Thursday, December 31, 2020

Amish Secrets (River Haven, #3) by Marta Perry


Rachel Hurst sacrificed the life she wanted to stay home and care for her father and siblings after her mother’s death. But now her father has decided to remarry, and there’s no room for Rachel. Desperate to find a job, she accepts the position of housekeeper for a wealthy elderly woman in her isolated mansion.

Jacob Beiler thought he had gotten over Rachel’s rejection, but when she arrives as the new housekeeper, he is battered by both joy and bitterness at seeing her again.

When odd near accidents threaten the elderly woman’s well-being, her relatives are quick to point fingers, but Rachel suspects someone is intent on harming her employer. When no one believes her, the only person she can turn to for help is Jacob. With danger deepening, Rachel faces a situation that could cost her life…and will certainly break her heart once again.



About The Author

 Marta Perry is a Pennsylvania-based author of over 35 novels, many of them inspirational romances. She uses her rural Pennsylvania life and her Pennsylvania Dutch heritage in writing her books, especially in her Pleasant Valley Amish series for Berkley Books and her new Amish-set suspense series for HQN Books.

Marta and her husband live in a centuries-old farmhouse in a quiet central Pennsylvania valley. They have three grown children and six beautiful grandchildren, and when she's not busy writing her next book, she's usually trying to keep up with her gardening, baking for church events, or visiting those beautiful grandkids.



My Review

I felt for Rachel right from the beginning, it appears that she has sacrificed her life, and now?
Then there is her former fiancé Jacob, who is now working as a carpenter at the home of her mother's former employer, and now she is about to embark on the same job.
The employer an elderly woman, but with a lot of spunk, has now taken on a hurting teenager, and danger is lurking!
As with the previous books in this series, you won't see what is coming, and there are a lot of surprises here.
I loved the outcome, really not what I was expecting, and this can be read alone!
I received this book through Edelweiss and the Publisher Harlequin, and was not required to give a positive review.

Rebekah's Dress by Sara Harris


An impending wedding. A sudden sickness. A Rumspringa gone wrong.

As Rebekah and Joseph's wedding draws closer, their happiness starts to collapse. Can they bring order back to their gentle world before they say I do?

As Rebekah and Joseph's wedding day draws nearer, her only worry is how she will sew her wedding dress until things take a drastic turn. First, a sickness threatens the Stoll family, then her saucy nemesis, Katie Knepp, goes missing during her Rumspringa.

Rebekah is haunted by the worry that Katie's disappearance is a desperate effort to sway Joseph's affections her way before he can marry Rebekah. Still, Rebekah agrees to journey with Joseph and her brother, Peter, from Gasthof Village, Indiana to New York City in an attempt to locate Katie and hopefully bring her home. However, as Rebekah already knows, whenever the Englischer world is involved, nothing is plain and simple. 



About The Author


Sara Harris, formerly known as Sara Barnard, is a native west Texan, conservationist, mother of six youngsters, certified teacher and certifiable Gypsy. Sara and her children have made their home in places all over the world, from the beautiful Oklahoma plains to the eclectic mountains of Vicenza, Italy.

Sara began writing in the third grade and realized her passion for the pen (er, pencil) when she won first place in an essay contest. The subject was animals and Sara wrote about the life and untimely death of her beloved tomcat, J. Thomas O'Malley. Too embarrassed to listen to her essay being read aloud at the P.T.A. meeting, Sara hid in the hallway until the assembly was over.  In the sixth grade, Sara had her tonsils out and received as a gift from her parents, a copy of Larry McMurtry's Lonesome Dove, which proved very influential to her in good times and bad.

The pull of adventures just waiting to be had coupled with her love and admiration for nature and the wilderness kept Sara on the move during her teenage summers with The Student Conservation Association. From Alaska to the wilds of New Mexico, Sara has piloted small aircraft, counted bats, tracked mountain lions, relocated rattlesnakes, hiked with black bears, and fallen in love over and over again with the roads less traveled. 

After earning her degree in History, Sara experienced the scariest adventure of all: children. 

Three little ones later, Sara decided to put finger to keyboard and wrote her first novel, A Heart on Hold, which then turned into a four-book series.

The many revisions and edits that took place next weren't entirely completed until well after her fourth baby was born. Despite a couple of rounds with cancer, her publication list has grown to include Civil War Romance, Amish Romance, Amish Adventure, anthology pieces, Christian Western, YA Time Travel, Light Horror, Native American Middle Grade fiction, Children's Nonfiction, picture books, and even more to come!

Now, Sara and her beautiful family (and their pack of rescue animals) make their home in Katy, Texas. 

She is a member of the Romance Writers of America, Hearts Through History, West Houston Romance Writers of America, Catholic Writer's Guild, The Transylvanian Society of Dracula, and Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators, and The Western Fictioneers.



