Thursday, November 30, 2017

The Sound of Rain by Sarah Loudin Thomas

In the Dark of the Mine, In the Face of Rising Water,
In the Shadows of the Hills, Faith Will See Them Through

Judd Markley knew he could never set foot underground again. The mine collapse that nearly killed him and claimed his brother's life meant leaving West Virginia forever. Although that hard Appalachian world was all he knew, he put it behind him and headed for the open sky of the thriving town of 1954 Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

Larkin Heyward's life in the beach town is uncomplicated, mostly volunteer work and dancing at the Pavilion. But she dreams of one day doing more and being more--maybe moving to the hills and hollers of Kentucky to help the poor children of Appalachia. But she's never even met someone who's lived there--until she encounters Judd, the newest employee at her father's timber company.

Drawn together in the wake of a hurricane that changes Myrtle Beach forever, Judd's and Larkin's dreams pull them in divergent directions. It will take a significant sacrifice to keep them together--or maybe, it will take a miracle.


About The Author

SarahLoudinThomas I’m a Christian, wife, fundraiser and writer living near Asheville, NC. I grew up on a 100-acre farm in French Creek, WV. I used to say “rural WV,” but realized that’s largely redundant. I LOVE my home state and the fact that I’m the seventh generation to grow up on the family farm. My love of the Appalachian Mountains informs my writing. I want you to be as wild about these hazy, blue mountains and the wonderful people who live in them as I am.

I’ve been married for eighteen years and I not only love my husband, I really, really like him. We started our journey together with three big dogs–Crockett, Precious and Sammy. We now have one small dog that requires more energy than the first three did together.
My Review

We have a couple disasters here, a mine cave in and then a hurricane, and our Judd gets to live through both, but as we see he is not left unscathed. Then the author brings us the Heyward family, a man devastated by his upbringing of being poor, having had a father that gave all they had to the church, but we sure see he did something right with his children.

The story lets us spend time at both the ocean and then we go to both West Virginia and Kentucky, and we see how outsiders are not easily accepted into the mountain community, people are wary, even the pastor has to work to earn their trust.

A book that has grief and romance, along with the strength of family, and we see how one works to control others to get what he wants, or does he?

A page turner for sure and one that will have you reading late into the night.

I received this book through Bethany House Publishers Blogger Program, and was not required to give a positive review. 

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

The Stable Cat's Christmas by Christina Vrba, Gail Yerrill

One night in Bethlehem, a small, dust-colored cat returns to her stable to find that a Baby has been born in the night. As all the animals tell the cat about the gifts they gave the Christ Child, the cat sadly concludes that she is too little and powerless to give a gift to the King. But when the Baby shivers and the cat leaps into the manger to comfort him, she discovers that she can give the best gift of all—herself. This timeless Christmas book celebrates the fact that everyone has a gift they can give the King, no matter their size or stature. Enchanting illustrations and a heartfelt message make this book a Christmas keepsake that can be enjoyed year after year.


About The Author

Christina S. Vrba lives and works in northwestern Connecticut. When not spinning tales, Christina loves poking about in comic book shops and the children’s sections of bookstores, spending time with her husband and son, and caring for her personal menagerie of creatures, including dogs, cats, gerbils, and two much-loved goldfish.

About The Illustrator

Gail Yerrill lives in a village in Bedfordshire, England with her husband, two children, and two very naughty-but-cute cats. After earning her degree in 1998, she became a freelance illustrator and designer of greeting cards and gift wrap for Marks & Spencers, and has also illustrated items for Harrods and the BBC among others. She has illustrated many books for well-known publishers, several of which are translated into many languages. Gail is known for her soft, whimsical style which is loved by children and adults alike.

My Review

What a beautiful story to share with you little one, right from the beginning of their young lives, to show that giving of yourself is the way to live their life.
This wonderful Christmas story that features a cat, and then shows how each of the stable animals contributed in some way to give to the new King.
A real treat in the end is showing the kitties stripes, and while the story is geared to preschoolers through 3, my 5th grader seemed to love this book, of course I think the cover drew him in, it is perfect.
I received this book through WorthyKids/Ideals Publishing, and was not required to give a positive review.

