Friday, January 30, 2015

WNL Virtual Blog Tours Presents: A Scoop of Love & Amazon Gift Card Giveaway


Author is giving away Two (2) $10.0 Gift Cards from Amazon or Barnes & Noble. Enter contest below. Title: A Scoop of Love Author: Unoma Nwankwor Released: January 30th 2015 Publisher: KevStel Group LLC ASIN: B00RPI2616 Genre: Christian Romance Fiction



The oldest of the Danjuma brothers, Rasheed was a self-made man. He’d learned at an early age that love and commitment brought with it complications he didn’t want to deal with. His single-minded focus had paid off. He was able to step into the shoes of his absentee father by taking care of his mother and twin brothers. But just when he thought he could stop carrying the weight of his family on his shoulders, he gets a call that could change the trajectory of Rasheed’s life. Ibiso Jaja, a professional caterer, had gambled on the love of a man and lost. Through the redeeming love of God, she had picked herself up and was now living her dream as the owner of Bisso Bites, a bistro in the heart of Abuja. However circumstances conspire to threaten the bistro and bring her face to face with the type of man she has vowed to avoid. The attraction is instant. Once again, Rasheed is forced to do something he has done all his life – put the needs of his family ahead of his own. This time however, he crosses path with the sassy, independent, Jesus-loving caterer who is bent on making him see the power of forgiveness and God’s love. Just when Rasheed lets his guard down, a deadly sabotage causes old demons to rise. Will Rasheed continue to pursue power and success or surrender to the light of God’s love?



Unoma Nwankwor is a self- proclaimed romantic. She is passionate about telling stories that are uplifting and life changing sending the message of faith, hope and love. Her readers are in love with her unique way of telling stories that capture the essence of her present home base; Atlanta Georgia and her Nigerian culture. Her stories which center on forgiveness, faith and hope have been described as a fusion of faith, romance and African spice. Unoma is also the published author of An Unexpected Blessing (2013) , The Christmas Ultimatum(2013) and When You Let Go (May,2014).


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Author is giving away Two (2) $10.00 Gift Card from Amazon or Barnes & Noble. Two winner will be randomly chosen via rafflecopter.

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ENTER GIVEAWAY HERE Rafflecopter giveaway Terms and Conditions: NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. A winner will be randomly drawn through the Rafflecopter widget and will be contacted by email within 48 hours after the giveaway ends. The winner will then have 72 hours to respond. If the winner does not respond within 72 hours, a new draw will take place for a new winner. Odds of winning will vary depending on the number of eligible entries received. This contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Facebook. This giveaway is sponsored by the author Unoma Nwankwor and is hosted and managed by Paulette from Write Now Literary Book Tours. If you have any additional questions – feel free to send an email to Paulette @

WNL Virtual Blog Tours Presents: Forty Days Of Grace By Kim Y Jackson


Author is giveaway one copy of Forty Days of Grace and Journal. Enter contest below. Paperback: 140 pages Publisher: God's Glory (December 18, 2014) ISBN-10: 0974374938 ISBN-13: 978-0974374932

 About The Book


Forty Days of Grace is a prayer devotional full of wisdom orchestrated by God to manifest His purpose through a chosen nation. As you read Forty Days of Grace, God will daily impart into you revelation and knowledge for strength and encouragement. On each page God depicts His grace given for you to complete the work He has chosen for you to do. Everyone who takes the journey through Forty Days of Grace can anticipate receiving God’s triumphant Victory. As you travel within the pages of Forty Days of Grace - A Prayer Devotional, the power of God is unveiled for you to know that His Grace is Sufficient and for you to daily experience His Abundant Grace.


Kim Jackson

Elder Kim Y. Jackson, M. Divinity is a licensed Elder at Greater Bethlehem Church (Bishop Jason Nelson). An anointed writer, conference speaker, teacher, oracle and psalmist for the Lord, Elder Jackson is called to write the plans of God for His people. Her self-published non-fiction Christian books include In the Garden: A Woman's Journey Orchestrated by God for Deliverance and Spiritual Maturity, Forty Days of Grace: A Prayer Devotional and True Worship: Understanding the Command of God for a Chosen People. She has also contributed to the anthologies This Far By Faith, Have A Little Faith and Keeping the Faith. Her written works have also been featured in numerous print and online publications. Elder Kim Jackson is also the founder of the Women Writers of God’s Word Author’s Tour. Through the power of the Holy Spirit Elder Jackson imparts revelation knowledge to empower believers of Christ. As an oracle and scribe for the Lord, God has released her to effectively minister in the areas of healing and deliverance. Elder Jackson ministers at several recovery houses, transitional homes and support groups. Elder Jackson has fully accepted her calling to preach, write for the Lord, teach God's word and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She stands on God's word and encourages other believers to "Write the Vision" (Habakkuk 2:2) that God has given to them.