My Review

 Rebecca’s Dress is the second book in this series, and the first that I have read. It is a really different story from most of the Amish books that I have read, but sure will keep your attention.
Rebecca and Joseph are about to marry, and Rebecca still needs to make hers and her attendants dresses.
Circumstances enter, medical emergencies, missing friends, and adventures no one would have expected, also the meeting of famous individuals!
Will all return, will there be a wedding, these and other questions are answered, and we are along for the journey. With kind hearts and surprises, and worry in the back of their minds, and gifts from those along the way, we get to experience the results of love given to them.
I received this book through Net Galley and an ARC provided by Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

The Amish Baker's Rival by Marie E. Bast

 He’s more than just her competition…

She’ll do anything to protect her bakery…

no matter the cost to her heart.

Amish baker Mary Brenneman is furious when handsome Englischer Noah Miller opens up a bakery right across from hers. Now she must win a local baking contest just to stay in business—and beat know-it-all Noah. But somewhere along the way, Noah and Mary’s kitchen wars are quickly warming into something more.



About The Author

MARIE E. BAST is the Publishers Weekly Bestselling Author of The Amish Baker and The Amish Marriage Bargain, and the first place 2015 contemporary winner of the Ignite the Flame Contest for The Perfect Client. She is also a finalist in the 2020 Book Buyers Best Contest for The Amish Baker. Her stories whisper words of hope, healing, and forgiveness through complex characters and twisting plots. Her books are sold all over the U.S., Canada, U.K., Ireland and Australia. She has published short stories and poetry in book compilations: Chicken Soup for the Soul: My Very Good, Very Bad Dog; Writing So Heaven Will Be Different; and On Golden Wings of Time. She has devotionals published in The Cup Of Salvation: 8 ounces of Jesus, a Lenten Devotional.

She holds a B.A., an M.B.A., and an M.A. in General Theology. When she's not writing, she's walking, golfing or gardening. She loves to bake and enjoys her homemade rolls and bread way too much.



My Review

When a new Bakery Plus store moves across the street from Mary Brenneman's families long owned Amish bakery, thoughts of survival run through Mary's head, how can she make a profit?
As I was reading this I really liked the character of Noah Miller, and could see he was seeking family. He didn't even know what to expect as he began his journey, with first building his store, and then finding the grandparents he has never met.
I could almost figure out what was going to happen, but the author gave me several surprises I did not see coming.
This was a very enjoyable read, and I would love to continue on here with the lives of these people!
I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Love Inspired, and was not required to give a positive review. 

What the Heart Wants (Amish New World, #3) by Virginia Wise


The third book in Virginia Wise's sweeping historical Amish New World series unites the heartwarming love story of an Amish romance with a rugged, frontier setting--America's first permanent Amish settlement. There, two devoted sisters must rely on their faith and forge ahead in a difficult new world--only to find that love is a thrilling discovery of its own with the arrival of two brothers to their community.

Outgoing and irrepressible, young Christina has her choice of suitors. But she and her practical-minded older sister, Hilda, have built a thriving life in the rugged Pennsylvania backcountry. Hilda has given up her marriage dreams as foolish--and Christina vows she'll never marry until she finds her sister a husband. So when two handsome newcomers arrive, Christina engages in a bit of secret matchmaking--with disastrous results...

Johan is used to hard work and overcoming obstacles. He's instantly drawn to Christina's lively nature--and agrees with her that his serious brother, Wilhelm, would be perfect for Hilda. But Christina's selfless schemes are keeping her from seeing how much Johan really cares for her. And between mishaps, mistakes, and an unintentional masquerade, Christina and Johan will need to search their hearts to understand themselves, set things right--and embark on a future together.



About The Author

About The Author

After Virginia’s oldest son left for college and her youngest son began high school, she finally had time to pursue her dream of writing novels. Virginia dusted off the keyboard she once used as a magazine editor and journalist to create a world that combines her love of romance, history, and Plain living.

Her Amish New World series takes readers on a journey into the 18th century Pennsylvania wilderness and the pioneering days of the first American Amish. Each carefully researched novel brings a bygone era to life and connects readers to this forgotten time by weaving familiar Amish romances into an historic frontier setting.

Virginia Wise's favorite pastimes include wandering Lancaster County’s Amish country and exploring history museums that inspire her stories and help her connect readers with the past. When she’s not writing, Virginia enjoys painting and taking long walks in the woods.

