Friday, November 30, 2012

"Christmas Books" Giveaway Hop December 1st to 7th Hosted by I Am A Reader, Not A Writer & Laurie Here

Robert Reed gave his life for his country in the early days of World War II. His sacrifice was honored when his widow and son were presented with the Congressional Medal of Honor. Each Christmas the final decoration Madge Reed hangs on the family s tree is that medal. Rather than being a symbol of honor for young Jimmy Reed that shining star represents loss, pain, and suffering. Yet a letter delivered by one of Robert s fellow soldiers and a mystery posed in that letter put a father s sacrifice and faith into perspective and bring new meaning to not just the star hanging on the Christmas tree but the events of the very first Christmas. Then, when least expected, a Christmas miracle turns a final bit of holiday sadness into a joy that Jimmy has never known.

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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

#Giveaway: Call the Midwife #DVD

#Giveaway: Call the Midwife #DVD

The DVD, offered by BBC Home Entertainment, was released in November. The suggested price for the two disc DVD is $34.98 and $39.98 Blu-Ray. Right now, Amazon is offering it for just $22.99 and $27.99.

Or maybe you want to try to win your own copy of Call the Midwife: Season One. BBC has generously offered two of my lucky readers their own copy of the video. Just enter the easy Rafflecopter giveaway below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Pump Your Book Virtual Tours Presents: Euthanasia by Mack Mulluncey

When Alex left the clinic that day, she thought she could move on from the rape that left her pregnant and the agonizing decision to have an abortion. That is, until the child she thought she left behind contacts her. Terrorized by mysterious phone calls and guilt, Alex feels her sanity slipping away as she becomes convinced that she must find the man who brutalized her to make a family for her dead daughter.

Anti-abortion crusader Tobin Bartell wouldn’t have it any other way. As The Leader of The Movement, when he’s not organizing protests or giving speeches, he’s orchestrating a campaign of harassment against women like Alex…and plotting to kill the local abortion doctor.

And Tobin has no shortage of candidates for the job: Paige wants money, Courtney wants love, Derek wants to belong. Tobin just wants it done…and it doesn’t matter to him who does it.

Life. Death. Murder. It’s all the same to them.

ABOUT AUTHOR MACK MULLUNCEY Mack Mulluncey considered writing a traditional bio, then she remembered no one really cares. You can visit her at:

My Review:
Tobin to me is one sick individual, and has a really high self-importance. Makes me think of the protestors at soldiers funerals. This books deals with the dark subject of abortion. Tobin is the head of the movement, and acts like a god, but is actually one sick individual.
I became really upset with the way he treated the woman who had the abortions...and most of the young workers realize really soon what he is about and quit.
This book deals with some very tough dark subjects, adultery, incest, rape, and abortion. Making it hard for me to read. It is really not the type of book I usually read. It did read very, very fast, and did show the heart ache that some of these poor woman felt after undergoing this procedure.
I have never [as of yet] been on the picket lines at these places, but some of my family have. They surely didn't act the way these people did. They would just pray for them and hoped for the right decision.

I received this book through Pump Your Book Publicity Tours, and was not required to give a positive review.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Dreaming of Summer Giveaway Hop: The Ride of Her Life by Lorna Seilstad

Lake Manawa Summers (Book 3)
The only man pragmatic Lilly Hart needs in her life is a six year old. Widowed two years ago, Lilly leaves the shelter of her intrusive in-laws' home to stand on her own and provide for her young son by working for the summer as a cook at Lake Manawa. However, her in-laws find that life utterly unsuitable for their grandson, and when a row ensues, a handsome stranger--who designs roller coasters, of all things--intercedes on her behalf. Still, Lilly is not about to get involved with any man, especially this cocky (though charismatic) gentleman. Little does she know she is about to begin the ride of her life.
Filled with delightful characters and the romance of summer, The Ride of Her Life is another supremely entertaining story from the witty Lorna Seilstad. Readers will laugh out loud and sigh contentedly as they spend the summer of 1906 in Lake Manawa.

