Monday, June 30, 2014

Seagrass Pier (Hope Beach, #3) by Colleen Coble

Seagrass Pier

Seagrass Pier
In a secluded corner of Hope Beach, one woman must decipher a stranger’s memories . . . before they cost her everything.
Elin Summerall was one of the lucky ones. Not only did she get a heart transplant, but the donor was a perfect fit. A miraculously perfect fit.
But when Elin begins having violent flashbacks—and vivid dreams of being strangled—she realizes that she has been the recipient of more than just a new heart . . . Elin is remembering her donor’s murder.
Her strange affliction has attracted some unwanted attention: from the press, from the authorities . . . and from the killer himself. Now, living alone with her young daughter and aging mother, Elin is being stalked—by a man she’s only met in her nightmares.
The police are dubious of her story, but one off-duty FBI agent is eager to help her: Agent Marc Everton, the father of Elin’s daughter.
Of course, he doesn’t know about that. Yet.
Now, in a remote cottage on Hope Island, Elin and Marc must probe the secrets buried in her borrowed heart. And there’s no time to waste. One man is desperate to silence her—before she remembers too much.

Learn more and purchase a copy at Colleen’s website.

Colleen Coble

Colleen Coble has sold over 2 million novels worldwide. “Seagrass Pier,” the third installment in her acclaimed Hope Beach series, marks a new highpoint for emotion and complexity in Coble’s addictive brand of romantic suspense.
Find out more about Colleen at

My Review:

Once I picked up this book, I found I didn’t want to put it down; it drew me to turn the pages. When you read the blurb on the back of the book, you get the gist of what this book is about, but not the terror you are going to experience. You will never see what is about to happen, it was one thing after another, and kept changing until the end.
How many murderers are there? Are they all related? You will be asking yourself this and other questions, whom can you trust? Just when you think you are at the end and the answers are there, your surprised to find out, nope not all of them.
Elin started her marriage to Tim by telling him she had betrayed him and is expecting a child. Oh my, not good, but he seems to want the marriage anyway, and wants the child to carry his name. What a start to a marriage, and he knows who the real father is and sure, not surprisingly, doesn’t like him.
The story starts after Elin’s husband has passed and she has received her transplant, but now the dreams start, and her anguish begins. I have to say that the author does a wonderful job of keeping us in the dark, until the last moment. Don’t miss this one it will linger with you for a long time!
I’ve read most of Colleen Coble’s books, and this one ranks right at the top!

I received this book through Litfuse Publicity Book Tours, and was not required to give a positive review.

I Am A Reader, Not A Writer Presents: Uncovering Cobbogoth by Hannah L. Clark – Tour & Blast

Uncover Cobbogoth

Uncovering Cobbogoth by Hannah L. Clark Norah Lukens needs to uncover the truth about the fabled lost city of Cobbogoth. After her archaeologist uncle’s murder, Norah is asked to translate his old research journal for evidence and discovers that his murder was a cover-up for something far more sinister. When she turns to neighbor and only friend James Riley for help, she realizes that not only is their bitter-sweet past haunting her every step, but James is keeping dangerous secrets. Can Norah discover what they are before its too late to share her own.