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 ter Giveaway Raffle code Terms and Conditions: NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. A winner will be randomly drawn through the Rafflecopter widget and will be contacted by email within 48 hours after the giveaway ends. The winner will then have 72 hours to respond. If the winner does not respond within 72 hours, a new draw will take place for a new winner. Odds of winning will vary depending on the number of eligible entries received. This contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Facebook. This giveaway is sponsored by the author Kim Y. Jackson and is hosted and managed by Paulette from Write Now Literary Book Tours. If you have any additional questions – feel free to send an email to Paulette @

 a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Huckleberry Spring (The Matchmakers of Huckleberry Hill, #4) by Jennifer Beckstrand

Nothing gives Anna and Felty Helmuth greater satisfaction than seeing their grandchildren happily married–except for planning their next matchmaking venture. And as springtime comes to Huckleberry Hill, Wisconsin, the air is filled with promise. . .

Ever since the Helmuths’ grandson, Ben, abruptly broke his engagement and moved to Florida, Emma Nelson has kept busy tending her vegetable garden and raising award-winning pumpkins. She can put her heartache aside to help Ben’s Mammi with her own pumpkin patch. At least until Ben shows up to lend support to his ailing Dawdi. . .

Gardening side by side with pretty, nurturing Emma is a sweet kind of torture for Ben. She could have her pick of suitors who can offer what he can’t, and he cares too much to burden her with his secret. Leaving once more is the only option. Yet Emma’s courage is daring him to accept the grace that flourishes here, and the love that has been calling him back to Huckleberry Hill. 

About The Author

grew up with a steady diet of William Shakespeare and Jane Austen. After all that literary immersion, I naturally decided to get a degree in mathematics, which came in handy when one of my six children needed help with homework. After my fourth daughter was born, I started writing. By juggling diaper changes, soccer games, music lessons, laundry, and two more children, I finished my first manuscript—a Western—in just under fourteen years.

I have always been fascinated by the Amish way of life and now write Inspirational Amish Romance. I am drawn to the strong faith of the Plain people and admire the importance they put on enduring family ties. I have visited and studied Amish communities in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin where I met with a bishop and a minister as well as several Amish mamms, dats, and children. It has always impressed me at what salt-of-the-earth people they are. My interactions with these kind people have been some of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I have a dear Amish friend with whom I correspond in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. She helps me keep my facts straight and gives me inspiration for my stories.

My goal is to write uplifting, inspiring stories with happy endings and hopeful messages. If my books make readers want to give themselves a big hug or jump up and down for joy, I’ve done my job. I am a member of Romance Writers of America and American Christian Fiction Writers and am represented by Mary Sue Seymour of The Seymour Agency.

There are three Amish romances in the Forever After in Apple Lake Series (Summerside/Guideposts). Kate’s Song, Rebecca’s Rose, and Miriam’s Quilt are all now available.

I have six Amish Roamish buggymances in the works with Kensington Books. The first and second books, Huckleberry Hill and Huckleberry Summer, are now available in stores and online. The Matchmakers of Huckleberry Hill is set in northern Wisconsin Amish country.

The series, The Matchmakers of Huckleberry Hill, is about an elderly Amish couple who try to find suitable mates for their grandchildren. What could be more fun than throwing two young people together to see if sparks ignite? No one would ever suspect two octogenarian Amish folks of mischief.

Romantic Times gave Huckleberry Hill 4 1/2 stars and chose Huckleberry Summer as a TOP PICK.

I have four daughters, two sons, three sons-in-law, and two adorable grandsons. I live in the foothills of the Wasatch Front with my husband and one son still left at home.

