Thursday, September 6, 2018

Fit to Be Tied (Bucklin Family Reunion #2) by Debby Mayne

The Bucklin family loves each other too much to stay away. . . but not enough to behave.  

Being rich is fine, but when wealth comes from striking oil, it can make a slippery mess for a family who doesn’t know what to do with it. The Bucklin cousins are all together again, and this family reunion is shaping up to be another hot mess.

Coralee falls for the police officer who pulls her over. Sally has finally found a guy, but now she’s not sure a relationship is even worth the bother. No matter how hard Brett tries to avoid trouble, he somehow stumbles right back into the thick of it. And Marybeth and Bucky continue to fumble and bumble as they learn just how to handle being rich.

The Bucklin family is known for drama—and family drama knows no bounds.


About The Author

Debby Mayne has published more than 30 books and novellas, 400 print short stories and articles, more than 1,000 web articles, and a slew of devotions for women. She has also worked as managing editor of a national health magazine, product information writer for HSN, a creative writing instructor for Long Ridge Writers Group, and a copy editor and proofreader for several book publishers. For the past eight years, she has judged the Writers Digest Annual Competition, Short-Short Contest, and Self-Published Book Competition. Three of Debby’s books have been top ten favorites by the Heartsong Presents book club. Love Finds You in Treasure Island, Florida received 4-1/2 stars from Romantic Times Magazine, and was named a Top Pick for the month of July 2009.


My Review

Oh, how I have fallen in love with these books and their family dynamics, they sure don’t disappoint, and now I can’t wait for the next book to come in the spring of 2019.
This story picks up after the last book, I would really recommend you read High Cotton, you will not be sorry it is so good, but this is a read alone, and maybe lost for a second you will soon be wishing to be a member of the Bucklin Family, oh yes!
We see up close how some members of the family are just scraping by financially, while others are filthy rich, but does money buy happiness, we put names on this.
There is also more blossoming of some of the characters we met previously, and there seems to be a lot of romance in the air, can’t wait to find out how all this comes together. Be ready for some chuckles, and some scary happening, and parents having to let go. A don’t miss read.

I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Gilead, and was not required to give a positive review.

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