Amazon * Barnes & Noble

Praise for Uncovering Cobbogoth "With a fascinating protagonist in Norah Lukens, a fully realized, never before seen fantasy world, and a fast paced, compelling story, Uncovering Cobbogoth establishes Hannah L. Clark as a major new voice in American fiction. The richness of the story and the scope of the world she's created screams for a film adaptation. This is a fantasy novel for everyone, even readers not usually drawn to the genre. Highly, highly recommended!" -Bryce Clark, author of Red Shirt Kids "This book takes you on a wonderful ride, bringing myth and legend to life. The characters are full and flawed, with a sweet romance woven through the adventure." - Annette K. Larsen, author of Just Ella "Uncovering Cobbogoth is an Icelandic tale that will appeal to many Harry Potter series fans […] For those who’ve missed the Harry Potter world, here’s a pretty good alternative!" - Sharon Haddock, For the Deseret News "This isn't a typical YA fantasy/scifi/para story like the multitude of vampire or witch or werewolf or mermaid themes that fill bookshelves in stores currently. When after a couple of chapters it became apparent that this wasn't yet another entry into the aforementioned themes, I was downright giddy. And then to find out there wasn't a standard issue love triangle? I wanted to find the author and buy her dinner." -Radar626, Amazon reviewer "A friend of mine recommended this book […] I checked it out and I was so pleased! I love this book. I can't wait to read the next one [...] and I am encouraging my daughter to read it as well. If you like fantasy with a little mix of science this book is perfect. I had such a hard time putting this book down just so I could deal with real life and working on promoting my own book. I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of this book." -Pamela Hall, author
 Excerpt The Legend of the Cobbogothians is really where Uncovering Cobbogoth begins. For as long as Norah can remember, her Uncle Jack has been obsessed with the mythical people. He became an archeologist and world famous Myth-chaser because of the Cobbogothian legends he heard while visiting his Granddad Aegissida’s farm in Iceland.   

The Legend of the Cobbogothians Long ago, at the beginning of time, a peculiar race ruled the earth. They found favor in the eyes of the gods and received great gifts of knowledge and power at their hands. These gifts made them elementalists—masters of earth, wind, fire, water, metal, wood and space. The elementalists thenceforth became rulers of the earth and sky. With this power came corruption, and the elementalists soon forgot their patron gods. Instead, they turned to worshipping themselves and their own creations. This angered the gods, and in their wrath, the vowed to bring an icy end to the prideful race. Rumors of the looming destruction were heralded throughout the land, and a final invitation was issued to the elementalists to renounce their fallen ways. Yet only a few heard and heeded. Among them was a man named Cobbogoth. Being a wise and humble servant of the gods, he believed the warnings and led all who would listen deep into the bowels of the earth to wait out the approaching storm. When the day of destruction was come and the wrath of the gods rained down, the race of elementalists was wiped away, and then came the dawning of a violent and frigid ide age. It is said that Cobbogoth’s posterity still lives beneath our feet, waiting to rise and rule the earth and sky once more. Sigurd Jorgensson Icelandic Bard, 1045 AD   *Translated from the original Old Norse by Dr. Jack A. Lukens of Harvard University, April 1975


hannahAuthor Hannah L. Clark Hannah L. Clark lives with her husband and their son in the Rocky Mountains. She has always known she would be a storyteller. In 2006 she graduated from Utah Valley University with a bachelor’s degree in English and immediately began writing Uncovering Cobbogoth, the first book in a seven book series based on Clark's mythological brain-child, the Icelandic Legend of the Cobbogothians. Clark loves her family, running, mythology, laughing, soulful bluegrass music, road-trips, studying alternative medicine, retro hairdos, and growing things. Like her heroine Norah, she also kind of believes trees have souls, but must clarify (for her parents' sakes) that she was not raised by hippies. ;-)

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Blast Giveaway $50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Ends 7/31/14 Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the publisher. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

 a Rafflecopter giveaway -- ~Inspired Kathy~

Friday, June 27, 2014

Pump Up Your Book Presents Rebuilding Civilization on the Bible Book Blitz – Win $25 Amazon Gift Card

Rebuilding Civilization banner

Pump Up Your Book is pleased to bring you Jay Grimstead’s Rebuilding Civilization on the Bible book blitz June 2 -27!
Rebuilding Civilization on the Bible cover