Lorna Seilstad

Lorna Seilstad has called Iowa home her whole life. She received her B.S. in education from Lubbock Christian University. After her first child was born, she stopped teaching and became a professional wiper. "I wiped noses, tears, skinned knees, baby's bottoms, and countertops every day. But at naptime, I wrote." Today, she writes historical fiction with a generous dash of humor.

My Review:
Lilly Hart is working her fingers to the bone and taking care of her 6 year old son Levi! Her husband Ben died in a tragic train accident, and her in-laws want to take Levi and send him to boarding school. They start the book living in a tent at Lake Manawa.
This is the third book in this wonderful series! I hate to see it ending! All of our friends are back, and we spend some time with them. There is also a new character....Nick Perrin. He is building a new roller coaster at the Lake, and trying to capture Lilly's eye. Sparks will begin to fly...even in the kitchen!! Loved it! Of course delightful Levi will keep everyone hopping with his six year old enthusiasm. Don't miss this wonderful read, and conclusion to this great series!

Available May 2012 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.
Thank you Revell Publishing for letting me review this book, there was no other compensation, and I was not required to give a positive review.

FILL OUT RAFFLECOPTER a Rafflecopter giveaway

Finding the Baby Jesus by Kimball Fisher ~ Blog Tour & Giveaway

Tour Schedule

Finding the Baby Jesus by Kimball Fisher

After being forced to wear lederhosen for the annual holiday card picture, twelve-year-old Chris thinks that the least his parents can do is get him the Tony Hawk skateboard he wants for Christmas. But when he recovers the hand-carved Baby Jesus that everyone thought had been destroyed in a fire the year his Grandma died, Chris realizes that some gifts are even more important than skateboards.

When the author had to discontinue a cherished tradition of reading Christmas stories out loud with his family and holiday guests each week in December, he wrote Finding the Baby Jesus. He had been unable to locate enough meaningful stories that could be read in a single sitting with wiggly children.

Praise for Finding the Baby Jesus:

“Tender and true, this warm Christmas tale brought tears to my eyes.”
–Heather Vogel Frederick, author of the much-beloved Mother-Daughter Book Club series and Oregon Book Award winner for The Voyage of Patience Goodspeed

“A touching story that speaks to the importance of family, giving, and the true spirit of Christmas.”
–Matthew Kirby, author of Icefall, winner of the Edgar Allen Poe and the Pen Center USA Literary Awards for Children’s Literature

“Deeply moving. Poignant.”
–Deborah Halverson, former editor at Harcourt Children’s Books and author of Honk If You Hate Me, a Gayle McCandliss Literary Award Winner

"The perfect little book to tuck away with your Christmas things and bring out year after year to read with family. As mother to three boys, I can't imagine a better protagonist than Chris. His typical teenage attitude followed by the softening of his heart towards a friend teaches a poignant and very relatable lesson on the true meaning of Christmas."
–Amazon review

"After I read this short story I felt like I had read a novel--every sentence is packed with action and imagery. I was emotionally connected to the characters, and the story is touching. I didn't see the plot twist at the end coming! A great story to read every Christmas."
–Amazon review


Author Kimball Fisher

Kimball Fisher writes novels for young readers. He is also a best-selling business author, professional speaker, and management consultant. Some of his past jobs include: sailboat builder, ghost writer (not as scary as it sounds), illustrator, and factory manager (more scary than it sounds). For fun he builds furniture, stained-glass windows, and writing pens.

He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Humanities (with minors in English, Asian Studies, and Japanese), and a Master of Organizational Behavior degree from Brigham Young University. He and his amazing wife Reenie live in Portland, Oregon, where they have seen pheasants, coyotes, and a bobcat in their own backyard.