My Review


This is the third book in this series that I have read and enjoyed, stories of the pioneering Amish, and their early lives and settlement in this country.
This is a story about siblings, sister's who raise sheep, and brother's whom have just arrived and looking to put down roots. I loved how each family worked and provided for all of the community, and thus ensure its survival.
This story had me chuckling out loud, read as outgoing Christina tries to teach her sensible sister Hilda how to use her womanly wiles. Then the recipient of those batting eyes is Wilhelm, a bit baffled by the complete change in Hilda! Then we have his bother, Johan with the high opinion of himself, quite the ladies man, and this is the 1700's in very rural Pennsylvania.
I am really enjoying reading about these early settlers of the Amish Community, and looking forward to more!
I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Zebra, and was not required to give a positive review.


First Light in Morning Star (Maidels of Morning Star #2) by Charlotte Hubbard


Founded by five enterprising Amish maidels, the new Morningstar Marketplace is a joyous
success. What’s even more remarkable is the gift the business bestows upon each of these
unmarried women—the unexpected blessing of love . . .
Leaving Flaud’s Furniture to teach at the community’s new school is a joy for
Lydianne Christner. Old Order Amish, but new to Morning Star, she’s grateful that the congregation trusts her with the position—but she panics when handsome Bishop Jeremiah Shetler asks about the life she left behind. If anyone discovers the secret she’s hiding, she would, quite rightly, be shunned.   
A widower, Bishop Jeremiah admires young Lydianne’s youthful energy and skill with the children. He’s also curious about her past, and the burden he senses on her heart. When his request to court her is
refused, he’s stung, and lonelier than ever. It isn’t until a crisis prompts a tearful Lydianne to confess to him that Jeremiah is faced with a choice that requires all of his faith—and teaches them both that love and forgiveness go hand in hand.



About The Author


Drawing upon her experiences in Jamesport, the largest Old Order Amish community west of the Mississippi, longtime Missourian Charlotte Hubbard (a.k.a. Naomi King) writes of simpler times and a faith-based lifestyle in her new Seasons of the Heart series. Like her heroine, Miriam Lantz, Charlotte considers it her personal mission to feed people—to share hearth and home. Faith and family, farming and food preservation are hallmarks of her lifestyle, and the foundation of her earlier Angels of Mercy series. She’s a deacon, a dedicated church musician and choir member, and when she’s not writing, she loves to try new recipes, crochet, and sew. Charlotte now lives in Minnesota with her husband and their border collie.



My Review

I loved being back in Morning Star and being reunited with characters that I've come to care about and learn more about what is going on in their lives and the lives of their friends.
This is primarily, Lydianne's story, and her desires and self punishment. It is also about two men who are very interested in getting her attention. One is a widower with two very young children, and your heart will break for him as we look into his circumstances. Then there is the Bishop who is also a widower and would like to move on with his life.
Come and see how the Market Place and new school is doing, and how the people are working to make it all a success.
I am now waiting for the next installment in this series, I love a deeper look into these new friends and what is going on with them.
I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Kensington, and was not required to give a positive review. 

Monday, December 28, 2020

Celebrate Lit Presents: The Crown and the Axe by Darcy Fornier


About the Book

Book: The Crown and the Axe

Author: Darcy Fornier

Genre: YA Christian Medieval Adventure

Release Date: September 12, 2019

A careless mistake. A tale from the past. A journey he’ll never forget.
Seventeen-year-old Dierk Lichtensitz, Crown Prince of Sunland, excels in both his physical and educational training. Not that his father is impressed, but Dierk quit trying to please him years ago.
King Phillip Lichtensitz holds high standards for his children—with good reason. So when selfish neglect on Dierk’s part leaves another squire injured, Phillip delivers strict punishment. Dierk must travel the country as a woodcutter’s son.
Resentful of his father’s decision, Dierk resolves to endure his punishment unmoved—until the tales of a long-dead witch’s power force him to reckon with himself and his God.
As the journey leads him into more danger than his father could have ever foreseen, how much will Dierk have to surrender to become the man he needs—and desperately wants—to be?
Click here to get your copy!

About the Author

Darcy Fornier (pronounced forn-yay) believes the best stories provide clean, compelling entertainment while also provoking the reader to think about life in a new way. She’s been spinning stories ever since she learned how to play “pretend,” and she has seriously pursued writing since 2013. When she isn’t writing, editing, or dreaming up a story, you might find her washing dishes, “dissolved” in a book, playing the piano, hiking in the woods, singing at the top of her lungs, or talking up a storm with her sisters. At six years old, she gave her heart to Jesus, and she lives to know Him more. She makes her home with her parents and two younger sisters, wherever that happens to be.


More from Darcy

The first spark of inspiration for this story was Disney’s Sleeping Beauty. Don’t judge yet, okay? 😉


I hadn’t yet seen the film, actually, just read a storybook at least three years before I even thought about taking pencil to paper myself.


The princess and the sleeping spell fascinated me far less that the prince’s capture by, and subsequent battle with Maleficent. Maybe that’s why the prince is the only character who has the same name in my story.