Title:  Rebuilding Civilization on the Bible: Proclaiming the Truth on 24 Controversial Issues
Author: Jay Grimstead
Genre: Religion/Theology/Instruction
Publisher: Nordskog Publishing, Inc.
False teachings threatening to corrupt the Church forced the leaders to join in councils, where they codified the orthodox teaching of the Bible into creeds received by the Church as faithful distillations of Scriptural truth and as a bulwark against future corruption. Error, heresy, and outright paganism are today common in churches that were once sound. Even many “better” churches have little depth to their teaching and are silent on critical issues of the day, and even in some paganism masquerades as Christianity.
This book is the fruit of the work of hundreds of theologians and Christian leaders working throughout a 37-year period to define and defend the key Biblical points on 24 controversial issues — which would not even be controversial if all believed like Jesus and Paul in the inerrancyof the Bible.
This book states the Bible’s position on 24 controversial issues and explains why each document needed to be written. It offers the global Body of Christ tools for reforming the Church and motivating Christians to live in obedience to Christ and to all commands in the Bible intended for us.

Purchase from Nordskog Publishing at

Grimstead photo colorDr. Jay Grimstead was born in Bismarck, ND. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Biology in 1957 from Sterling College in Sterling, KS. He graduated from Fuller Seminary in 1961 with a Masters in Theology (ThM) and later received a Doctor of Ministry (DMin) degree. He spent 20 years on staff with Young Life Campaign, a ministry of clubs and camping to evangelize and disciple non-church teenagers.
In 1984 he founded the Coalition on Revival which created the 17 World-view Documents which state the biblical principles for the various spheres of life and the “blueprints for how the Bible applies to the fields of: Law, Government, Economics, Education, Science, the Media & Arts, Medicine, etc.” Under his leadership, COR organized the International Church Council Project in 1992.
In 2004 and 2005 he organized theological committees in Guatemala, San Salvador, Costa Rica and Panama to discuss and defend certain of the 22 Theological Documents of the Church Council Project which had been translated into Spanish. A year later, Dr. Grimstead gathered national leaders from various fields to create the “24 Year Plan to Rebuild America upon the principles of the Bible.”
Dr. Grimstead now lives with his wife, Donna, a registered pharmacist, in Murphys, CA. They have two grown children, Julie and Guy.  Dr. Grimstead’s favorite hobbies are mountain climbing and playing jazz and blues on his trumpet.
To learn more about Dr. Grimstead and his work, please visit


Pump Up Your Book and Dr. Jay are teaming up to give away a $25 Amazon Gift Card!

Terms & Conditions:
  • By entering the giveaway, you are confirming you are at least 18 years old.
  • This giveaway begins June 2 and ends on June 27, 2014.
  • Winners will be contacted via email by July 2, 2014.
  • Winner has 72 hours to reply.
Good luck everyone!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Pump Up Your Book Presents Four Corners Or a Book That Will Tickle Your Intellectual Nipple Virtual Book Publicity Tour

Four Corners banner 2

Pump Up Your Book is pleased to bring you Cary Smith’s Four Corners Or a Book That Will Tickle Your Intellectual Nipple virtual book tour June 2 – 27!

