Friday, December 8, 2017

Great Escapec Virtual Book Tours Presents: Aria To Death by Nupur Tustin Spotlight & Giveaway

Aria to Death: A Joseph Haydn Mystery by Nupur Tustin

Historical Cozy Mystery 2nd in Series Foiled Plots Press (December 1, 2017)  
Paperback: 302 pages  
ISBN-13: 978-0998243030 E-Book ASIN: B07641GD25 


When Monteverdi's lost operas surface, so does a killer desperate to possess them. . .
Preoccupied with preparations for the opera season at Eszterháza, Kapellmeister Joseph Haydn receives a curious request from a friend in Vienna. Kaspar, an impoverished violinist with an ailing wife, wishes Haydn to evaluate a collection of scores reputed to be the lost operas of Monteverdi.
Haydn is intrigued until Her Majesty, Empress Maria Theresa, summons him with a similar request. Skeptical of the value of Kaspar’s bequest, Haydn nevertheless offers to help. But before he can examine the works, Kaspar is murdered—beaten and left to die in front of a wine tavern.
The police are quick to dismiss the death as a robbery gone wrong. But Haydn is not so sure. Kaspar’s keys were stolen and his house broken into. Could his bequest be genuine after all? And can Haydn find the true operas—and the man willing to kill for them?

About the Author

A former journalist, Nupur Tustin relies upon a Ph.D. in Communication and an M.A. in English to orchestrate fictional mayhem. The Haydn mysteries are a result of her life-long passion for classical music and its history. Childhood piano lessons and a 1903 Weber Upright share equal blame for her original compositions, available on Her writing includes work for Reuters and CNBC, short stories and freelance articles, and research published in peer-reviewed academic journals. She lives in Southern California with her husband, three rambunctious children, and a pit bull.


Free Haydn Mystery at Taste of Murder:  
Purchase Links Amazon B&N kobo iTunes a Rafflecopter giveaway  

November 29 – Brooke Blogs - GUEST POST/EXCERPT  
November 30 – Books a Plenty Book Reviews – REVIEW  
November 30 – Island Confidential - GUEST POST/EXCERPT  
December 1 – Cassidy's Bookshelves - GUEST POST/EXCERPT  
December 2 – Babs Book Bistro - SPOTLIGHT  
December 3 – Cozy Up With Kathy - INTERVIEW  
December 4 – Queen of All She Reads – SPOTLIGHT  
December 5 – A Blue Million Books – INTERVIEW  
December 6 – Socrates' Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT  
December 6 – A Holland Reads – SPOTLIGHT  
December 7 – Christa Reads and Writes – REVIEW
December 7 – StoreyBook Reviews - GUEST POST/EXCERPT  
December 8 – Books,Dreams,Life - SPOTLIGHT  
December 8 – Valerie's Musings - GUEST POST/EXCERPT  
December 8 – Maureen's Musings – SPOTLIGHT  

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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