Author pic:


My Review: 

Anna and Felty are at it again; at least Anna is with her meddling in her grandchildren’s love life; think she wants to find mates for every one of them.
Anna and Felty make a delightful pair, Anna’s cooking leaves a lot to be desired, she cannot cook, and Felty he loves her cooking, he cannot taste anything. They are meant for each other.
This time poor Felty is in for a lot of medical procedures, and bless his heart he does as Anna asks. This time they have their Grandson Ben return from Florida, poor Felty has to have surgery, and they need his help! Ben was engaged to Emma, and broke off with her rather quickly and went to live in FL. Now Anna has recruited Emma to help her grow a prize pumpkin for one of her two-year-old grandsons.
You can guess how Emma and Ben are going to be thrown together again, but how will it turn out. There are a few bombshells here, and some other Grandchildren who might find a spouse in all of this. There is also Ben’s sister Lizzie and Emma’s twin brother Mahlon, or Mailman as Lizzie calls him. Funny.
There are a few very serious sides to this story, and you will love the banter here. This one will keep you page turning, and the enjoyment is on every page.

I received this book through the Author and Pump Up Your Book Virtual Tours, and was not required to give a positive review. 

Goddess Fish Promotions Presents: A Perfect Catch by Anna Sugden & Amazon Gift Card


"Why does it take so long to have a baby?”

At her niece’s question, Tracy Hayden looked up from the stack of invoices she was logging into her business’s accounting system.

She smiled at Emily, who was playing a game on the other home-office computer. “They don’t have bar codes on their bums, so you can’t just pick them up at a grocery store.”

Tracy’s sister, Maggie, had gone to the hospital early that morning, when her water had broken. The latest update from Maggie’s anxious husband, Jake, at 5:00 p.m., had been that all was progressing well, if a bit slowly.

Now, at seven-thirty, ten-year-old Emily’s excitement was stretched thin by the lack of action.

“Very funny, Auntie Tracy.” The soon-to-be older sister rolled her eyes. “Do you think Mummy’s having a girl or a boy?”

“Hmm.” Tracy pretended to consider the question seriously. “I have a feeling the sproglet is a boy.”

Her niece leaned forward eagerly. “Why?”

Tracy lowered her voice conspiratorially. “Your mum put sugar in her cup of tea yesterday. They say you need extra sweetness if you’re having a boy.”

Emily’s eyes widened. “She also ate a whole bar of Cadbury’s chocolate from her stash.”

“Aha.” Tracy snapped her fingers. “That settles it.”

“A baby brother would be okay,” Emily mused. “He wouldn’t want any of my things. Plus he’ll like sports. I could teach him to skate and play hockey.”

Tracy clipped the invoices together, then slipped them into a folder marked November Bills. She’d allocate them to the appropriate accounts tomorrow. “That would be nice.”

“Maybe he’ll even get to play on the Ice Cats like Daddy Jake.”

Jake “Bad Boy” Badoletti was a star defenseman for the local professional hockey team, the New Jersey Ice Cats. He and Maggie had gotten together after his transfer from Chicago a few years ago, when Maggie had helped him find a place to live. Though she’d been wary of falling for another pro athlete after escaping an abusive marriage to Emily’s father—an English Premier League soccer player—Jake had eventually won the hearts of both mother and daughter. As well as being an avid fan of her stepfather’s team, Emily had also become a good mites’ hockey player.

The child pouted. “It’s not fair that girls can’t play for the Ice Cats.”

“You never know. Maybe you’ll be the second woman to play in the NHL.”

“But Manon Rhéaume was a goaltender.” Em wrinkled her nose. “I want to be a forward and score lots of goals.”

Naturally. Her niece was all about action.

The phone rang, startling them both.

Tracy’s heart leaped into her throat as she saw Jake’s number. She snatched up the receiver. “Is everything okay?”

“Yeah.” He sounded a little befuddled. “We have a boy. Eight pounds, six ounces. Mom and son both doing well. Dad’s not sure he ever wants to go through that again.”

“Isn’t that supposed to be Maggie’s line?” Tracy said drily.

“She had an epidural. I did the whole thing without anesthetic.”

She laughed. “A tough guy like you can’t handle childbirth. I’m shocked.”

“I can’t believe, having survived it once with Emily, she’d be willing to do it again.” He paused and Tracy could almost feel his shudder down the phone. “Maggie’s one tough cookie.”

