Thursday, November 30, 2017

The Sound of Rain by Sarah Loudin Thomas

In the Dark of the Mine, In the Face of Rising Water,
In the Shadows of the Hills, Faith Will See Them Through

Judd Markley knew he could never set foot underground again. The mine collapse that nearly killed him and claimed his brother's life meant leaving West Virginia forever. Although that hard Appalachian world was all he knew, he put it behind him and headed for the open sky of the thriving town of 1954 Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

Larkin Heyward's life in the beach town is uncomplicated, mostly volunteer work and dancing at the Pavilion. But she dreams of one day doing more and being more--maybe moving to the hills and hollers of Kentucky to help the poor children of Appalachia. But she's never even met someone who's lived there--until she encounters Judd, the newest employee at her father's timber company.

Drawn together in the wake of a hurricane that changes Myrtle Beach forever, Judd's and Larkin's dreams pull them in divergent directions. It will take a significant sacrifice to keep them together--or maybe, it will take a miracle.


About The Author

SarahLoudinThomas I’m a Christian, wife, fundraiser and writer living near Asheville, NC. I grew up on a 100-acre farm in French Creek, WV. I used to say “rural WV,” but realized that’s largely redundant. I LOVE my home state and the fact that I’m the seventh generation to grow up on the family farm. My love of the Appalachian Mountains informs my writing. I want you to be as wild about these hazy, blue mountains and the wonderful people who live in them as I am.

I’ve been married for eighteen years and I not only love my husband, I really, really like him. We started our journey together with three big dogs–Crockett, Precious and Sammy. We now have one small dog that requires more energy than the first three did together.
My Review

We have a couple disasters here, a mine cave in and then a hurricane, and our Judd gets to live through both, but as we see he is not left unscathed. Then the author brings us the Heyward family, a man devastated by his upbringing of being poor, having had a father that gave all they had to the church, but we sure see he did something right with his children.

The story lets us spend time at both the ocean and then we go to both West Virginia and Kentucky, and we see how outsiders are not easily accepted into the mountain community, people are wary, even the pastor has to work to earn their trust.

A book that has grief and romance, along with the strength of family, and we see how one works to control others to get what he wants, or does he?

A page turner for sure and one that will have you reading late into the night.

I received this book through Bethany House Publishers Blogger Program, and was not required to give a positive review. 

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