I got to thinking, “What would the story be like without magic?” So there went the sleeping spell. 😉


And then I got to wondering, “What happened to the prince and princess after the story ended? Who would their children be? How would those children be affected by their parents’ dramatic past?”


That’s when Dierk Lichtensitz, Crown Prince of Sunland, introduced himself.


The story is mostly his. But because all of are shaped by those before us, it is also his father’s story. I had fun telling both.


The characters walk through several dark places. Life offers us many painful challenges, after all. But they also get to laugh because life offers us moments of joy.


And it is a story of victory. Because in Jesus, there is nothing over which we can’t triumph.


P.S. If you have any clean or inspirational Sleeping Beauty retellings to recommend, I’m all ears. Pay no attention to my To-Be-Read pile’s protests in the background. 😉

Blog Stops

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, December 15

Texas Book-aholic, December 16

Inklings and notions, December 17

For Him and My Family, December 18

Simple Harvest Reads, December 19 (Guest Review from Donna Cline)

deb’s Book Review, December 19

Rebecca Tews, December 20

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, December 21

Locks, Hooks and Books, December 22

Artistic Nobody, December 23 (Guest Review from Joni Truex)

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, December 24

Blogging With Carol, December 25

Ashley’s Bookshelf, December 26

Mary Hake, December 26

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, December 27

Sara Jane Jacobs, December 28


To celebrate her tour, Darcy is giving away the grand prize package of $15 Amazon gift card and a copy of one of Darcy’s favorite books, Sir Knight of the Splendid Way!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Celebrate Lit Presents: Bride by Blackmail by Debbie Lynne Costello


About the Book

Book: Bride by Blackmail

Author: Debbie Lynne Costello

Genre: Christian Historical Romance

Release Date: September 15, 2020

A broken heart, a controlling father, and an intrusive Scot leave Charlotte Jackson reeling. Accused of stealing an heirloom pin, she must choose between an unwanted marriage and the ruin of her family name. With the futures of her three younger sisters at stake, as well as her own reputation, Charlotte must navigate through injustice to find forgiveness and true happiness.

Eager to find the traitor that caused the death of his brother, Duncan Mackenzie comes to America and attempts to fit in with Charleston society. But when the headstrong Charlotte catches his eye, Duncan takes on a second mission—acquiring the lass’s hand. After being spurned several times, he uses unconventional ways of winning her heart.


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Debbie Lynne Costello has been writing since the young age of eight. She went to college for journalism. She enjoys medieval settings and settings set in nineteenth century Charleston, South Carolina. She loves the Lord and hopes to touch people’s lives through her stories. Debbie Lynne lives in the beautiful state of South Carolina with her husband of 40 years, their 4 children, 2 Tennessee Walking horses, 2 Arabians, miniature donkey, 6 ducks, and 3 dogs.


More from Debbie

It is fun to build characters in books and one of the best ways is to show some sort of a hobby or skill that the particular character enjoys. In Bride by Blackmail, Charlotte and her sister, Nellie, are doing needlework on a tablecloth that they hope to have done by the holiday season. My grandmother who would be over a hundred today loved to do needlework. I have pieces from when she was young up until her later years when she did needlework on pillowcases to decorate them up as a Christmas present. But I also have pieces done by my great-great grandmother and her sisters. They are cherished pieces I hope to hand down for generations. As part of my giveaway I’ve purchased antique needlework and embroidered pieces to giveaway with the prizes.

Another fun way to build characters is show something they love to eat. Nellie, who is a minor character, is visiting the hero’s home with her family. Duncan being from Scotland has scones on the breakfast menu. Nellie can’t get enough of the yummy biscuits and finds the servant enjoys helping her continue her indulgence even after she leaves.




Preheat oven to 400


2 cups of flour

1/3 cup sugar

½ tsp salt

¼ tsp baking soda

½ tsp baking powder

½ cup sour cream

½ cup butter (hard)

½ cup cranberries

1 large egg

2 tsp. sugar (do not put this in with the dry ingredients. This is for topping.)


Mix together dry ingredients in large bowl. Once mixed well, cut hard butter into pats and drop into the bowl. Now cut the butter into the floured mixture until it is more like a crumble. Set aside.


In a small bowl, whisk together your egg and your sour cream until well mixed.


With a fork (no mixer!) blend the liquid mixture into the flour mixture, keep stirring until the mixture becomes one large ball. If you need to you can use your hands toward the end to make sure all the flour is in the ball.


On a lightly floured surface pat the dough out to about 3/4” thick. I try to make mine a rectangle for the next step. Once you have the thickness right, sprinkle with the remaining 2 tsps. sugar. Cut the dough into triangles and place on cookie sheet (you can use parchment paper on the cookie sheet). Be sure to place adequately apart on the sheet to prevent them touching when rising.

Bake approximately 15 minutes or until they are a beautiful golden color.