“She certainly is.”

Despite what she’d been through, Maggie had not only managed to make a fresh start in the US, but she’d also embraced marriage again.

Something Tracy couldn’t do after her own disastrous experience. That mess wasn’t something she wanted to think about. Not when there was a new life to celebrate. “So, are you up for visitors?”

“Sure. Whenever you can get here. I’ll call my parents next and get them to pass the news to everyone else.”

After she’d hung up, Tracy turned to Emily. “A boy,” she said smugly.

“You rock, Auntie Tracy.” Emily reached across the back-to-back desks to fist-bump her. “When can we go to see him?”

“Right now.” Tracy saved her files, then switched off her computer and stood. “Get your coat and we’ll head over.”

Em dashed out of the office. A moment later, she stuck her head back around the door. “Don’t forget the teddy bear.”

“I won’t. He’s already in the gift bag by the front door.”

The drive to the hospital passed quickly, with Emily chattering like a magpie about her new sibling. As they walked across the parking lot toward the hospital entrance, Emily squealed and darted toward a tall dark-haired man getting out of a black Mercedes SUV.

“Uncle Ike!”

Tracy’s pulse hitched at the familiar figure of Ice Cats goaltender Eisenhower “Ike” Jelinek.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Harlequin SuperRomance author, Anna Sugden, loves reading and writing happy endings as much as hockey! When not reading or watching hockey, she loves football, good food & wine, making simple cross-stitch projects, and collecting memorabilia, penguins and fab shoes!

A former marketing executive and primary teacher, Anna lives in Cambridge, England, with her husband and two bossy black cats. Learn more about Anna, her heart-warming romances and her shoes at . You can also follow her on Facebook (, Twitter ( Pinterest ( and on the Romance Bandits blog (

Buy Links:

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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

I Am A Reader, Not A Writer Presents: Rough Edges by Kimberly Krey – Book Blast & Giveaway

Rough Edges

Rough Edges by Kimberly Krey Divorced mother, Allie Emerson, never imagined she’d be raising two teenage girls on her own. Between parenting and paying the bills, she hasn’t even thought about meeting a man. That changes once she hears local carpenter, Braden Fox, is in need of a secretary. Back in high school, Allie had done all she could to deny the sparks burning between her and Braden; perhaps now they could explore the possibilities. Braden has heard all about what Terrance did to Allie and the girls, has been planning to stop by and see how she’s getting along, but Allie beats him to it by showing up at his shop in search of a job. Her single visit reignites the old flame Braden used to torch for her; trouble is, old feelings of resentment return as well. Allie did choose Terrance over him, after all. And as much as Braden wants Allie in his life, he’s not sure he can open his heart again. With this second chance at romance, will the bumps in their relationship be too much to get over, or will this carpenter learn to smooth out the past?

  Praise for Rough Edges "Kimberly Krey never fails to truly amaze and captivate my heart ... She has done it yet again with this heart stopping journey of a second chance at a once in a lifetime love." ~Amber @ Wonderings of One Person "An utterly charming romance!" ~Jamie Brook Thompson

  add to goodreads Excerpt Their eyes met once more, and a shot of heat flooded his chest like a liquid bolt of lightening, forcing his pulse to rush. “I’ve missed you,” he blurted. Her eyes widened in response, and Braden wondered if he’d been too bold. He’d hardly meant to speak it. It’d been more of a thought. A longing, really. At last she nodded. “Yeah,” she said, her voice soft and low. “I … I’ve been wondering about you too. How you’ve been over the years. I kept asking Terrance who you were dating. If you were close to marrying anyone…” Her words drifted off for a breath, but then she spoke up again. “You admitted that you’d turned down our offers to come to dinner and catch up.” She studied him for a moment, a challenge presented in her gaze. “All those years. Why didn’t you just come?” “You know why.” He’d nearly spoken over her, but he couldn’t help it. “No, Braden, I don’t.” He nodded adamantly, taking a step back and folding his arms. “Think about it, Allie.” ... “I have thought about it –” “Not nearly enough, apparently,” he snapped. “I’ve thought about it all these years. It hurt my feelings. I thought we were friends.” ... Braden bit back his words and broke into a pace. “Braden,” she said, “I wanted you to stay a part of our lives. You were the best influence Terrance had and you just stopped being his friend? Why would you do that?” Braden froze in place. “I was a better friend to him than you’ll ever know.” Or possibly the worst, he realized. He strode back, his gaze set on her. “And I didn’t want to be your friend, Allie. I wanted more than that and you know it.” Her face fell flat. Her lips parted. But no words came. She cleared her throat, casting her eyes to the floor. “Yeah,” he said. “Don’t pretend that you don’t know. I made it clear. And as soon as I did you started setting me up with every friend you had. Including Kayla.” “That’s not…” Her face flushed red. Her lips tightened. “That’s not how it went, Braden.” The silence that followed was painful. The tension wedged in each passing second pressed at Braden’s last nerve. “Well,” he said, “this has been a nice trip down memory lane, but if you don’t mind I’ve got to get back to work. Come on out when you’re ready.” He turned away from her in one quick jerk and walked out of the kitchen, one long stride after the next.