Book Blast

Tour Giveaway:
$25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash
Ends 12/26/12

Open to anyone who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent's permission. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tour Schedule

My Review:

This is a sweet jam packed Christmas Story. This little book is filled with emotional feelings.
Chris's Dad is out of work, and he feels he won't get the one thing he really, really wants! This story makes us think of our values...there are always some less fortunate. Christ's Love that is show in this story is so awesome. Teaches quite a lesson. We find the true value of the Family that most of us quite often take for granted. Don't miss the beautiful may bring you to tears, but oh so worth it.

I received this book from I Am A Reader, Not A Writer Book Blast and Blog Tour, and was not required to give a positive review.

Pump Your Book Virtual Tours Presents: Rosemary Opens Her Heart (Home at Cedar Creek, #2) by Naomi King


Another spring reminds the Amish of Cedar Creek, Missouri, that for everything there is a season.

Zanna Lambright is finally marrying Jonny Ropp, and friends and family have come from far and wide to celebrate. Among them is young widow Rosemary Yutzy, mother of toddler Katie, whose husband was tragically killed last fall. With a willing heart Rosemary has taken over care of her in-law’s family and continued to run a baked goods business from home, but privately she still mourns her lost Joe…and is unprepared for the changes that are coming…

Rosemary’s father-in-law wants to merge his lamb-raising business with Matt Lambright’s—a move that will require the Yutzys to relocate from their nearby town to Cedar Creek. Moreoever, it will bring Rosemary into constant contact with Matt, who is making no secret of his romantic interest in her. The challenges of contemplating a future unlike any she expected are overwhelming for Rosemary. And although Matt is strong and kind, his courtship is so persistent, she often wants to run the other way. As Rosemary struggles to see beyond her immediate joys and sorrows, will she embrace the outpouring of welcome and support from the people of Cedar Creek…and accept this new chance to open her heart to a more abundant life?


I’ve called Missouri home for most of my life, and most folks don’t realize that several Old Older Amish and Mennonite communities make their home here, as well. The rolling pastureland, woods, and small towns along county highways make a wonderful setting for Plain populations—and for stories about them, too! While Jamesport, Missouri is the largest Old Order Amish settlement west of the Mississippi River, other communities have also found the affordable farm land ideal for raising crops, livestock, and running the small family-owned businesses that support their families.

Like my heroine, Miriam Lantz, of my new Seasons of the Heart series, I love to feed people—to share my hearth and home. I bake bread and goodies and I love to try new recipes. I put up jars and jars of green beans, tomatoes, beets and other veggies every summer. All my adult life, I’ve been a deacon, a dedicated church musician and choir member, and we hosted a potluck group in our home for more than twenty years.

Like Abby Lambright, heroine of my new Home at Cedar Creek series, I consider it a personal mission to be a listener and a peacemaker—to heal broken hearts and wounded souls. Faith and family, farming and frugality matter to me: like Abby, I sew and enjoy fabric arts—I made my wedding dress and the one Mom wore, too, when I married into an Iowa farm family more than thirty-five years ago! When I’m not writing, I crochet and sew, and I love to travel.

I recently moved to Minnesota when my husband got a wonderful new job, so now he and I and our border collie, Ramona, are exploring our new state and making new friends.

To find out more about Naomi, please visit her at

Visit her on Facebook at:

On Goodreads at:

My Review:

We begin this story at the wedding of Abby's sister Zanna to Jonny Ropp. Attending the wedding is a young widow and her daughter Rosemary Yutzy and toddler Katie. Also attending is the fellow who thought Zanna was going to be his wife...James Garber. We find that the paths we have chosen for our lives are not always the ones God has for us. Things change, sometimes it is hard for us to understand.
When James was interested in Zanna, he couldn't see Abby, even though he had known her most of his life. Abby is such a sweetie, and you hope that she will end up with James. As soon as Matt see Rosemary, he is smitten. You seen young Katie steal his heart. Can Rosemary let go of her deceased husband, and accept a new life? She has such a good heart and is taking care of her father-in-law Titus, and his thirteen year old daughter, Beth Ann.
As we travel along on this journey we encounter a number of Amish ways of life...weddings, funerals, baby showers, quilting bees, helping with packing families who are moving away and also those moving among them. We see the panic in some families that their husbands will be chosen to become a preacher for life.
I so enjoyed this story and wanted to move in with them, become a member of the family. Even when some not so nice things are said, you find the person apologizing. Don't miss this wonderful insight into Amish life and romance.

