Monday, March 15, 2021

Great Escapes Virtual Book Tours Presents: Where There’s Smoke, There’s Arson and Hold the Coffee (The Gray-Haired Knitting Detectives) by D.E. Haggerty


Where There’s Smoke, There’s Arson
Hold the Coffee
(The Gray-Haired Knitting Detectives)
by D.E. Haggerty


About Where There’s Smoke, There’s Arson

Where There’s Smoke, There’s Arson
(The Gray-Haired Knitting Detectives)
Cozy Mystery

4th in Series
Independently Published (February 19, 2021)
Number of Pages – 100

Bernadette didn’t smoke. The fire couldn’t have been an accident!


Oh boy, the gray-haired knitters are at it again. Of course, they are. It’s been way too long since they ‘solved’ a mystery. But the investigator determined the fire at the craft store was caused by an unattended lit cigarette. Arson isn’t even a remote possibility. Except the owner Bernadette didn’t smoke and now she’s dead.


When Bernadette’s granddaughter asks me to look into the matter, the knitters practically cheer. They are on the case!


But is there even a case? Or are we seeing murder and arson where there’s merely smoke?

About Hold the Coffee

Hold the Coffee
(The Gray-Haired Knitting Detectives)
Cozy Mystery
5th in Series
Independently Published (March 19, 2021)
Number of Pages – 100

Oopsie. The Gray-Haired Knitting Detectives accused the wrong person of murder.


Poor Milly is furious after being hauled into the police station to be interrogated. She is not letting those knitters get away with pointing their fingers at her! Absolutely not. Instead, she insists they solve the murder and clear her name.


Naturally, the knitters jump at the chance to solve another mystery. They don’t care if the victim was hated by one and all. They’ll find the murderer!


Can the Gray-Haired Knitting Detectives wade through the suspects to find the actual killer?

About D.E. Haggerty

D.E. Haggerty is actually just plain old Dena, but she thinks using initials makes her sound sophisticated and maybe even grown up. She was born and raised in the U.S. but considers herself a Dutchie and not only because it sounds way cooler. After a stint in the U.S. Army, she escaped the US to join her husband in Holland. She fled Holland over ten years ago when she couldn’t stand the idea of being a lawyer for one single second more. Turns out Bed & Breakfast owner in Germany didn’t do it for her either. When the hubby got a job in Istanbul, she jumped ship and decided to give this whole writer thing a go. She’s now back in Holland, which she considers home.

Author Links







Amazon author page:

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Purchase Link Where There’s Smoke There’s Arson – Amazon

Purchase Link – Hold the Coffee – Amazon 

My Review

These detectives, aka The Gray-Haired Knitting Detectives, are a hoot, and we are along for the journey to find out who killed Clifford?
Now can you imagine this group of woman heading to your door and interrogating you like they are the police? Well, these girls sure are full of authority, and surprisedly, people seem to let them in.
Now, they aren’t all elderly here, wait until you meet them, there is even a baby in attendance! Enjoy the banter, it will have you laughing out loud!
This is the 5th book in this series, and it can be read alone, but you will quickly want to get your hands on the other 4 books!
I received this book through Great Escapes Virtual Book Tours, and was not required to give a positive review.

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March 3 – #BRVL Book Review Virginia Lee Blog – SPOTLIGHT

March 4 – Sapphyria’s Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

March 5 – I’m All About Books – SPOTLIGHT

March 6 – Lisa Ks Book Review – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

March 7 – ebook addicts – SPOTLIGHT


March 9 – Novels Alive – GUEST POST

March 9 – Celticlady’s Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

March 10 – Baroness’ Book Trove – CHARACTER INTERVIEW

March 10 – Christy’s Cozy Corners – REVIEW – BOTH BOOKS

March 11 – Reading, Writing & Stitch-Metic -SPOTLIGHT

March 11 – Socrates Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

March 12 – My Reading Journeys – REVIEW – Where There’s Smoke There’s Arson

March 12 – Ascroft, eh? – CHARACTER INTERVIEW

March 13 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – SPOTLIGHT

March 14 – Literary Gold – REVIEW – BOTH BOOKS

March 15 – My Journey Back – CHARACTER GUEST POST

March 15 – Maureen’s Musings – REVIEW – Hold the Coffee

March 16 – StoreyBook Reviews – GUEST POST

March 16 – Books a Plenty Book Reviews – CHARACTER GUEST POST

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  1. Getting reviews is very difficult for an Indie author. is an affordable service to get high-quality reviews and gain visibility for your book.

  2. Thanks for reading and reviewing! I'm glad you thought the knitters were a hoot. They sure are a hoot to write.


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