Allow to cool slightly. These are wonderful warm or cold!

Blog Stops

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, December 14

Hallie Reads, December 14

Sara Jane Jacobs, December 15

Novels Corner, December 15

Ashley’s Bookshelf, December 16

Connect in Fiction, December 16

Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess, December 17

Artistic Nobody, December 18 (Guest Review from Joni Truex)

Britt Reads Fiction, December 18

Locks, Hooks and Books, December 19

Simple Harvest Reads, December 19 (Guest Review from Donna Cline)

Rebecca Tews, December 20

deb’s Book Review, December 20

Inklings and notions, December 21

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, December 21

Texas Book-aholic, December 22

Splashes of Joy, December 22

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, December 23

Vicky Sluiter, December 23

Labor Not in Vain, December 24

A Good Book and Cup of Tea, December 25

Connie’s History Classroom, December 26

Bizwings Blog, December 26

For Him and My Family, December 27

Maureen’s Musings, December 27


To celebrate her tour, Debbie is giving away the grand prize of a a smart watch!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


My Review


I was entertained and loved this book, what great characters the author gives us! Enjoy Duncan's accent as he talks, and then there is a young woman who wears he faith on her sleeve. She does, sometimes not willingly, what her father tells her to do, and even when she is not doing something wrong, she is caught being compromised.
Set in 1880's South Carolina, we see how those with money lived, and those without give everything they have to help those in need.
Come and get lost in this read that has a lot of everything, sweet romance, friendship, and looking for a spy!
I received this book through Celebrate Lit, and was not required to give a positive review.

Friday, December 25, 2020

Celebrate Lit Presents: The Ginnie West Collection by Monique Bucheger


Ginnie West Collection

About the Book

Book:  The Ginnie West Collection

Author: Monique Bucheger

Genre: Christian fiction, middle grade

The Ginnie West Collection 


Twelve-year-old BFF’s Ginnie West and Tillie Taylor, want to be sisters. Ginnie’s widowed dad plus Tillie’s divorced mom could equal a lifetime of round-the-clock girl talk and slumber parties. Too bad Dad vowed to never marry again. Ginnie and Tillie come up with the perfect scheme to change his mind: ‘Operation Secret Sisters’ (aka OSS). After all, if they can’t get Dad to move on, Tillie can’t move in.
Things get more complicated when Ginnie stumbles across her mom’s hidden journals. Ginnie can finally get to know the mother she doesn’t remember and her dad doesn’t talk about—if Dad doesn’t take them away.


Putting her body in motion before her brain is in gear creates a mountain of problems for 12 year-old Ginnie West. She is certain that defending her twin brother, Toran, from the biggest bully in sixth grade was the right thing to do. But Ginnie couldn’t be more wrong. She quickly learns that Toran doesn’t appreciate being rescued by a girl any better than Pierce likes being knocked down by one.

When Pierce seeks revenge on Ginnie, Toran sets aside his anger and helps her plot a payback prank at Pierce’s house. Sadly, Ginnie learns that Pierce has a reason for being a bully when she sees his dad drop him to the floor like a ragdoll. Realizing he’s a boy in big trouble, Ginnie decides to be his ally, because he won’t let her be his friend.


Twelve-year-old BFFs Ginnie and Tillie are matchmaking geniuses. Sweet! Not long after they schemed to get Ginnie’s widowed dad to fall in love with Tillie’s divorced mom, Ginnie stumbled upon her late mom’s journals, making life even more awesome sauce … until her dad confiscated the journals, determined to protect Ginnie from a danger he won’t name.

Ginnie is counting on her future sister’s help to make Dad change his mind, but Tillie’s not so sure the ghost of Ginnie’s mom will make a good addition to their new family tree. The girls’ world gets flipped upside-down when a blast from the past shows up and makes Tillie go nutburgers. Ginnie is torn between helping her best friend and what could be the answer to her deepest wish.


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

MoniqueWhen Monique isn’t writing, you can find her playing taxi driver to one or more of her 12 children, plotting her next novel, scrapbooking, or being the “Mamarazzi” at any number of child-oriented events.

Even though she realizes there will never be enough hours in any given day, Monique tries very hard to enjoy the journey that is her life. She shares it with a terrific husband, her dozen children, twelve grand-darlings, too many cats, and many real and imaginary friends. She is the author of several books in three series and hopes to write many more.


More from Monique

Hello Everyone,


Welcome to the Kickoff of The Ginnie West Collection (Books 1, 2, and 3) of the Ginnie West Adventures series. This omnibus edition includes The Secret Sisters Club, Trouble Blows West and Simply West of Heaven.


The series starts with The Secret Sisters Club and introduces the reader to 12-year-old best friends, Ginnie West and Tillie Taylor. Ginnie’s mother died when she was 3 ½ in a tragic accident and Tillie’s birth dad hit the road 6 years before the series starts.