I received this book through Pump Your Book Virtual Tours, and the author, and was not required to give a positive review.

Pump Your Book Virtual Tours Presents: The Christmas Star by Ace Collins

Robert Reed gave his life for his country in the early days of World War II. His sacrifice was honored when his widow and son were presented with the Congressional Medal of Honor. Each Christmas the final decoration Madge Reed hangs on the family s tree is that medal. Rather than being a symbol of honor for young Jimmy Reed that shining star represents loss, pain, and suffering. Yet a letter delivered by one of Robert s fellow soldiers and a mystery posed in that letter put a father s sacrifice and faith into perspective and bring new meaning to not just the star hanging on the Christmas tree but the events of the very first Christmas. Then, when least expected, a Christmas miracle turns a final bit of holiday sadness into a joy that Jimmy has never known.

About The Author
Ace Collins is the writer of more than sixty books, including several bestsellers: Stories behind the Best-Loved Songs of Christmas, Stories behind the Great Traditions of Christmas, The Cathedrals, and Lassie: A Dog's Life. Based in Arkadelphia, Arkansas, He continues to publish several new titles each year, including a series of novels, the first of which is Farraday Road. Ace has appeared on scores of television shows, including CBS This Morning, NBC Nightly News, CNN, Good Morning America, MSNBC, and Entertainment Tonight.

You can visit Ace on the web at

My Review:

Some really good Christian points are brought out in this story. Dealing with the aftermath of his fathers death, Jimmy, is struggling. He is one angry boy and getting into trouble.
Love how Calvin, his school bus driver, is sent at just the right time to meet Jimmy. What a man, who is living his faith. We also travel with Jimmy as he decides to help a group of thieves rob his Mother's boss.
We wonder what is going to happen to this family. Did enjoy the discovery in the family Bible.
What I really had a hard time with was the ending. It was very unbelievable and was not really explained at all.
This is a cute Christmas read that shows some really great Holiday Spirit.

I received this book from the Publisher Abingdon Press, and Pump Your Book Virtual Tours, and was not required to give a positive review.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Accidentally Amish by Olivia Newport

Escape the helter-skelter of the modern culture and join software creator Annie Friesen, hiding at the home of an Amishman. With her high-tech career in jeopardy, Annie runs from fast-paced Colorado Springs—and straight into the hospitality of San Luis Valley’s Amish community. There she meets cabinetmaker Rufus Beiler, and the more time she spends with him, the more attracted she becomes. When Annie finds she shares a common ancestor with Rufus, she feels both cultures colliding within her. But is her love for Rufus strong enough for her to give up the only life she’s ever known?

About The Author
Olivia Newport's novels twist through time to find where faith and passions meet. She chases joy in Colorado, where daylilies grow as tall as she is. Her husband and two twenty-something children provide welcome distraction from the people stomping through her head on their way into her books.

Purchase Amazon

My Review:

I found this to be a captivating read...two stories in one. One back in the 1700's and the other in modern time Colorado.
Annie Friesen, is a very smart and rich software creator. When her lawyer decides to steal from her, she is on the run from him, and ends up in the back of a pickup. From there she lands on an Amish farm, sleeping in the barn.
Jacob and Verona Beyeler and their 5 children, start their story on the ship to America and to Pennsylvania and religious freedom. When we read at the end of the book that this is actually the author's interesting!
Annie encounters Rufus Beyler and finds as she goes along her growing fondness for him. Loved the relationship forged between Ruth and Annie. So sweet...and Rufus's family are great.
I see that this is a three part series, and I hope that some of my unanswered questions are going to be answered. Will Annie become Amish? Will Ruth return to her community? Will Rufus leave and marry Annie? What about that evil man Karl Kramer? There are more? Can't wait for the next book!!

