Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Starting from Scratch by Kate Lloyd

An Old Flame Brings a Spark of New Hope

En Alt Maedel—an old maid.

At age twenty-nine, that's what Eva Lapp considers herself. And who could argue with her? Finding a good Amish husband at her age will be next to impossible. Plus, Eva's unwarranted bad reputation in Lancaster County precedes her. Maybe living the Englisch life would be better.

Squeezed out of her childhood home by her brother's boisterous family, Eva finds lodging and a new job managing a small café at a local plant nursery. But the challenge of her new position isn't enough to distract from her current predicament.

To Eva's surprise, her first love, Jake Miller, suddenly returns to Lancaster County. Flooded with emotions and filled with questions about Jake's past, can Eva trust what she's feeling?

Jake and Eva face many obstacles in their quest for a fresh start in the community, but perhaps with God's help, they can find the redemption they both desperately need.


About The Author

Author Kate Lloyd is a passionate observer of human relationships. A native of Baltimore, Kate spends time with family and friends in Lancaster County, PA, the inspiration for her best selling novels Leaving Lancaster, Pennsylvania Patchwork, and Forever Amish, the third book in the Legacy of Lancaster Trilogy. Her newest novel, A Letter from Lancaster County, releases 7-1-17.Kate and her husband live in the Pacific Northwest, the setting for Kate's first novel, A Portrait of Marguerite. Kate studied art and art history in college. She's worked a variety of jobs, including car salesman and restaurateur. For relaxation and fun, Kate enjoys walking with her camera in hand and beach-combing,
Giveaways on her Blog: http://katelloyd.com/blog/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/katelloydbooks
Pinterest: @KateLloydAuthor

My Review


The author has presented us with a story of an Amish woman whom the rumor mill has tried to destroy her reputation, and at twenty-nine has still not joined the church.
While Eva Lapp has tried to go on with her life after the love of her life left their community, she is in for a surprise when Jake comes back. Here is another character that gossip has tried to destroy his character, and now he has returned after many years and he wants Eva.
Eva is now in a position of working and being on her own, and there are at least three men interested in this sweet lady. Will she end up with any of them? I found myself rooting for one and then the other.
We are given a bit of romance, mystery, and family dynamics, as Eva’s brother moves home to take over the farm.
What a great story here, and there is never a dull moment, and when the book ended, I really wanted more!

I received this book through the Publisher Harvest House, and ws not required to give a positive review.

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