PUYB Inside the Book

Four Corners

Title: Four Corners, Or a Book That Will Tickle Your Intellectual Nipple
Author: Cary Smith
Publisher: Shakespeare’s Fool
Pages: 255
Genre: Fiction
Format: Paperback/Kindle
High school. Those two words, for some, instill fear and loathing and vivid memories of sadistic teachers, bullies, and bad lunches. For some happy few, however, high school remains a misty paradise, where a student’s budding dreams and aspirations were nurtured by brilliant, sympathetic teachers, guidance counselors and peers.
Cary Smith, the nom de plume of Greg Hawkins, clearly falls into the first group, as he describes in his hilarious new book, FOUR CORNERS, OR A BOOK THAT WILL TICKLE YOUR INTELLECTUAL NIPPLE.  With a keen sense of the absurd, Smith thrusts his satirical sword straight at the jugular vein of all things pretentious and pedantic that haunt the halls of the educational world. Nothing is spared as Smith takes on the institution of secondary education. Readers will wince in recognition at the cast of characters Smith has created – the brains, jocks, bullies, cliques, incompetent teachers and pompous administrators – who all take a good drubbing from the flat side of Smith’s sword.
“I don’t know why I thought that when middle school was over that high school would be a brand new place, a fresh start,” Smith writes. “Maybe it was because all my teachers in middle school were implanting their lectures about how in high school the teachers wouldn’t let you get away with this and that and that it would be a very different place. Well, as usual, the teachers of the system lied to me …”
For good measure, Smith creates another archetypal character – Brad Cruise, a symbol of the pseudo-intellectual critics and pedagogues who inhabit academia. If you spotted Cruise’s name as a mash-up of Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise, that’s what the author intended.
Hawkins also points out that, while Cary Smith is the “satirical narrator” of FOUR CORNERS, “what we come to find out is that not only does he have a humorous side, he has a serious side, and he does, in fact, care, despite what he may say.”
Although much of Smith’s writing is clearly based in personal experience, Hawkins says the book is satirical fiction. The book’s style is steeped in hyperbolic language and literary hi-jinx that hark back to the 18th-century comic classic TRISTRAM SHANDY.
“I wrote FOUR CORNERS to entertain people,” Hawkins says, “not only to help people get through the turbulent time that is high school in America, but to make people feel OK about the time they spent during those years.” He adds:  “There is no one, to my knowledge, writing with this type of narrator, about this subject matter, in such a style and manner, and writing humorously. It is very hard to find a good book with a blend of the serious and comedic.”



Discuss this book in our PUYB Virtual Book Club at Goodreads by clicking HERE

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PUYB Meet the Author

Cary Smith 2Cary Smith, the nom de plume of Greg Hawkins, lives in San Jose, CA. He became interested in books and writing because of a teacher. His favorite book is “Hocus Pocus,” by Kurt Vonnegut or “100 Years of Solitude” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. He is currently either going to finish his collection of short stories next or turn one of his short stories into a novel, which would be a new take on the ghost genre.
His latest book is Four Corners, Or a Book That Will Tickle Your Intellectual Nipple.
Visit him on Facebook at

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Child of Mine by David Lewis, Beverly Lewis

Bestselling Author Duo Delivers Heart-Stirring Drama
Jack Livingston has been raising his nine-year-old adopted niece, Natalie, since the accident that took her parents' lives. While he travels for work, Natalie is lovingly cared for by Laura, an Amish nanny who loves her as her own.
Kelly Maines is nearing the end of her rope. Her baby was kidnapped, the apparent victim of a black market adoption ring, and for eight years, Kelly has tirelessly pursued every lead to its bitter end. Now, there's one last lead from a private investigator: Just a few miles away lives a girl who matches the profile. Could this, at long last, be her beloved child?
Desperately, Kelly initiates a "chance" meeting with Jack Livingston. It goes really well. So well, in fact, that Jack asks her out. One date leads to another, and before she can come clean with her original motives, Kelly realizes Jack is falling for her--and she for him.
Now how can she tell Jack why she's really here? And having gotten to know Natalie, what if she isn't her long-lost daughter, after all? This was all supposed to be so simple.
But nothing in Natalie's world is simple.

About The Authors:

David Lewis

David Lewis

David Lewis is the bestselling author of Coming Home, his first solo novel, as well as a keyboard artist and pilot. He is the first editor for his wife, Beverly Lewis, as well as research partner and manager. David was born in Minnesota, grew up in the Midwest, and met Beverly in Colorado, where they currently make their home.
Beverly Lewis 

Beverly Lewis

Beverly Lewis, born in the heart of Pennsylvania Dutch country, is the New York Times bestselling author of more than ninety books. Her stories have been published in eleven languages worldwide. A keen interest in her mother's Plain heritage has inspired Beverly to write many Amish-related novels, beginning with The Shunning, which has sold more than one million copies and was recently made into an Original Hallmark Channel movie. In 2007 The Brethren was honored with a Christy Award. She has been interviewed by both national and international media, including Time magazine, the Associated Press, and the BBC. Beverly lives with her husband, David, in Colorado.

Visit her website at for more information.