Worthy Publishing Group is a privately held, independent voice in inspirational publishing, based in Nashville, TN. Worthy includes five distinct imprints: Worthy Books publishes inspirational works addressing spiritual growth, biblical study, faith and culture, biography, fiction, and specialty Bibles; Museum of the Bible Books is a partnership between Worthy and the Museum, publishing books that reveal the history, narrative, and impact of the Bible; Ellie Claire produces beautifully crafted journals, gifts, and paper expressions; Worthy Inspired publishes felt-need, spiritual growth, inspirational, and devotional books; and WorthyKids/Ideals creates colorful, interactive children’s books, including VeggieTales and Berenstain Bears, for ages 2 to 8.
WorthyKids/Ideals (an imprint of Worthy Publishing)
Facebook: @WorthyKidsIdeals
Instagram: @WorthyPub

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Deadly Proof (Atlanta Justice #1) by Rachel Dylan & Giveaway

Riveting new series offers legal suspense with a romantic twist
In the biggest case of her career, attorney Kate Sullivan is tapped as lead counsel to take on Mason Pharmaceutical because of a corporate cover-up related to its newest drug. After a whistleblower dies, Kate knows the stakes are much higher than her other lawsuits.
Former Army Ranger turned private investigator Landon James is still haunted by mistakes made while serving overseas. Trying to forget the past, he is hired by Kate to look into the whistleblower’s allegation and soon suspects that the company may be engaging in a dangerous game for profit. He also soon finds himself falling for this passionate and earnest young lawyer.
Determined not to make the same mistakes, he’s intent on keeping Kate safe, but as the case deepens, it appears someone is willing to risk everything—even murder—to keep the case from going to trial.
Learn more and purchase a copy.

About The Author
Rachel Dylan

Rachel Dylan writes Christian fiction including legal romantic suspense. Rachel has practiced law for over a decade and enjoys weaving together legal and suspenseful stories. In addition, Rachel writes the Danger in the Deep South including “Lethal Action” and “Devoted Defender,” which appeals to fans of edge of your seat romantic suspense. Rachel also writes the Windy Ridge series including “Trial & Tribulations” and “Fatal Accusation.” These legal thrillers with elements of spiritual warfare are great for fans who enjoy books by Peretti or Dekker. “Trial & Tribulations” was a Selah finalist in 2016. Rachel lives in Michigan with her husband and five furkids—two dogs and three cats. Rachel loves to connect with readers.
Find out more about Rachel at


After a whistleblower in the pharmaceutical cover-up case dies, attorney Kate Sullivan knows the stakes are much higher than her other lawsuits. Get ready to stay up way past your bedtime turning the pages to find out what happens next in Rachel Dylan’s new legal thriller, Deadly Proof. Trying to forget the past, former Army Ranger turned private investigator Landon James is hired by Kate to look into the whistleblower’s allegation. He also soon finds himself falling for the passionate and earnest young lawyer. As the case deepens, it appears someone is willing to risk everything—even murder—to keep the case from going to trial.
Enter to win a copy of Deadly Proof. Five winners will be chosen! Click the image below to enter to win. The winners will be announced December 7 on the Litfuse blog!

My Review

If you enjoy a read with you heart in your throat, this one will probably do it. You never knew when the next shoe would drop, and just when you feel safe, boom or grab. People are murdered or just disappear, and why, greed seems to be the answer here.
The author kept me on my toes, and I felt like I was reading something that was in the paper, there is often a lawsuit against a drug company, and what drug doesn’t seem to come with warnings?
Surprises abound right up until the end, never would have guessed what happened, and add to that a bit of romance. A real page-turner here, I wasn’t able to put this one down, I had to know the ending!
I received this book through Lit Fuse Publicity Book Tours, and was not required to give a positive review.