I received this book from the publisher Barbour Books, and was not required to give a positive review.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Angels at the Table: A Shirley, Goodness, and Mercy Christmas Story by Debbie Macomber

In Debbie Macomber's latest Angelic Intervention series, angels Shirley, Goodness, and Mercy have a new assignment: to tend to apprentice angel Will. On New Year’s Eve, Will spots two lonely souls in New York’s Times Square and shoves them together. But though they are just right for each other (she’s a chef, he’s a food critic), they are separated in the crowd, and the four angels decide to work a miracle the following holiday season by reuniting them.

About Debbie Macomber
With more than 140 million copies of her books in print, Debbie Macomber is one of today's most popular authors.

The #1 New York Times bestselling author is best known for her ability to create compelling characters and bring their stories to life in her books. Drawing on her own experiences and observations, Debbie writes heartwarming tales about small-town life, home and family, enduring friendships and women who knit. Every book features the delightful sense of humor for which readers around the world clamor. Not bad for a woman who is dyslexic and didn't learn to read until she was in the fifth grade.

Being dyslexic did not deter the young mother of four from pursuing her lifelong dream of becoming published. She celebrated her first sale in 1982 when Silhouette Books acquired her manuscript, Heartsong. The book became the first category romance ever to be reviewed by Publishers Weekly. She was soon featured in Newsweek—and demand for her books quickly exceeded her wildest dreams.

Debbie is the author of the popular Cedar Cover series, Blossom Street series, and the Angel series. In 2012, she launches the Inn at Rose Harbor series.

My Review:

What a delightful read. When I read why Debbie added Will...the Prayer Ambassador, I was hooked. Psalm 23:6, " Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever."
Of course anytime Shirley, Goodness, and Mercy get together, and add in the trainee Will, mayhem will happen. You will be giggling with each little oops that happens. A very uplifting, feel good, and delightful read. You don't want this one to end. Can you picture a camel waking itself down the street? Beware this one is going to hit your funny bone! Of course disaster remember "to many cooks, spoil the pot"! Good lessons to be learned.
Grab a copy of this great Holiday read, don't miss these Angels...they might just brush by you!
I receive a copy of this book through the Publisher Ballantine Books, and was not required to give a positive review.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Finding the Baby Jesus by Kimball Fisher ~ 50 Book Blast Giveaway

Tour Schedule

Finding the Baby Jesus by Kimball Fisher

After being forced to wear lederhosen for the annual holiday card picture, twelve-year-old Chris thinks that the least his parents can do is get him the Tony Hawk skateboard he wants for Christmas. But when he recovers the hand-carved Baby Jesus that everyone thought had been destroyed in a fire the year his Grandma died, Chris realizes that some gifts are even more important than skateboards.

When the author had to discontinue a cherished tradition of reading Christmas stories out loud with his family and holiday guests each week in December, he wrote Finding the Baby Jesus. He had been unable to locate enough meaningful stories that could be read in a single sitting with wiggly children.

Praise for Finding the Baby Jesus:

“Tender and true, this warm Christmas tale brought tears to my eyes.”
–Heather Vogel Frederick, author of the much-beloved Mother-Daughter Book Club series and Oregon Book Award winner for The Voyage of Patience Goodspeed

“A touching story that speaks to the importance of family, giving, and the true spirit of Christmas.”
–Matthew Kirby, author of Icefall, winner of the Edgar Allen Poe and the Pen Center USA Literary Awards for Children’s Literature

“Deeply moving. Poignant.”
–Deborah Halverson, former editor at Harcourt Children’s Books and author of Honk If You Hate Me, a Gayle McCandliss Literary Award Winner

"The perfect little book to tuck away with your Christmas things and bring out year after year to read with family. As mother to three boys, I can't imagine a better protagonist than Chris. His typical teenage attitude followed by the softening of his heart towards a friend teaches a poignant and very relatable lesson on the true meaning of Christmas."
–Amazon review

"After I read this short story I felt like I had read a novel--every sentence is packed with action and imagery. I was emotionally connected to the characters, and the story is touching. I didn't see the plot twist at the end coming! A great story to read every Christmas."
–Amazon review


Author Kimball Fisher

Kimball Fisher writes novels for young readers. He is also a best-selling business author, professional speaker, and management consultant. Some of his past jobs include: sailboat builder, ghost writer (not as scary as it sounds), illustrator, and factory manager (more scary than it sounds). For fun he builds furniture, stained-glass windows, and writing pens.