 Kimberly Krey  

Author Kimberly Krey Writing Romance That's Clean Without Losing the Steam! I'm a reader of good, clean romance, a lover of family time and Diet Coke, and the ultimate hater of laundry. I'm not patient enough to enjoy yoga, or tall enough to be great at basketball, but I do love to run - anywhere but on a treadmill. I love the sound of a rainstorm when I have no place to go, the feel of Soft Lips chap Stick on my lips, and the first peek of blue water as we round the mountains toward our favorite getaway in Bear Lake.


 $50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Ends 2/18/15 Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

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The Fall of the Prodigal by Michelle Lindo-Rice Presented By WNL Virtual Blog Tours

Author is giving away two $10.00 Amazon Gift Cards.  Two winners will be randomly chosen via rafflecopter. 
Enter contest below.
Book Title: The Fall of the Prodigal
Paperback: 288 pages
Publisher: Urban Books (January 27, 2015)
ISBN-10: 1601626983
ISBN-13: 978-1601626981
Genre: Christian Fiction

Michelle Lindo-Rice enjoys crafting women's fiction with themes centered around the four "F" words: Faith, Friendship, Family and Forgiveness. Her first published work, Sing A New Song, was a Black Expressions featured selection. Originally from Jamaica West Indies, Michelle Lindo-Rice calls herself a lifelong learner. She has earned degrees from New York University, SUNY at Stony Brook, and Teachers College, Columbia University. When she moved to Florida, she enrolled in Argosy University where she completed her Education Specialist degree in Education Leadership. A pastor's kid, Michelle upholds the faith, preaching, teaching and ministering through praise and worship. Feel free to connect with her at You can read her testimony, learn about her books, PLEASE join her mailing list, or read a sample chapter at

A condemned man, his two brides, and one untimely death. Michael Ward is at the top of his game and he doesn't need anyone or anything. Money is his new best friend--until he's arrested for a heinous crime. As much as he hates to admit it, Michael needs his brother, Keith Ward, the man who stole his wife and children. Will Michael open his heart to forgive his brother? Verona "Tiger" Stachs has been Michaels' attorney for years. She's in love with him, but is tired of being treated as his guinea pig. A lapsed Christian, Verona finds herself being drawn closer to God. She thought she was through with God, but soon discovers He's nowhere through with her. Which relationship will she choose? Keith Ward's a prominent minister and family man, yet he yearns to rekindle his relationship with his brother. When Michael calls him explaining that he desperately needs his help, Keith jumps at the chance to set things right with Michael. Will Keith be able to lead Michael into the light?

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Tour Hosted by Write Now Literary 

The Promise of Palm Grove (Amish Brides of Pinecraft, #1) by Shelley Shepard Gray

A young Amish woman finds herself torn between the man she’s pledged to wed and the man her heart desires in this heartwarming story of chance, duty, and choice in the face of love—the first volume in the beloved New York Times bestselling author’s new Amish Brides of Pinecraft series.
Amish bride-to-be Leona is thrilled to be in Florida, on a mini-vacation in the pretty town of Pinecraft. Her girlfriends think she’s happy because she’s away from the stress of wedding planning. They have no idea that Leona’s real joy is in being away from her fiancé.
Edmund is a good man, and will make a decent husband . . . just not for Leona. The more time she spends with him and his overbearing ways, the less she wants to be his wife. Her cousins are sure Edmund is the right man for her-and their certainty makes Leona begin to doubt herself. But when a chance encounter with a wayward cat brings her face-to-face with a handsome, fun-loving Amish man named Zachary Kauffman, Leona’s faced with two vastly different futures.
Leona must decide: Does she follow the path set out before her? Or take a chance with only the promise of what could be to guide her?