Celebrate Lit Presents UnStuck by Chris Dupre Spotlight and Giveaway

About the Book

Title: Unstuck  
Author: Chris Dupre  
Genre: Self-help, personal growth  
Release Date: November 14, 2017

Do you feel like you missed the boat? Are you burnt out? Have your feet been dragging the sidewalk? Do you catch yourself dreaming of what could have been? Of if-only-I-had, or if-only-I-hadn’t? This book is for anyone sitting in the audience who should be on stage, anyone reading blogs who should also be writing them, anyone supporting ministries who should be leading them. It’s for the Christians who know there is a better life, but who are just stuck in the one they’re living. Saved in the Jesus Movement of the seventies, Chris DuPré connected with countless Christians across the world. Yet too many of those Christians, Chris discovered, have years later lost the fire and stepped back from living out their faith. Why? Because they got stuck—stuck in rejection by others, stuck in fear of the unknown, stuck in loving a comfortable life, stuck in scores of similar ruts. What can set them free from their internal prisons? And what could Christians accomplish if we all just got unstuck?
Click here to purchase your copy!

About the Author

Originally from Upstate New York, Chris moved to Kansas City to work alongside Mike Bickle in establishing the International House of Prayer. Chris recently served as Associate Pastor at Grace Center Church in Franklin TN, and is now an associate pastor of Life Center in Harrisburg, PA. A pastor, teacher, worship leader, traveling speaker, and spiritual father to many, Chris may be best known for his song “Dance With Me.” He has produced eight albums and published three books, including The Wild Heart of God (Whitaker House, 2016) and The Lost Art of Pure Worship with James Goll. Parents of three daughters and grandparents of four grandchildren, Chris and his wife, Laura, reside in Harrisburg, PA.

Guest Post from Chris Dupre

I grew up in a small town about 30 miles east of Rochester, NY. Winters there could be brutal. One year, I received beautiful new pair of boots which I loved, particularly for the joy with which they enabled me to engage in the marvelous sport of puddle jumping. One day when the ice and snow had begun to melt, I eyed a nice puddle and jumped in the middle sending a freezing splash in all directions. But wait, something was wrong — this was no ordinary puddle! This one was made to capture people, and I was captured! Frantic, I pulled one foot out, but no matter how much I tried, the other foot would not budge. My boot was stuck. I was stuck! I pulled and pulled until finally my foot came free in a soggy sock. My beautiful boot had been left behind, buried beneath the slush. My little mind was faced with a choice. Did I care enough about to do something? It only took a second to act. I loved those boots. I found a stick and began to fish. After what seemed like an eternity, I finally pulled out my boot. That’s the first time I ever went fishing and was glad to catch a boot instead of a fish. My desire with this book is to address some of those “stuck” moments we all face. I want to provide keys that will hopefully open a door or two that have held you back on the incredible journey of life. I say a door or two, or even three, because it’s almost always more than one thing that gets us stuck. Ah, but God—He is the change factor in all of this and in Him we can break free.

Blog Stops


In honor of the tour, Whitaker House is giving away
Grand Prize: Unstuck: Hope for Christians in a Dead-End Job, Dead-End Faith, or Some Similar Soul-Shriveling Rut by Chris DuPré; The Wild Love of God: A Journey That Heals Life’s Deepest Wounds by Chris DuPré;” Covenant” Pillar Candle scented with ancient biblical fragrances from Abba Jerusalem, and a Whitaker House Grown-Up Coloring Book First Place Prize: Unstuck: Hope for Christians in a Dead-End Job, Dead-End Faith, or Some Similar Soul-Shriveling Rut by Chris DuPré; The Wild Love of God: A Journey That Heals Life’s Deepest Wounds by Chris DuPré;” “Man of God” Ceramic Mug,; and a Whitaker House Grown-Up Coloring Book Second Place Prize: Unstuck: Hope for Christians in a Dead-End Job, Dead-End Faith, or Some Similar Soul-Shriveling Rut by Chris DuPré; and The Wild Love of God: A Journey That Heals Life’s Deepest Wounds by Chris DuPré”.
Click the link to enter!