Tillie, especially, wants a “whole” family again and who would make a better sister than her BFF? When she suggests to Ginnie that their parents would also benefit by marrying, their scheme, Operation: Secret Sisters is formed.

Things get more complicated when Ginnie discovers a box of her dead mom’s journals and reads one, getting to know the mother she doesn’t remember and her dad doesn’t talk about. Discovering the journals brings up questions and feelings that Ginnie didn’t expect and she struggles to reconcile her desire to know her real mom and while caring about her “new” mom.


Trouble Blows West takes a complete turn from Book 1 when the biggest bully in 6th grade goes after Ginnie’s twin brother, Toran,  and results in Ginnie knocking the bully, Pierce, on his rear in front of the whole student body in the  cafeteria on page 2. Things get more complicated when the reader realizes that Pierce is being abused at home. Ginnie doesn’t find out right away—but when she does, Ginnie, Toran, and Tillie decide to become Pierce’s allies—because he won’t let them be his friends. Trouble Blows West is a story of kids on the opposite sides of many issues who try to come to some peaceful understandings.

Because of her great influence in my life, I made my high school creative writing teacher, Mrs. Marion Joyce Johnson, a character in this book years ago. A fun happenstance has recently occurred. Mrs. Johnson’s real life son is Col. Greg Johnson, pilot and astronaut for the Space Shuttle Endeavor. I reached out to Greg who read: Trouble Blows West and fell in love with Ginnie and her family. He has graciously written a Foreword for the book.


Simply West of Heaven starts three weeks after The Secret Sisters Club ends. The one thread that wasn’t reconciled in Book 1 is resolved in this book—and the thread opens up a whole lot of possibilities of fun and new adventures for Ginnie, Tillie, and the Wests. This book has my four best twists and guarantees the reader lots of surprises as the story unfolds. Hopefully readers will want to continue to read about Ginnie and Tillie in Book 4: Being West is Best.


The Ginnie West Adventures series truly is a labor of love for me. I enjoy sharing the West family and their stories with new and longtime readers. I especially love it when readers share with me their experiences of finding courage and peace to overcome their own trials and share those stories with me. I hope to empower and uplift my readers and love it when they connect with me.


Laugh lots … love much … write on!

Monique Bucheger

Blog Stops

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, December 16

Locks, Hooks and Books, December 16

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, December 17

Sara Jane Jacobs, December 18

deb’s Book Review, December 19

Blogging With Carol, December 19

Inklings and notions, December 20

For Him and My Family, December 21

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, December 22

Mary Hake, December 22

Texas Book-aholic, December 23

Sodbusterliving, December 24

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, December 25

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, December 26

She Lives To Read, December 27

Artistic Nobody, December 28 (Guest Review from Joni Truex)

Ashley’s Bookshelf, December 29

Splashes of Joy, December 29


To celebrate her tour, Monique is giving away the grand prize of a $75 Kobo, Barnes and Noble, Amazon, Apple, or Google Play!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Celebrate Lit Presents: A Voice within the Flame by Henry O. Arnold


About the Book

Book:  A Voice within the Flame

Author: Henry O. Arnold

Genre: Biblical Fiction

Release Date: December 1, 2020

A son of the vow…a voice for a nation


For many long years, Hannah prayed for a son; a son finally granted to her only when she promised him back to God. Samuel, son of the vow, grows up in the Tabernacle, his childhood spent in the company of priests and Levites, in service to a God who was always silent. Samuel watches in dismay as the sons of the High Priest flaunt their wicked behavior, yet he knows that Yahweh will eventually have a reckoning. It is not until he hears a Voice call to him from within the flames of the altar that he realizes he has a part to play in this drama.

This young man hears another voice from a maiden who captures his heart, and he begins to dream of a future beyond the confines of the Tabernacle. But when Israel’s enemies threaten to destroy his world, it appears as though everything Samuel ever held dear may come tumbling down around him.


Not even a great prophet, whose words never fall to the ground, can keep Israel from crying out for a king. The Lord calls upon Samuel to guide the nation and her new king through the years of turmoil they must face.

In this tale of triumph and scorn, deepest love and burning rivalries, the new epoch is given a voice…and it is a Song of Prophets and Kings.