About The Author

I live in southern Ohio with my husband, two teenagers, and two dogs. My days are filled with busy activities like most any other mom and housewife. But I also love to write books.

Each morning, after my kids go off to school, I sit at my desk, look out my window, and dream of other places. The hours fly by as I make up people and places and drink way too much coffee.

Writing for Avon Inspire has truly been a dream come true. Being able to spend my days in my make-believe world of the Brenneman Bed and Breakfast is a true blessing. I have enjoyed getting to know more about the Amish culture and tapping into my faith as I show each character’s progression toward a personal relationship with our Lord.

Before becoming a full time writer, I taught elementary school in Texas, Arizona, and Colorado. A job transfer to Ohio led my husband to encourage me to finally give writing a try. After all, I had notebooks full of made up stories.

I’ll never forget that first book I typed in our unfinished basement. It was exciting to make up a story, but also very scary. I was also so embarrassed, sure someone would come out of the woodwork and point out that I wasn’t a ‘real’ writer. But I persevered, and sold my third manuscript.

Things have changed a bit. Now I have a real office of my own. (think old guest bedroom!) My walls are painted pink, and more than a couple of book covers decorate my walls. But my days are still the same. I wake up, dream about other people, and do my best to type out stories.
My Review
Travel along with some sweet young Amish women as they leave their cold winter homes in Ohio and experience Pinecraft Florida, the home to many Amish and Mennonite permanent residents.
I can appreciate their happiness at experiencing Florida for the first time, and the joy they felt just being free to do what they please, within reason. Leona is engaged to be married and is enjoying this last bit of freedom. The author now gives us a glimpse into her world, and her life as it is going to be with Edmund, her intended.
We also get a look how others of the same faith live under different set rules of faith for the Amish. Things are a bit more liberal, and more is accepted here. We also meet a young man Zachery who has made it his life work to take care of his family, especially his handicapped sister.
Sparks seem to fly on the first encounter of this couple, can these two from two different areas, miles apart, establish any kind of a relationship? Of course, Leona needs to come to terms with the relationship she in currently in. What a predicament for both of these young people, one you admire, but feel rather sorry for, and the other almost the same, doubts need to be answered.
This is a sweet and rather quick read, and I hope for more like this story in the future. I felt myself in the warm sunshine, and smelling the salt air, ah would love to be there right now.
I received this book through Edelwiss and the Publisher Avon Inspired, and was not required to give a positive review. 

Monday, January 26, 2015

At Home in Last Chance (A Place to Call Home #3) by Cathleen Armstrong

Kaitlyn Reed and Steven Braden have always had a similar philosophy of life: when the going gets tough, they get going--out of town and away from the problem. Now they are both back in Last Chance, New Mexico, and trying to start over. Kaitlyn is working to reestablish a relationship with the seven-year-old daughter she left behind six months earlier. Steven is trying to prove to his family that he is not the irresponsible charmer they have always known him to be. As Kaitlyn and Steven find themselves drawn to one another, one big question keeps getting in the way: How will they learn to trust each other when they don't even trust themselves?

With emotional depth and characters who leap off the page and into the reader's psyche, Cathleen Armstrong continues to delight her readers and win new fans. Readers will be thrilled to return once more to the small town they've grown to love.

About The Author

Cathleen Armstrong lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband, Ed, and their corgi. Though she has been in California for many years now, her roots remain deep in New Mexico where she grew up and where much of her family still lives. After she and Ed...
Continue reading about Cathleen Armstrong 


My Review:

Back in Last Chance and all of our dear friends have shown up, especially Elizabeth, what a dear soul she is. We also have Steven the family bad boy, and Kaitlyn a woman I really didn’t like very much.
Kaitlyn in the previous book, leaves her seven-year-old daughter with her brother, giving him guardianship, and rides off into the sunset with a boyfriend. What kind of mother does that? Now that she is back, it is going to take a lot to change my opinion of her.
Also Steven, when he takes a shine to Kaitlyn, the whole town seems to be telling her that he is bad news. Maybe these two deserve each other, or not. Can people change? They can if they rely on God and not the evil one.
There are some scary times ahead here, and I hoped for the best, and was surprised to see who was there to rally. There is one loved individual here, and whole town appears to come around and am really surprised at who really takes the lead here.
Come back to Last Chance and live among the locals, enjoy the comrade feeling of being one of them, but you will be judged by your actions.
I received this book through Revell Publishing Blogger Tour, and was not required to give a positive review. 

