Thursday, November 9, 2017

Write Now Literary Book Tours Presents: Jillian By Julia A. Royston

Hello! This is one of my tour stops during my month long book tour for Jillian, by Julia. A Royston. This virtual book tour is organized by Write Now Literary Book Tours. This tour runs November 6-30, 2017.  Follow the tour here.  
Book your own tour here WNL

ISBN-10: 0692528067
ISBN-13: 978-0692528068
Book Title: Jillian Book 1 of the Women of the Fellowship Series
Genre: Romance Fiction

About The Author
Julia Royston is an author, publisher, speaker and teacher. Julia provides full-service book publishing services, writing and publishing coaching services as well as hosts workshops and conferences to help aspiring writers become best-selling authors and thriving entrepreneurs. By profession, Julia is a 22-year certified, media specialist/technology instructor with the local public school system. For more information about Julia and her companies visit,

About The Book
Jillian watched so many of her friends date, get engaged and marry before her. She wondered what was taking so long. Jillian had done all of the right things. She had gone to school, built a thriving company, owned a home, drove a luxury car and dedicated years of service to her church and community. But, where was her love? Come experience the lessons, longing and love of Jillian Forrester. Have faith, your love is on the way too.

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Tour hosted by WLN Book Tours

1 comment:

  1. Good Morning Julia,

    Book sounds intriguing. Added to my TBR list and will leave a review.. Enjoy your tour.


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