enjoyed this book and would recommended it!

I was provided with a free copy of this book by BookSneeze in exchange for my honest review!

Monday, February 14, 2011

One Imperfect Christmas by Myra Johnson

This is not your normal Christmas Story. What should have been a happy family celebration ends up with the possibility of tearing a family apart. This is a story about personal forgiveness and family "Love". We have all been forgiven by accepting God's Grace, but this book shows how hard it is to forgive yourself! I did enjoy this book and would recommend it, and found it to be a good and quick read.
Product Description
Graphic designer Natalie Pearce faces the most difficult Christmas of her life. For almost a year, her mother has lain in a nursing home, the victim of a massive stroke, and Natalie blames herself for not being there when it happened. Worse, she’s allowed the monstrous load of guilt to drive a wedge between her and everyone she loves—most of all her husband Daniel. Her marriage is on the verge of dissolving, her prayer life is suffering, and she’s one Christmas away from hitting rock bottom.

Junior-high basketball coach Daniel Pearce is at his wit’s end. Nothing he’s done has been able to break through the wall Natalie has erected between them. And their daughter Lissa’s adolescent rebellion isn’t helping matters. As Daniel’s hope reaches its lowest ebb, he wonders if this Christmas will spell the end of his marriage and the loss of everything he holds dear.
I won a copy of this book, the opinions expressed are my own.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

A Rose Revealed by Gayle Roper

A Rose Revealed is the final book in the Amish Farm Trilogy. You feel like you really know the Zook family and friends. This book is Rose Martin's and Jake Zook's romance. Forgiveness is one of the main themes in this story. Accepting the Lord's forgiveness doesn't seem to be as big a problem as much as forgiving themselves for their demons. I enjoyed this book and loved the epilogue that let me knew what happened 3 years down the road!

Product Description

Readers who have loved Gayle Roper’s first two books in the charming Amish Farm series will be delighted with the concluding book, A Rose Revealed.

Rose Martin became a nurse because she wanted to help people in pain. And she has come to realize that part of being a nurse means encountering death. But death by natural causes….not by murder. So when cancer-stricken Sophie Hostetter is murdered, Rose begins asking questions. Soon she’s drawn into a maze of family secrets that endanger her own life. Her growing attraction to Amish-raised Jake Zook further complicates her life. His resentment toward her is puzzling—after all, she helped save his life. Why will he not allow her to share that life now?

Readers who love an Amish setting, mystery, and romance will be turning the pages until the satisfying conclusion.

I purchased this book and the opinions are my own.

The Dragon and the Turtle Go On Safari by Donita K. Paul and Evangeline Denmark

This book kept the attention of my 3 and 5 year olds. They were chuckling with the dialogue and antics. The books has some good messages..."Proper adventurer's always say please". The graphics in this book are almost like paintings, which I loved! We again discussed the book at breakfast and the kids were both telling what they liked. All in all it is a nice Children's book that will be read again!

Product Description
“Padraig, my friend, it is time for us to be courageous.”

Padraig the dragon and his best friend, Roger the turtle are determined to spend the whole night outside. As brave explorers at the base of Mount Sillymanborrow, the boys use their imaginations to have fun while munching on crunchy baked bugs and toasting s’mores over their campfire. But when the sky gets dark and the sounds of strange animals fill the forest outside their tent, their safari gets scary. This adventure is just what the boys need to discover that the dark might be frightening, but their friendship is stronger than fear.
I was provided with a free copy of this book by the publisher, the opinions are my own.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Unwilling Warrior by Andrea Boeshaar

At first I almost didn't read this book, what a mistake that would have been. I Loved it! It was a real page turner and a fast read. Interesting tidbits of the Civil War are included in this book.
It has it all History, Romance, Murder, and through it all a Love of the Lord.
I also loved that there is an epilogue in this book, something I wish more books had that don't have a sequel!

Product Description
The War Between the States has Valerie Fontaine frightened about her future. She never suspects she'll be thrust into the middle of it. Benjamin McCabe's got a noble dream of photographing the Civil War - and he never expected to fall in love with a New Orleans socialite.

When Valerie's father is arrested on charges of treason, Ben secures a way for her to leave the city and travel to his family's home in Jericho Junction, Missouri where she'll be safe.Can Valerie adjust to life on the prairie and remain true to her promise to wait for Ben no matter what the cost?

The opinion I have expressed are my own!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Love Finds You In Hershey Pennsylvania by Cerella D. Sechrist

Sadie has been through a lot of heart ache in her life. She has had a missing Dad all her life. When she falls in love, her husband dies right after her baby is born. She moves home and loses her Mom to cancer.
She starts relying only on herself and is afraid to trust.
I loved the interaction between Jasper and Kylie! So funny! What patience Jasper has! Watch out for the volcano's!
This book will make you happy and sad...and a lot of flying desserts! I would recommend this book to anyone who wants a sweet read!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Plain Wisdom by Cindy Woodsmall and Miriam Flaud

I really "Loved" this book. I felt like I was sitting down with two of my best friends. A very warm feeling of sharing with those who would understand our hurts and the Love of God. Two different world and yet not so different. It was a very hard book to put down, you become so absorbed in each of their lives!
I quickly turned and cheated and went through the yummy recipes! Know there are some new and great things coming from my stove and oven.

Two friends from different worlds—one Old Order Amish, one Englischer—share the truths that bring them together.