Friday, November 24, 2017

Celebrate Lit Presents: 95:The Ideas that Birthed the Reformation by Martin Luther Spotlight & Giveaway

95 copy

About the Book

Author: Martin Luther
Genre: Non-Fiction, Historical Theology

Release Date: August 8, 2017

In 1517, an unknown Augustinian monk, informed by his growing belief that salvation is by faith alone, published and distributed a stark criticism of papal abuses in the Catholic Church. In doing so, Martin Luther lit the spark for what would become the Protestant Reformation.
What became known as the “95 Theses” was a series of statements expressing concern with corruption within the church, primarily the selling of “indulgences” to the people as a means of releasing them from acts of penitence.
For the five hundredth anniversary of Luther’s revolutionary writing, This volume combines each thesis with an excerpt from one of his later works to provide a convenient way to understand the ideas and concepts that became the seeds of the Protestant Reformation.

cahtyPrint out a fun Luther mask here.

Click here to purchase your copy.

About the Author

Martin Luther (1483–1546) was a German monk, priest, professor of theology, and iconic figure of the Protestant Reformation. He strongly disputed the sale of indulgences, the church’s practice of selling pieces of paper that guaranteed freedom from God’s punishment for sin. In 1517, Luther directly confronted this and other papal abuses by publishing his “95 Theses.” In 1534, Luther published a complete translation of the Bible into German.

Guest Post from Whitaker House Publishing

In 1517, a thriving new industry was sweeping northern Germany. Begun a few centuries earlier, its reappearance in the 16th century was perhaps the cleverest abuse of church power to date. Church officials strapped for cash decided to offer remission from the punishment for sins, or “indulgence,” to German believers in return for a commensurate amount of money. The slick church salesmanship of indulgences incensed one young priest, who believed that faithful Christians were being manipulated and the Word of God misinterpreted. He wrote a pamphlet comprised of 95 claims that he hoped would inspire scholarly debate. Titled Disputation of Dr. Martin Luther Concerning Penitence and Indulgences, it went down in history as “The 95 Theses.”
Most historians believe that Martin Luther did not intend to spark a public debate. It was written in Latin, the language of scholars, and pinned to the door of the Wittenberg Castle Church which served as a “bulletin board” of sorts, where Luther knew fellow theologians would see it and perhaps engage in a discussion on the topic.
Luther’s pamphlet, how­ever, was not another piece of paper flapping in the wind. Someone translated into German, and distributed it to the public with the help of a recent invention—the printing press. Luther tried to retrieve his work, but the damage was done. Within weeks, the debate that began in Wittenberg spread throughout Germany, and within months, all of Europe.
Five hundred years later, Whitaker House presents each of Luther’s 95 Theses paired with an excerpt from his many writings. Not every excerpt directly relates to the accompany­ing thesis, but we endeavored to select passages in which Luther was expounding on the same subject. Where further explanation was thought necessary to contextualize his words, a footnote is included. We hope you find 95: The Ideas That Changed the World an accessible and fascinating look into the ideas of this groundbreaking priest who stood up for God’s Word, the grace of the gospel—and made history.

Blog Stops

Lane Hill House, November 24
Fiction Aficionado, November 25
Pursuing Stacie, November 26
The Power of Words, November 27
A Greater Yes, November 29
Karen Sue Hadley, November 30
Mary Hake, December 1
Texas Book-aholic, December 2
Bigreadersite, December 3
Carpe Diem, December 4
Multifarious, December 7
A Reader’s Brain, December 7


To celebrate the tour, Whitaker House is giving away
Grand Prize: 95: The Ideas That Birthed the Reformation by Martin Luther, KJVER Sword Study Bible/Personal Size Large Print-Burgundy Genuine Leather ($60 value), Whitaker House/Anchor Coloring Book.
First Place: 95: The Ideas That Birthed the Reformation by Martin Luther, “This is The Day” ceramic mug from Christian Arts Gifts, Whitaker House/Anchor Coloring Book
Second Place: 95: The Ideas That Birthed the Reformation by Martin Luther, Whitaker House/Anchor Coloring Book!!
Click below to enter. Be sure to comment on this post before you enter to claim 9 extra entries!