He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Humanities (with minors in English, Asian Studies, and Japanese), and a Master of Organizational Behavior degree from Brigham Young University. He and his amazing wife Reenie live in Portland, Oregon, where they have seen pheasants, coyotes, and a bobcat in their own backyard.


Book Blast

Tour Giveaway:
$25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash
Ends 12/26/12

Open to anyone who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent's permission. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tour Schedule

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Litfuse Publicity Tours Presents: No Safe Harbor (Edge of Freedom, #1) by Elizabeth Ludwig

She came to America searching for her brother. Instead all she’s found is a web of danger.

Cara Hamilton had thought her brother to be dead. Now, clutching his letter, she leaves Ireland for America, desperate to find him. Her search leads her to a houseful of curious strangers, and one man who claims to be a friend–Rourke Walsh. Despite her brother’s warning, Cara trusts Rourke, revealing her purpose in coming to New York.

She’s then thrust into a world of subterfuge, veiled threats, and attempted murder, including political revolutionaries from the homeland out for revenge. Her questions guide her ever nearer to locating her brother–but they also bring her closer to destruction as those who want to kill him track her footsteps.

With her faith in tatters, all hope flees. Will her brother finally surface? Can he save Cara from the truth about Rourke… a man she’s grown to love?

Purchase Here

Elizabeth Ludwig is an award-winning author and an accomplished speaker and teacher. Her historical novel Love Finds You in Calico, California earned four stars from Romantic Times. She is the owner and editor of the popular literary blog The Borrowed Book. Along with her husband and two children, Elizabeth makes her home in Orange, Texas.

Learn more at

Find out more about Elizabeth at

Elizabeth Ludwig is celebrating her new book with a Kindle Fire Giveaway and connecting with readers at a Facebook Author Chat party on 12/6.

One winner will receive:
  • A Kindle Fire
  • No Safe Harbor by Elizabeth Ludwig
Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on December 5th. Winner will be announced at the "No Safe Harbor" Author Chat Facebook Party on 12/6. Connect with Elizabeth, get a sneak peek of the next book in the Edge of Freedom series, try your hand at the trivia contest, and win some great prizes—gift certificates, books and a Book Club Prize Pack (10 copies for your book club or small group)!

So grab your copy of No Safe Harbor and join Elizabeth on the evening of the December 6th for a chance to connect with her and make some new friends. (If you haven't read the book, don't let that stop you from coming!)

Don't miss a moment of the fun, RSVP todayTell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on the 6th!

My Review:
Cara Hamilton arrives from Ireland at Ellis Island...she got help getting through customs from a kind man she met on her ship? As soon as she is through she begins searching the crowd and looking at all faces for her brother.
She thought her brother Eoghan was dead, and when she receives a precious letter from him, she set off to America. He has told her to "trust no one!"
The trust no one rings true throughout the story. No one really seems to be whom they present themselves as.
We travel around late 1890's New York City, and danger seems to lurk everywhere! Things I never thought wood in NYC. There still was!
As we go along with Cara looking for her brother, you will wonder if she will ever find him? If she does will he still be alive. Will the people she ends up trusting betray her?
The answers are here in this historical mystery, reaching from Ireland to NY. Enjoy!