Best-selling novelist Cindy Woodsmall might seem to have little in common with Miriam Flaud, a woman immersed in the culture of Old Order Amish. But with nine children and almost 60 years of marriage between them, Cindy and Miriam both have found the secrets to facing life with strength and grace. Whether enduring financial setbacks, celebrating new babies and times of prosperity, grieving the crushing losses in the deaths of family and friends, or facing disappointments with their respective communities—through it all they find guidance for each day by looking to God.

With poignant recollections, unexpected insights, and humorous tales, the two women welcome you into their unique friendship. You’ll also gain a rare glimpse into the traditions and ways of the Amish as Miriam recalls special occasions and shares family recipes throughout the book.

Plain Wisdom is a heartwarming celebration of God, womanhood, and the search for beauty that unites us all. So grab your cup and your quilt and settle in for a soul-comforting read with Plain Wisdom. I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review, the opinions are my own.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

When Sparrows Fall by Meg Moseley

This was a great read about a woman fighting to regain a normal life. The Children are delightful, well mannered and a little mischievous.
Miranda surely was oppressed and has faced hardships in her life. Her husband was killed just before her last child was born. Her Church was there for her, or were they? She does have the help of her Lord, and he does answer her prayers!
I enjoyed this read and it went quite fast, and I didn't expect the ending.
Freedom. Safety. Love. Miranda vows to reclaim them--for herself, and for her children.
A widow and mother of six, Miranda Hanford leads a quiet, private life. When the pastor of her close-knit church announces his plans to move the entire congregation to another state, Miranda jumps at the opportunity to dissolve ties with Mason Chandler and his controlling brand of “shepherding.” But then Mason threatens to unearth secrets only he knows, and Miranda feels trapped, terrified she’ll be unable to protect her children.
University professor Jack Hanford is more than surprised when he gets a call from his estranged sister-in-law’s oldest son, Timothy, informing him that Miranda has taken a serious fall and he has been named legal guardian of her children while she recovers. Quickly charmed by Miranda’s children, Jack brings some much-needed life into the sheltered household. But his constant challenging of the family’s conservative lifestyle makes the recovering mother uneasy and defensive—despite Jack’s unnerving appeal.
As Jack tries to make sense of the mysterious Miranda and the secrets she holds so tightly, Mason’s pressure on her increases. With her emotions stirring and freedom calling, can Miranda find a way to unshackle her family without losing everything?
I was provided with a copy of the book by the publisher, the opinions are my own.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Adventures Boogabooga Land

I watched this video with my two Grandson's ages 3 and 5. The colors are very vibrant and they liked the antics of the Giraffe Gerard and the Monkey Marty. While the message kind of went over their heads, they asked to see it again. I think if I can interest them as they get older the messages will come through. The 5 year old asked me why they were wearing disguises when they were the only animals there? Good observation. I laughed when the bad people were sent to the Isle of Lostasouls!

Publisher's Description
Based on the parables of Jesus, join Marty the monkey and Gerard the giraffe as they bungle their way through the paradise of Booga Booga Land inadvertently learning lessons that Jesus taught many years ago.

Good Gimbo! Marty the monkey and Gerard the giraffe are back again with more exciting adventures, as they head out to recover treasure and save the day by catching the chocolate cake recipe thief. With another exciting episode, the parables of Jesus are presented in a clear, challenging, and engaging way that the whole family will enjoy. Follow Marty and Gerard as they become employees for 10,000 jobs.

Episodes include:

* Squid Sushi Loses His Marbles (The Valuable Pearl - Matt 13:45-46)
* Wally the Waitor (The Weeds - Matt 13:24-30)
* The Flaming Monkey (The Wedding Banquet - Matt 22:2-14)

I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Teaser Tuesday ~ When Sparrows Fall by Meg Moseley

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

* Grab your current read
* Open to a random page
* Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
* BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
* Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

A sob caught her in the ribs like a giant's fist. She felt as if she'd been in a fight, pounded by some merciless bully.

A Place of Abundance by Julie Bell

'Look!' a voice in the train car rang out. Richard looked out the window to see five horses riding alongside the train. Oh God, Richard inwardly cried. What are we going to do? Richard heard the sound of guns fired and slid his eyes shut. His last thought was of home. Three years later, eighteen-year-old Alicia Barnes is still dealing with the death of her father. When she suddenly loses her mother in an unfortunate accident, Alicia is devastated and promises to never trust God again. She decides to start a new life in a new town as a schoolteacher. There she meets Caleb Carter, a young ranch owner whose parents were killed three years ago. As Alicia begins to make friends with Caleb and his younger sister, Claire, she wonders how a loving God could allow terrible things to happen to good people. Then, an unwelcome band of outlaws appear in town, and Alicia is faced with two choices..holding on to a bitter heart or accepting the peace of forgiveness. Will Alicia learn to trust God and allow him to bring her to A Place of Abundance?

What a great read, I had a very hard time putting down. It will warm your heart and have you wishing for miracles. You can see the Lord's hand in everything that happens. Love the Scriptures that went along with the dialogue. This book has it all, train robbery, kidnapping, repentance! Love it!
These opinions are my own, I won a copy of this book.

Celebrate Lit Presents: Have You Heard from God Lately? 30 Messages from Heaven to You Author: Keon Lindsey

  About the Book Book:  Have You Heard from God Lately? 30 Messages from Heaven to You Author: Keon Lindsey Genre: Bible Stud...