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Great Escapes Virtual Book Tours Presents: Death at the Midnight Dragonfly by Susan Boles

Death at the Midnight Dragonfly by Susan Boles


  Argent Ocean Publishing (November 10, 2017)  
Paperback: 216 pages  
ISBN-13: 978-0997909357 E-Book ASIN: B0771PXNYD


On the fourth day of Christmas, In Mercy, Mississippi....
Four suspects lying, Three sleuths a sleuthing Two clues a hiding And a very, very dead body.
It's the Christmas season in Mercy, Mississippi. But things are far from jolly.
For Vlad Templeton the sleepy little town where he spent his childhood provides the perfect place to conduct his state funded sleep study. But when the local bank manager, who was participating in the study, is found dead on his doorstep, is it a set up...or is Vlad somehow involved?
But, when someone makes an attempt on Lily Gayle's and Dixie's life, the two realize they better move fast....or they might end up sleeping forever.

About the Author

 Susan calls McNairy County, TN her home ground even though she has moved away. It was here, at Bethel Springs Junior High School that she began her writing career with two friends. They formed their own little writers group that was so secret they were the only ones who knew it existed. She still has some of the stories they wrote carefully preserved in a loose leaf binder and tucked away for safety. She has worked in retail management, briefly for the Census Bureau and for many years in the investment/insurance industry in the regulatory compliance arena. All of which are left brain activities. So she exercises her right brain activity with reading and writing…just to keep both sides even. Reading has been a passion since she was very young. As a toddler, her mother read to her from her 'baby books' and her Mother tells a story about her holding one of them upsidedown and 'reading' by repeating the story verbatim from memory. Susan writes mysteries set in the big city of Memphis, TN and the fictional small town of Mercy, Mississippi.  

Author Links: Webpage Twitter – @SusanBAuthorBlogFacebook  
 Linked In GoodReads 

Previous Books in this Series 


Purchase Links – Amazon B&N

November 11 – A Holland Reads – CHARACTER GUEST POST  
November 12 – Books,Dreams,Life - SPOTLIGHT, EXCERPT
November 13 – View from the Birdhouse – SPOTLIGHT  
November 14 – Deal Sharing Aunt – INTERVIEW  
November 15 – Community Bookstop – REVIEW  
November 16 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book -SPOTLIGHT  
November 17 – Laura's Interests – REVIEW 
November 18 – 3 Partners in Shopping, Nana. Mommy, & Sissy, Too! – SPOTLIGHT
November 19 – The Montana Bookaholic - GUEST POST  
November 20 – Melina's Book Blog - REVIEW, CHARACTER GUEST POST  
November 21 – Celticlady's Reviews - SPOTLIGHT, EXCERPT  
November 21 – StoreyBook Reviews - SPOTLIGHT, EXCERPT  
November 22 – Maureen's Musings - SPOTLIGHT  
November 22 – Brooke Blogs – GUEST POST  
November 23 – THANKSGIVING  
November 24 – My Reading Journeys - REVIEW, CHARACTER INTERVIEW  
November 25 – Babs Book Bistro - SPOTLIGHT, EXCERPT  

Have you signed up to be a Tour Host? Click Here Find Details and Sign Up Today! 

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

The Beginner's Gospel Story Bible by Jared Kennedy, Trish Mahoney (Illustrator)

How do you explain the gospel to toddlers and preschoolers?
Often adults are stumped, but Jared Kennedy’s focus on the promises of God makes the gospel come alive to the littlest hearts. Through fifty-two Old and New Testament stories, The Beginner’s Gospel Story Bible highlights God’s perfect promises. Every page pops with bright colors, playful illustrations, fun learning opportunities, and, best of all each story points children to Jesus.
Kids know the value of a promise. Through the gospel, our good and all-powerful God keeps his word and fulfills his promises to us better than we could have ever thought or imagined!
In The Beginner’s Gospel Story Bible, author Jared Kennedy traces God’s perfect promises through fifty-two Old and New Testament stories, retold in simple and compelling ways with toddlers and preschoolers in mind. Each gospel-centered story highlights God’s tale of redemption through Jesus and the unexpected and surprising ways that God’s grace and mercy are revealed throughout the Bible. Children will hear the good news of God’s love for them clearly expressed in ways that will speak to their young hearts. Brightly colored illustrations highlight the stories and add fun teaching elements of counting, opposites, patterns, and object recognition to keep even the youngest child’s attention. Every story also ends with a question that parents and caregivers can use to further reinforce the message.
Through reading this book one chapter at a time to your children—or letting them read it to you!—even the youngest kids will come to know that God’s promises are especially for them, and that God always keeps his promises.
Learn more, read a sample, and purchase a copy.

