Monday, April 2, 2018

The Promise by Susan Lantz Simpson

In the beautiful spring warmth of Southern Maryland's Amish country, love always finds a way to
bloom . . .

Like most Amish young women, Phoebe Yoder has dreams--but not of a courtship--at least not yet. She dreams of caring for the tender-hearted alpacas at her Englischer neighbor's farm, and learning the business herself. But that longing falls away the moment her baby sister goes missing. In that horrifying instant, desperate for her sister's safe return, she whispers a promise to Gott she will give up her dreams and marry Micah Graber, a man she doesn't love, but who is determined to make her his wife.

Benjamin Miller hasn't been back in Southern Maryland for long before he meets Phoebe and begins to imagine what a fine life they could build together--beginning with an alpaca farm of their own. But he can see that Phoebe's brash vow is all she will consider, no matter what her heart wants. As Ben falls for her gentle manner and sweet, sad eyes, he comes to understand his daunting task: to convince Phoebe that together, they can make a new promise that will never be broken. 


About The Author

Susan Lantz Simpson has been writing stories and poetry ever since she penned her first poem at the age of six. She has always loved the magic of words and how they can entertain and enlighten others. Her love of words and books led her to earn a degree in English/Education. She has taught students from Prekindergarten to high school and has also worked as an editor for the federal government. She also holds a degree in nursing and has worked in hospitals and in community health. She writes inspirational stories of love and faith and has published a middle-grade novel (Ginger and the Bully). She lives in Maryland and is the mother of two wonderful daughters. She is a member of ACFW and Maryland Christian Writers Group. When she isn’t writing, she enjoys reading, walking, and doing needlework.

My Review

Delightful! I so enjoyed this book that I couldn’t put it down, and I didn’t put it away until the last page was turned.
I can’t, or don’t want to, imagine the heartbreak of having a baby stolen from her family. This is what happens to the Yoder family, when their little Naomi is taken, and thus the Promise, or bargain with God.
There are also a few chuckles here, like when Micha is berating Phoebe! The parts not in quotes are Phoebe's thoughts!
“You wouldn’t let me take you home after the singing last Sunday. I figured you might be a little shy and prefer more privacy.” You figured wrong. “I-I…” Phoebe still stammered, unable to form a suitable reply. “Do you want to take a walk or sit on the porch?” “Nee!” I want to run back into my room and stuff myself under the bed.
There is also a serious side that most people have problems with, and that is forgiving oneself, and the author sure has us thinking about this throughout the book.
Looks like there is another book by this author coming soon, and I can’t wait.

I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Kensington, and was not required to give a positive review.

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