I received this book from Litfuse Publicity Tours, and was not required to give a positive review.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Revell Blogger Program Presents: Christmas Roses by Amanda Cabot

Celia Anderson doesn't need anything for Christmas except a few more boarders, which are hard to come by in this small mining town. She certainly doesn't have a husband on her Christmas wish list. But when a wandering carpenter finds lodging at her boarding house, she admits that she might remarry if she found the right man--the kind of man who would bring her roses for Christmas. It would take a miracle to get roses during a harsh Wyoming winter. But Christmas, after all, is the time for miracles . . .

Amanda Cabot invites readers to cozy up with a romantic, heartwarming tale of the greatest gift of all--love.

About The Author
I agree with Thomas Jefferson when he said, "I cannot live without books." Some of my earliest memories are of my parents reading books to me or -- in the case of my father -- telling stories he made up. And even when they weren't reading to me, my parents could often be found, book in hand. Is it any wonder I decided to teach myself to read? Once I did learn, it was hard to find me without a book. My husband will tell you that that's still the case.

At least in my mind, it's only a small step from being an avid reader to wanting to be an author. From the time I was seven, I was convinced I should be a writer. The type of writing varied with the seasons. For a few months I fancied myself a playwright. Fortunately the teachers in my elementary school indulged me, and my class produced my two plays: "All About Thermometers" and "Hawaii." Neither, I am happy to report, made its way to Broadway.

There was a brief time when I aspired to be a newspaper reporter, but that was soon eclipsed by my determination to be a novelist. All the while, though, I knew that writing was not the easiest way to earn a living, and so it was always going to be a second career. That's why I went to college and majored in French, fully intending to teach at the university level. When I graduated, I took a "temporary" job as a computer programmer. Although it hadn't been part of my plan, that turned into a permanent career in Information Technology.

Along the way, I've had a chance to do a lot of writing, including four technical books and what I describe as "enough technical articles to cure insomnia in a medium-sized city." (My budgets were also considered to be works of fiction.) Now, though, I'm able to write full time, and for the first time, all I'm writing is fiction.

My Review:
This is one sweet, short book. Once I started I didn't put it down until I finished. Amanda Cabot has written a good reminder of what Christmas is. Loved how the Reverend references Joseph. Makes you think, and sure made Mark think.
This is the story of forgiveness and finding peace. It is also a really sweet love story. Loved the interactions with the sweet Baby Emma.
As we travel this journey you have to wonder where anyone would find Roses for Christmas. Celia Anderson's is a young widow, she loved her husband, but hers was an arranged marriage. She makes a statement that she would only marry for "love" and she must have Roses for Christmas?
Don't miss this page turning read, and enjoy the messages presented.

I received this book through the Publisher Revell Book Blogger Program, and was not required to give a positive review.

Pump Your Book Virtual Tours Presents: A Texan's Choice (The Heart of a Hero, #3) by Shelley Gray


When notorious outlaw Scout Proffitt wins a rundown ranch in west Texas, he expects to find the home he’s never had. Instead, he finds a run-down shack, a barn in dire straits…and a lovely woman who’s in no hurry to give up her ranch.

When Scout discovers that Rosemarie has nowhere else to go, he reluctantly allows her to stay with him for two weeks until she can find another home. But soon the locals get involved and insist they marry.

Determined to do at least one thing right in his life, he marries Rose. Then people from his past come back and give him an offer he can’t refuse. If things go well, he can make a fresh start. If not, he’ll be even worse off than before.

Which was something he never thought possible…

Shelley Gray’s first Amish novel, Hidden, was nominated for the Inspirational Readers Choice award. Her book Simple Gifts won the Reviewers Choice Award. Shelley’s novel, The Protector, recently made the New York Times bestseller list. Her novels have won the prestigious HOLT Medallion Award, the Reviewers Choice Award, and been highlighted in the Philadelphia Enquirer, Time Magazine, and USA Today. She’s also been interviewed on NPR as well as numerous regional radio stations. In addition, her novels have made both the USA Today and New York Times Bestsellers lists.

Before writing romances, Shelley lived in Texas and Colorado, where she taught school and earned both her bachelor’s degree in English literature and elementary education and later obtained her master’s degrees in educational administration. She now lives in southern Ohio and writes full time.