About The Author

Jared Kennedy
Jared Kennedy, MDiv, ThM, is the husband to Megan and the father of three girls—Rachael, Lucy, and Elisabeth. He serves as Pastor of Families at Sojourn Community Church—Midtown in Louisville, KY and as children’s ministry strategist for Sojourn Network. He blogs regularly at and is also the coauthor of "Leadership Mosaic" and two VBS programs, "Proof Pirates" and "Clap Your Hands," "Stomp Your Feet."

My Review

This is a book my boys are requesting each night, and seem to be learning something new all the time. The stories are geared to the 3 to 7 year olds, but my ten and eight love them!
We begin with the table of contents, and find how easy it is to find the story you are looking for. Stories included are from both the New and Old Testaments, and total 52 in all.
We trace each of God’s Promises with these stories, and beautiful colorful illustrations are included for enhancement, and each one has a highlighted are to remember these truths.
I am so pleased to have this collection, and love that my boys are requesting it daily! There are a few quirky things, but the boys catch these and make them want more, so we pass over these things and talk about others.
I received this book through Litfuse Publicity Books, and was not required to give a positive review.

Monday, November 20, 2017

These Healing Hills by Ann H. Gabhart

Francine Howard has her life all mapped out until the soldier she planned to marry at WWII's end writes to tell her he's in love with a woman in England. Devastated, Francine seeks a fresh start in the Appalachian Mountains, training to be a nurse midwife for the Frontier Nursing Service.

Deeply affected by the horrors he witnessed at war, Ben Locke has never thought further ahead than making it home to Kentucky. His future shrouded in as much mist as his beloved mountains, he's at a loss when it comes to envisioning what's next for his life.

When Francine's and Ben's paths intersect, it's immediately clear that they are from different worlds and value different things. But love has a way of healing old wounds . . . and revealing tantalizing new possibilities.


About The Author

Ann H. Gabhart grew up on a farm in Kentucky. By the time she was ten she knew she wanted to be a writer. She's published over twenty novels. She and her husband have three children and nine grandchildren. She still lives on a farm not far from where she grew up. She loves playing with her grandkids, walking with her dog, reading and, of course, writing. Her Shaker books, set in her fictional Shaker village of Harmony Hill in the 1800's, are popular with readers. The Outsider was a Christian Fiction Book Award Finalist in 2009. Her Heart of Hollyhill books are Small Town, America books set in the 1960's. Angel Sister, a Rosey Corner book set during the Great Depression, will be followed by Small Town Girl. Visit Ann's website or her two blogs, One Writer's Journal,, and the Hollyhill Book of the Strange, www.hollyhillbookofthestrange.blogspo.... Giveaways several times a year.

My Review

I really found myself rooting for young Francine Howard as she began her new career as a baby catcher, or midwife, in the mountains of Kentucky.
The author made those mountains so alive with word pictures that I found myself crossing the creeks, and going over the rocks. Such a great story, with the end WWII we are with the veterans and those left behind. Most of all we meet the mountain people and you will really fall in love with some of these unforgettable individuals.
Will our girl end up loosing her heart to these people and maybe someone else, or will her mother get her way and she will go back home to Cincinnati? How about our young soldier and the responsibilities that are now placed on him, will he take advantage of the GI bill, or stay and help family?
I really enjoyed this story, and made me want to move and live here, but that grass usually looks greener on the other side.
I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Revell, and was not required to give a positive review.