My Review:

Child of Mine brings to light every Mother’s nightmare, with kidnapping of her infant. When we learn the facts of what happed to this baby, my maternal instincts went wild, how could anyone do this, much less the person who did do it?
How does a mother ever give up looking, through eight and then nine years of anguish? Her hopes are dashed numerous times, and she has a way of sneaking DNA for an unsuspecting child, but her efforts have not been blessed and her life is in tatters. Kelly is a woman of faith, and God has not blessed her efforts, especially with her using deceit.
On one of her searching trips she meets a girl she is positive is her missing daughter, now what should she do to be sure? Use her deceit and get a DNA sample again? She then proceeds to weave a tangled web, and after a while how do you tell the truth? Will she find her Emily, or is she lost forever?
It was so hard to put this book down for any reason, I wanted to get to the end and find the answers, and there are some very big surprises in store. Most I never saw coming, and there are a lot of answered questions, maybe not how you want them, but the way that life is.
Keep the tissues handy, and try to keep your emotions in control, but don’t miss this great read. One of the best I’ve read all year, it will stay with you, and hit you right where it hurts, in your heart.

I received this book through Bethany House Publishers, and was not required to give a positive review.

Forever Amish: A Novel (Legacy of Lancaster Trilogy) by Kate Lloyd

Forever Amish

The latest book in the Legacy of Lancaster trilogy, Forever Amish introduces us to a young woman about to uncover a shocking secret and find an invitation to a new way of living. This is a story of forgiveness, legacies, and the ties that bind through generations.
It’s the Last Thing She Expects to Find
Sally Bingham needs some time away to sort through the changes in her life and to rethink her upcoming marriage. Despite her ailing father’s hesitations, she takes off for a bed and breakfast in Lancaster County for a weekend away. But her best-laid plans leave her in a near collision with a bishop’s buggy and in the home of a mysterious Amish woman named Lizzie. Lizzie introduces her to a different perspective on life, a charming farmhand named Armin— and opens a Pandora’s box that will forever change Sally’s life.

Purchase a copy and learn more at Kate’s website

About The Author:

Author Kate Lloyd is a passionate observer of human relationships. A native of Baltimore, Kate spends time with family and friends in Lancaster County, PA, the inspiration for her novels. She is a member of the Lancaster County Mennonite Historical Society. Kate and her husband live in the Pacific Northwest. Kate studied painting and sculpture in college. She's worked a variety of jobs, including car salesman and restaurateur.
My Review:

Am sad to see this series end, have read all three of these books, and these folks have become like family. We have return of all of our dear friends, and a few more. How would you like to grow up and have no family other than your father, and he tells you nothing about your mother, and of course you think the worse!
We travel back to Lancaster County, and Sally Bingham needs this time to get away, she is planning a wedding and has been contacted about her beloved corgis. In an interesting way, things kind of fall into place, a bit to conveniently, as you begin to wonder? Then to top off everything she almost has her car crash into the Bishop and his buggy, as she begins her adventure with the young woman Lizzie, who has been emailing her. Things seemed kind of funny here I was thinking, but what could be wrong?
Armin is back and is a sweet Amish man who after some banter with Sally becomes smitten. Now here is an Amish man and English woman, how can that work? You are going to be surprised at the outcome. Also God has his hand on all, some tragic events could have very different outcomes.
As we come to the end of this series, I find myself wanting more and more, I want to sit in the rocking chair and become one of this great family, where generations all live and work together. Enjoy!

I received this book through Litfuse Publicity Book Tours, and was not required to give a positive review.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Contact by Laurisa White Reyes – $100 Blast


Contact by Laurisa White Reyes
 Mira wants to die. She’s attempted suicide twice already and failed. Every time she comes in contact with another person, skin to skin, that person’s psyche uploads into hers. While her psychologist considers this a gift, for Mira it’s a curse from which she cannot escape. To make matters worse, Mira’s father is being investigated for the deaths of several volunteer test subjects of the miracle drug Gaudium. Shortly after Mira’s mother starts asking questions, she ends up in a coma. Although her father claims it was an accident, thanks to her “condition” Mira knows the truth, but proving it just might get her killed.