Her latest book is the Christian historical fiction, A Texan’s Choice.

You can visit Shelley’s website at

Connect with Shelley: Facebook | Goodreads

Purchase A Texan’s Choice: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | | Abingdon Press

My Review:

This is the third book in the Heart of a Hero Series, and I would recommend you read all of these books, but you can read this one without. Enough information is provided to allow you to know what is going on.
We start this book in 1874 West Texas, and if you think you have had a bad day, Rosemarie Cousin's would probably win. She has just lost her Father, and her Mother and Sister have left her. Then a man shows up to claim he owns her home and ranch....Scout Proffitt won the property in a card game from her Father. You will feel sorry for Rosemarie right from the beginning. When she was eight and her brother was four, he drowned while she was watching him. Her family has blamed her ever after. Some family!
Scout Proffitt has lived his life as a gunslinger and has been on the run. When out of the blue an offer appears, he will not be able to turn down. We follow along as other characters we have learned to love a reintroduced, and we wonder if all will survive, or will we say goodbye?
What happens between Rosemarie and Scout is sweet, and although unexpected, we hope for Rosemarie. Ah, she deserves to be happy, but can she find it with a gunslinger? We find that a lot of these people need to find forgiveness, and the Lord surely leads them. Enjoy this great won't be able to leave this one alone once you start.

I received this book from Pump Your Book Virtual Tours, and the Publisher Abingdon Press, and was not required to give a positive review.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Review and Giveaway: Secrets of the Red Box Blog Tour

Secrets of the Red Box Bonnie has secrets to keep - secrets with the potential to destroy lives, including her own. Running from her destructive and pain filled past, she recreates herself, believing she has escaped the damning evidence hidden in the red box. When her former life is revealed by a cruel twist of fate, Bonnie faces losing everything, including Glen, the only man she’s ever loved. But is Bonnie the woman he thinks she is? Set against the backdrop of the 1940s, Secrets of the Red Box is filled with intrigue and suspense - sure to keep you guessing to the very end!

About The Author

Vickie Hall is a native of Utah, but growing up, lived in the states of Colorado, Idaho, Montana, and Nebraska. When she's not writing, she's composing music, or shopping with her sister. She loves animals of all kinds and camping with her family. Her favorite pastime is watching old movies on TCM, and unashamedly has a crush on Cary Grant.

Links: Blog * Website * Facebook * Goodreads
Purchase Link: Amazon

My Review:
The story begins in the 1940's, our Country is at War..and Bonnie Cooper is on the run for her life.
Throughout the book there are flashback to her is a wonder she made it to adulthood. You walk with her and see her trying to be the little child she is, only to be beaten back. Literally, both she and her Mother are beaten, by her Father. You wonder how can a man be so cold, and unfeeling?
By reading you find out why Bonnie is so afraid to let people close to her. She is afraid to have any friends, and never lets anyone very near her. She is a compulsive liar...and wow what a tangle she can weave.
You will wonder if she will settle for a man with money...not love, just for security? Will she ever find security, or is that impossible.
You will have to wait to near to the end of the book to find out what could possibly be in the box. Then you wonder why she even ever kept it??
A real compelling read, and one you can't stop once you start. You need to turn that page and find out what is happening now!

I received this book through The Book Blasts and Blog Tours Promotions, hosted by I Am A Reader, Not A Writer, and was not required to give a positive review.

Tour Giveaway

$25 Amazon Gift Card or $25 PayPal Cash from Author Vickie Hall + copy of Secrets of the Red Box (US - Paperback, Kindle ebook - International)
Paperback copy of Secrets of the Red Box (US only)
Kindle Ebook copy of Secrets of the Red Box (International)

Ends 11/25/12

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tour Schedule:

Celebrate Lit Presents: Have You Heard from God Lately? 30 Messages from Heaven to You Author: Keon Lindsey

  About the Book Book:  Have You Heard from God Lately? 30 Messages from Heaven to You Author: Keon Lindsey Genre: Bible Stud...