My Little Life of Jesus by Karen Williamson, Amanda Enright

My Little Life of Jesus introduces the story of Jesus' life to 3-to 5-year-olds. It follows Jesus from His birth, being baptized by John, meeting the disciples and teaching them how to pray, telling His stories to people in nearby towns and villages, right through to His return to the heavenly Father. Illustrated throughout with adorable artwork from a popular Candle Books artist, there is also a map included to show the land where Jesus lived. This padded hardcover comes complete with a presentation page for gift or award giving.

About The Author

Karen Williamson worked as a London primary school teacher and publisher’s editor before launching a successful career as full-time writer. With three children of her own, she specializes in Bible stories for young readers.|As a child, Marie continually drew characters and illustrated fun books for friends and family. After studying graphic design and illustration at college she has worked on stationery, puzzles, greetings-cards, maps and posters as well as numerous children's books.


Amanda Enright is a freelance artist specialising in children's illustration. She is represented by Advocate-Art.

My Review: 

The little book My Little Life of Jesus is perfect for your toddler’s hands, it measures a little over 6” all around. It is beautifully illustrated with bright colors that draw the little ones in.
Keep in mind that this is just a book to introduce Jesus to our little ones; it is simplistic and quickly gets to the point. I found the The Very First Christmas, a wonderful way to teach our three year old about the meaning of Christmas, in a way that he could understand.
We then meet Jesus With His Family, now when he hears that Jesus was a carpenter, he has the being of the idea. He loved as I explained the map of where Jesus grew up. Kept his interest, and gave his little mind a look at his faith.
The book goes on and became a real joy to share with each other, a great beginning learning tool. I highly recommend this wonderful little book, and so glad we have thin in our home.

I received this book through Kregel Blog Tours, and was not required to give a positive review.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

A Match for Addy by Emma Miller

In Search of True Love

Spinster Addy Coblentz fears she'll never marry. So her parents hire the new matchmaker who's moved to their Amish community of Seven Poplars. But Addy doesn't just want a match. She wants love. While some of her potential suitors are perfectly fine, only one man catches her eye. Gideon Esch is everything Addy's looking for: strong, kind—and handsome. But he's only a poor hired hand who can never give her family the stability they want. With her future happiness at stake, will Addy follow the rules…or follow her heart?

THE AMISH MATCHMAKER: Bringing love to Seven Poplars—one couple at a time!

About The Author

Emma Miller is a wife, mother and a grandmother who lives a quiet life in Delaware. She's the author of the Hannah's Daughter's series and is at work on her next Amish romance novel.

My Review

I found this story delightful, so realistic and a real page-turner. Welcome to Amish country and we meet an Amish Professional Matchmaker. Never knew they had anyone with that job, but makes perfect sense with some of the problems that are present in the children.
When Dorcus takes a job with Sara she is just taking a job, though she knows what Sara does. She meets the current people who are residing at Sara’s and one catches her eye, Gideon, but he is just a hired man.
I kind of shuttered when Dorcus, now know as Addy, compliments of Gideon, comes across as looking for a man with money and land. Gideon will never due, he will always be a hired man, and she has to take care of her parents.
Come and really meet Addy, now almost 30 years old, and really starting to bloom. Meet her over bearing parents; at least I felt they were. Go to singings and gatherings, and even the fair, and live a little dangerously.
Gideon is just following his parent’s wishes and has no desire to find a wife; he is just having a rather good time. Loved his bantering or could be arguing with Addy, they will really make you smile, and laugh. Picture Addy as she has an accident, sad yes, and she could have gotten hurt, but still funny!
Emma Miller has done it again, and I loved this book, and want more! I can see the potential for lots of great stories using a Matchmaker, such a wonderful idea!!

I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Love Inspired, and was not required to give a positive review.

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