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Henry O. Arnold has co-authored a work of fiction, Hometown Favorite, with Bill Barton, and nonfiction, KABUL24, with Ben Pearson. He also co-wrote and produced with Steve Taylor (director) and Ben Pearson the film The Second Chance starring Michael W. Smith, the screenplay for the authorized film documentary on evangelist Billy Graham, God’s Ambassador, and the documentary film KABUL24, based on the book which is the story of western and Afghani hostages held captive by the Taliban for 105 days. He lives on a farm in Tennessee with his lovely wife Kay. They have two beautiful daughters married to two handsome men with three above-average grandchildren. For more information please visit:


More from Henry

So many people have asked me why I became a writer. I usually respond with a one-word answer: unemployment. I know, not very inspirational or romantic, but it was a reality-based choice. I had (and still am) been a professional actor for about ten years. Received a lot of diplomas affirming my professional choice and gotten a lot of gigs that convinced me that I was employable. Then I hit a dry-spell. The theatre company I had helped to found went belly-up. I also had recently gotten married. So I was feeling the mixture of joy and dejection at the same time. It was then that I chose to begin writing a series of one-man shows on biblical characters. I was able to combine my passion for the theatre and my love of Scripture in one artistic form.

After the golden age of theatre in the Greek and Roman times, the theatre went dark, very dark as in Dark Ages, and for centuries it was thus. But it was the church that brought the theatre back to life by staging passion plays on biblical subjects. Since most people could not read at the time, it was a great way to tell the folks some Bible stories. It was my desire to do the same thing with my one-man shows. The third of my one-man plays was on the character of King David. I wrote it while shooting a film. For an actor in  a film there is a lot of “hurry up and wait.” So I used my “wait” time to write. Within a year I was showcasing the play to some select audiences before I begin to get some regular jobs out of this show and the two others I had previously written.

Then I decided to write what I thought would be a trilogy of the first three kings of Israel. These would be full-length plays for a multiple cast. The first installment was entitled “The Mighty Have Fallen,” and the focus was on King Saul. My father was the head of the theatre department at a university, and he was kind enough to produce and direct the show with his students. It was a success, and after an extensive rewrite, I sent a copy to Academy Award winner, F. Murray Abraham, thinking he would be the perfect King Saul. He wrote a terse and unambiguous response, “Not my cup of tea, but thanks.”

I knew then that my artistic dream might be more of an uphill climb than I had anticipated, and I settled into scheduling the one-man shows around all the other theatre and film work I was doing. But the dream of writing an historical fiction series on the first three kings and the first three major prophets of Israel never left me. I called the series, A Song of Prophets and Kings, and it simmered on the back-burner until about five years ago when I sat down in earnest and began to write a first draft of what has now become A Voice Within the Flame. It was totally liberating to write this first volume in the form of a novel. I did not have to worry about budgets or too many characters or too many big scenes. I could just tell a story.

It took a long to find the right home for this story, but I am excited to welcome into the literary landscape my dream of presenting the first installment of my historical fiction series to all readers who love the drama found in these great biblical stories.

Blog Stops

For the Love of Literature, December 16

Through the Fire Blogs, December 17

Mary Hake, December 17

Texas Book-aholic, December 18

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, December 19

Inklings and notions, December 20

For Him and My Family, December 21

deb’s Book Review, December 22

Sara Jane Jacobs, December 23

Adventures of a Travelers Wife, December 24 (Author Interview)

Our Whiskey Lullaby, December 24

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, December 25

Artistic Nobody, December 26 (Guest Review from Joni Truex)

Ashley’s Bookshelf, December 27

Locks, Hooks and Books, December 28

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, December 29


To celebrate his tour, Henry is giving away the grand prize package of a signed copy of the book and a $25 Amazon gift card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Thursday, December 24, 2020

12 Day of Clean Romance: Christmas in the Rockies by McKenna Grey


Christmas in the Rockies by McKenna Grey

Three heartwarming stories. One romantic Christmas escape. Can six willing hearts find a second chance at love?

“McKensie’s Christmas Gift”
When McKensie Scott returns to Wycliffe, Wyoming, she’s uncertain of herfuture . . . and the man she left behind two summers before. With thehelp of an unexpected ally, McKensie will discover that sometimesleaving the people you love is the only way to find your path home.

“A Snowy Falls Christmas”
After five years of searching for answers at her family’s home in Scotland,Maura Coburn returns to Snowy Falls, Colorado, the place she’s alwayscalled home. When Wyatt Dobbes sweeps into town to take over hisfamily’s horse farm, Maura realizes five years might not have been longenough.When unexpected circumstances bring them together, Wyatt andMaura will soon discover the powerful magic of Christmas, love, andsecond chances.

“Christmas in Moose Creek”
SaigeTravers said goodbye to Owen McGregor sixteen years ago. A spontaneouschoice brings Saige home to Moose Creek, Montana, and she doesn’t expect her past to catch up with her present. When Owen walks back into herlife, she struggles to remember why she left. Together they discoversecond chances are real and hope is a cherished gift.

Join us this holiday season and fall in love like it was the first time.

Praise for Christmas in the Rockies:

Romance at its best! Another great read by McKenna Grey. I am never disappointed. I have been anticipating the release .. and loved all three stories. My only disappointment is now I have to wait again for her next release.

