Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Dreams Rekindled (Mesquite Springs, #2) by Amanda Cabot


Though she hopes for a quiet, uncomplicated life for herself, Dorothy Clark wants nothing more than to stir others up. Specifically, she dreams of writing something that will challenge people as much as Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin seems to have. But in 1850s Mesquite Springs, there are few opportunities for writers--until newspaperman Brandon Holloway arrives, that is.

Brandon Holloway has seen the disastrous effects of challenging others and has no intention of repeating that mistake. Instead of following his dreams, he's committed to making a new--and completely uncontroversial--start in the Hill Country.

As Dorothy's involvement in the fledgling newspaper grows from convenient to essential, the same change seems to be happening in Brandon's heart. But before romance can bloom, Dorothy and Brandon must work together to discover who's determined to divide the town and destroy Brandon's livelihood.

With this second novel in the Mesquite Springs series, bestselling author Amanda Cabot invites you to discover the healing power of truth.



About The Author

 With both parents avid readers, it's no surprise that Amanda Cabot learned to read at an early age. From there it was only a small step to deciding to become a writer. Of course, deciding and becoming are two different things, as she soon discovered. Fortunately for the world, her first attempts at fiction were not published, but she did meet her goal of selling a novel by her thirtieth birthday. Since then she’s sold more than thirty-five novels. When she’s not writing, Amanda enjoys sewing, cooking and – of course – reading. 



My Review


I loved being back with these characters, and reuniting with old friends, now this is the second book in this series, but you won't be lost to read this one first.

Unfortunately, Evil is lurking here in Mesquite Springs, but most won't see this wolf in sheep's clothing, but you will be wanting to warn them.

There are some good life lessons here, feeling guilt, and not wanting to be hurt, and yet they don't really understand the whole story!

We see how easily folks are led, and wish we could help, but, through the author, God is in control!

Now I have to wait for the next book in this series, which can't come soon enough!

I receive this book through the Publisher Revell, and was not required to give a positive review 


1 comment:

  1. I'm absolutely delighted that you enjoyed Dorothy and Brandon's story so much. And five stars -- wow! I'm honored.


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