PRAISE FOR BOOK: "CONTACT is a page turner that will keep you guessing right along with Mira, right up until the last revelation. And it will make you reconsider the next time you wish you knew someone else’s secrets!" - Margaret Petereson Haddix, author of the Missing and The Shadow Children series. 

Laurisa White Reyes Author Photo AUTHOR LAURISA WHITE REYES:

 Laurisa White Reyes is the Editor-in-chief of Middle Shelf Magazine and the author of two middle grade fantasy novels: The Rock of Ivanore and The Last Enchanter. She is also the mother of five kids, a graduate student, a fan of Broadway musicals, and a lover of all things chocolate.


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 Blast Giveaway $100 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Ends 7/20/14 Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the publisher. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, June 23, 2014

Pump Up Your Book Presents Divine Healing Made Simple Virtual Book Publicity Tour

Praying Medic banner 2

Pump Up Your Book is pleased to bring you Praying Medic’s Divine Healing Made Simple virtual book tour June 2 – 27!
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PUYB Inside the Book

Divine Healing Made Simple 7

Title: Divine Healing Made Simple
Author: Praying Medic
Publisher: Inkity Press
Pages: 252
Genre: Nonfiction/Religion
Format: Paperback/Kindle

Divine Healing Made Simple is a training manual for the supernatural life, providing street-proven instruction for healing the sick in any type of setting. In addition to healing, the book teaches about prophetic ministry, street evangelism and making disciples.
This book takes a bold approach, addressing the difficult questions that many authors have avoided. Through dreams, online discussions and hands-on experience, the author has discovered the answers to some of the most common questions people have about Christian healing, deliverance and raising the dead. Three chapters are devoted to the problems of why some people are not healed and why some people lose their healing.
This is the first book on healing to harness the power of Facebook. By hosting discussion questions on Facebook, the author has collected the wisdom and experiences of hundreds of divine healing technicians.


Discuss this book in our PUYB Virtual Book Club at Goodreads by clicking HERE


PUYB Meet the Author

Praying Medic 2Praying Medic is a paramedic and author living in Phoenix, Arizona. Since 2009, he has written about the miracles God has done through his medical practice. He is married to his best friend and business partner. His first book Divine Healing Made Simple was published in December of 2013.
His life goal is to teach people to live as ambassadors of God’s kingdom. His books and articles are intended to inspire, challenge and if necessary, provoke readers into a deeper relationship with God.
If you’re interested in connecting with him outside of Amazon, he has a personal blog where he writes about the miraculous. You can contact him there.




Friday, June 20, 2014

Pump Up Your Book Presents Book of Dreams Virtual Book Publicity Tour & Review

Book of Dreams banner

Pump Up Your Book is pleased to bring you Sylvie Michaud’s Book of Dreams virtual book tour June  16-27!

PUYB Inside the Book

Book of Dreams cover

Title:  Book of Dreams
Author: Sylvie Michaud
Genre: Children’s bedtime stories
Paperback: 24 pages
Publisher: Crafty Canuck, Inc. (March 28, 2012)
ISBN-13: 978-0-9782955-8-5 (Print Soft Cover)
Kindle: B00BTPBX0Q
Book of Dreams sees Baby Raccoon’s parents use clouds to share their dreams of a better future. In the story, Mama and Papa use clouds to share their dreams about a healthy planet and vibrant future for Baby Ringtail. In the book, Baby Ringtail asks Mama and Papa, “Why is every cloud a different shape?” “Clouds are pictures in the sky that help us dream,” Mama Ringtail replies.
“Clouds are pictures in the sky that help us dream,” said Mama.
“Every cloud holds a different dream for your tomorrows,” said Papa.
“What kind of dreams?” asked Baby.