”Christmas in the Rockies” written by McKenna Grey, revolves around three charming couples who get a second chance. In each story, one of them feel responsible for their break-up but love will be in the air during Christmas time. Definitely, a must to read to put you in a festive mood during the Holiday season.

Celebrate Lit Presents: Mishaps off the Mainland by Tabitha Bouldin


About the Book

Book:  Mishaps off the Mainland

Author: Tabitha Bouldin

Genre:  Christian fiction, contemporary romance

Release Date:  November 24, 2020

BOULDIN-Mishaps Off the Mainland 

All Mel wants is to run the business of her dreams.

Melody Carmichael’s mobile pet grooming business might sink before it can sail when a favorite pet escapes her care. Doggie escape-artist, Daphne, got a taste of freedom, and the Afghan hound refuses to be found.

Enter Zeke Solomon. Desperate to bring the dog home for his grandmother, Zeke steps in to save the day.

And working together with Zeke would be a snap—if he would just stop blaming Mel for Daphne making a break for it.

Zeke is desperate to prove himself worthy of the Solomon name and step out from his father’s shadow. With his father breathing down his neck and demanding he return to the company business, Zeke must decide whether confronting the man he admires most is worth the risk of alienation.

Everything’s falling apart, and Mel’s dream transforms into a nightmare. She thought this was what God wanted for her life, but can you blame her for second-guessing everything?

Was it all just a mistake?

Mishaps off the Mainland is the fifth “Merriweather book” in a new series featuring five islands, six authors, and a boatload of happily-ever-afters.

The Independence Island Series: beach reads aren’t just for summer anymore.


Click here to get your copy!

About the Author

Tabitha BouldinTabitha Bouldin is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) and an avid reader. When she’s not busy homeschooling her two boys, you’ll find her buried in a book.


More from Tabitha

Why mobile pet grooming?

I get this question a lot when I bring up Mishaps off the Mainland.

I mean, I could have chosen any occupation as long as it could be mobile. Anything from a mobile doctor office to a bug specialist. The world was wide open for ideas.

After just completing a rather serious series, I wanted to write something lighter, funnier, but with that same depth and heart that I love to read. I also needed something that fit my character, and Mel had some pretty strong opinions right out of the gate.

You see, Mel is one of those characters who spoke to me right away. She loves animals. All animals but especially dogs. They’re her happy place. Mel is also a giver. She will drop everything to help someone else.

When I asked her what her dream job would be, she answered me faster than any character ever has. Pet groomer! (Yes, I talk to my characters.)

And I thought, why not a mobile pet groomer? She gets to spend all her time with animals (which is a bonus for me as the author), and Mel’s character traits can shine through her actions and reveal her giving heart.

Once the job was decided, I knew there needed to be some drama. What would be the underlying fear of a pet groomer? I didn’t want to injure an animal, so I went for what felt like second most traumatic, an escaped animal.

While Daphne’s escape is serious and causes Mel no end of sleepless nights, it also provides some comedic relief for Mel and Zeke while they work through their own personal battles. I like to think of Mishaps off the Mainland as a mixture of quirky fun and serious truth. The story was a joy to write, and I hope you fall in love with Mel and Zeke.

Blog Stops

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, December 18

Livin’ Lit, December 18

Texas Book-aholic, December 19

21st Century Keeper at Home, December 19

Mypreciousbitsandmusings, December 20

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, December 20

Connect in Fiction, December 20

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, December 21

deb’s Book Review, December 21

Inklings and notions, December 22

The Collaborative Press, December 22

For Him and My Family, December 23

lakesidelivingsite, December 23

Gina Holder, Author and Blogger, December 23

Joanne Markey, December 24

Reviewingbooksplusmore, December 24

Batya’s Bits, December 25

Daysong Reflections, December 25

She Lives To Read, December 26

Rebekah Reads, December 26

Splashes of Joy, December 26

Locks, Hooks and Books, December 27

Blossoms and Blessings, December 27

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, December 28

Captive Dreams Window, December 28

Artistic Nobody, December 29 (Guest Review from Joni Truex)

Simple Harvest Reads, December 29 (Guest Review from Donna Cline)

Aryn the Libraryan, December 30

Adventures of a Travelers Wife, December 30

Ashley’s Bookshelf, December 30

Sara Jane Jacobs, December 31

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, December 31


To celebrate her tour, Tabitha is giving away the grand prize package a $50 Amazon gift card and a copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


Great Escapes Virtual Book Tours Presents: A Tisket A Tasket Not Another Casket: A Mermaid Bay Christmas Shoppe Mystery by Heather Weidner

  A Tisket A Tasket Not Another Casket: A Mermaid Bay Christmas Shoppe Mystery by Heather Weidner About A Tisket A Tasket N...