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Discuss this book in our PUYB Virtual Book Club at Goodreads by clicking HERE

PUYB Meet the Author

Sylvie Michaud is a North Vancouver, BC based writer and graphic designer. After years as a writer, editor and designer for The Canadian Red Cross Society newsletter, “The Responder”, Sylvie has gone on to write for several other groups & magazines including Pacific Yachting, GardenWise and the North Shore’s own Lynn Valley Literary anthology, “Wintertide.”
In 2011, Sylvie won the Lynn Valley Literary Society’s short story contest for “Fire and Fortune.”
In addition to her literary background, Sylvie is the ower of Blackbarn Crafts where she designs, produces and sells handmade crafts for crafts shows and other online venues.

Learn more about Sylvie Michaud and the Ringtail Family collection at and



 My Review

Book of Dreams a delightful way to share with your little ones. Using the darling raccoons Mama, Papa, and baby point out how different clouds look. Looking up at the different shapes and preparing to dream about what they look like.
My boys love this game, and were delighted with when this book reminded of all the different ones they have looked at. When Mama Ringtail stated that clouds are pictures in the sky that help us dream, the boy’s whole-heartedly agreed.
As we went through this little book the boys got very excited and couldn’t wait to go outside and dream about what they were looking at. They wanted to see if they could see the never-ending green forests and the mighty brown grizzly bears. Now that ambition to be sure, and love that they have these goals, as they set about their own dream adventures.

I received this book through Pump Up Your Book Virtual Book Tours, and was not required to give a positive review.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Pump Up Your Book Presents Guardians Inc.: The Cypher Virtual Book Publicity Tour

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Pump Up Your Book is pleased to bring you Julian Rosado’s Guardians Inc.: The Cypher virtual book tour May 5 – July 31!  This tour is part of a $100 Amazon Gift Card giveaway!
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PUYB Inside the Book

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Guardians Inc 7 
Title: Guardians Inc.: The Cypher
Author: Julian Rosado-Machain
Publisher: Julian Rosado-Machain
Pages: 239
Genre: YA Fantasy Adventure
Format: Paperback, Kindle
GUARDIANS INC.: THE CYPHER is two stories in one. A glimpse into a multinational company that is in reality the oldest of secret societies, one that spans close to seven thousand years of existence, weaving in and out of history, guiding and protecting humanity from creatures and forces that most of us believe are only mythology and fairy tales.
The other is the story of Thomas Byrne, a young man thrust into secrets he shouldn’t be aware of and dangers he shouldn’t face but, that he ultimately will, for he is a Cypher. The only one who can steer humanity’s future.
The ultimate conspiracy theory is that Magic is real. Kept in check by technology but, every five hundred years the balance can shift and, if it does, technology will fail and those creatures we’ve driven into myth will come back with a vengeance.
To protect the present, Guardians Incorporated needs to know the future, and to unlock the future they need a Cypher.
This is the first book of the Guardians Inc Series.
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Discuss this book in our PUYB Virtual Book Club at Goodreads by clicking HERE

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PUYB Meet the Author

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Julian Rosado-Machain 2Julian Rosado-Machain has enjoyed pizza in three continents, worked in graphic design, armored vehicles, built computers, handcrafted alebrijes and swears that he has seen at least one ghost.
He lives in San Diego, California. And enjoys the sun with his wife, three children and cat.
His latest book is the YA fantasy adventure, Guardians Inc.: The Cypher.
Visit his website at

PUYB Connect Socialize


PUYB Giveaway

Julian Rosado-Machain is giving away a $100 Amazon Gift Card!

  • By entering the giveaway, you are confirming you are at least 18 years old.
  • One winner will be chosen via Rafflecopter to receive the $100 Amazon Gift Card.
  • This giveaway begins May 5 and ends August 1.
  • Winner will be contacted via email on Monday, August 3, 2014.
  • Winner has 48 hours to reply.
Good luck everyone!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Celebrate Lit Presents: Have You Heard from God Lately? 30 Messages from Heaven to You Author: Keon Lindsey

  About the Book Book:  Have You Heard from God Lately? 30 Messages from Heaven to You Author: Keon Lindsey Genre: Bible Stud...