Great Escapes Virtual Bookd Tours Presents: Dead Storage by Mary Feliz

Dead Storage (A Maggie McDonald Mystery) by Mary Feliz


Cozy Mystery 3rd in Series Lyrical Underground (July 18, 2017)  
Paperback: 216 pages ISBN-13: 978-1601836687 E-Book ASIN: B01MDPY3CU


As a professional organizer, Maggie McDonald brings order to messy situations. But when a good friend becomes a murder suspect, surviving the chaos is one tall task . . .
Despite a looming deadline, Maggie thinks she has what it takes to help friends Jason and Stephen unclutter their large Victorian in time for its scheduled renovation. But before she can fill a single bin with unused junk, Jason leaves for Texas on an emergency business trip, Stephen’s injured mastiff limps home—and Stephen himself lands in jail for murder. Someone killed the owner of a local Chinese restaurant and stuffed him in the freezer. Stephen, caught at the crime scene covered in blood, is the number one suspect. Now Maggie must devise a strategy to sort through secrets and set him free—before she’s tossed into permanent storage next . . .

Explicit language, sex, or violence: No
Series or Stand-alone: It is part of a series but can be read as a stand-alone.



About the Author

Mary Feliz writes the Maggie McDonald Mysteries featuring a Silicon Valley professional organizer and her sidekick golden retriever. She's worked for Fortune 500 firms and mom and pop enterprises, competed in whale boat races and done synchronized swimming. She attends organizing conferences in her character's stead, but Maggie's skills leave her in the dust.  

Author Links:
Facebook: Twitter: @maryfelizauthor Kirkus:    

Purchase Links: Amazon IndieBound B&N kobo iTunes Google Books    


November 8 – The Montana Bookaholic – REVIEW  
November 9 – Books a Plenty Book Reviews – REVIEW  
November 10 – Laura's Interests – SPOTLIGHT, EXCERPT  
November 11 – Brooke Blogs - SPOTLIGHT, EXCERPT  
November 12 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – SPOTLIGHT  
November 13 – The Power of Words - REVIEW  
November 14 – My Reading Journeys - REVIEW, INTERVIEW  
November 15 – Celticlady's Reviews – SPOTLIGHT  
November 16 – Writing Pearls – REVIEW  
November 17 – Bea's Book Nook – SPOTLIGHT, EXCERPT  
November 18 – A Holland Reads – SPOTLIGHT  
November 19 – A Blue Million Books – CHARACTER INTERVIEW, EXCERPT 
November 20 – Maureen's Musings – SPOTLIGHT   
November 21 – Varietats – REVIEW Have you signed up to be a Tour Host?

Click Here Find Details and Sign Up Today! 

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Great Escapes Virtual Book Tours Presents: They Don't Shoot Horses by Sara Caudell Book Blast & Givewaway



They Don't Shoot Horses: A Cold Springs Mystery 



Cozy Mystery 3rd in Series DMK Publishing(May 18, 2015)  
Paperback: 344 pages  
ISBN-13: 978-1541036017  


Tucked away in the picturesque foothills of Colorado, Susie Wheeler’s peaceful widowhood of gentling and training abused horses is shattered by bullet holes in her barn and dead horses. She is confused by the violence to her peaceful life, but will not be intimidated. Susie infuriates meddling relatives and challenges those who would call her abused horses dangerous. Then with the help of her friends and the Cimmarron County Sheriff, they take on horse thieves and mysterious strangers.
Was the shooter after Susie or the horses?
What is so important about a certain mare?


About The Author
I grew up in a small ranching community in Colorado where I learned to judge beef on the hoof and under wrap. After moving around the country for my husband’s career and catching college courses as I could, I finally found myself in one place long enough to finish my degree. I was an artist (acrylic), raised three children, managed offices, and started my own genealogy resource business before weaving my stories and experiences into novels. I now lives in central Texas with my patient husband and four cats. In my spare time I do genealogy and historical research and nurses orphan kittens back to health for the local animal shelter.

Author Links:  

Twitter: @CaudellSara  

Purchase links Amazon B&N kobo


November 18

Have you signed up to be a Tour Host?


Celebrate Lit Presents: Forgotten Identity Author: Penny Zeller

  About the Book Book:  Forgotten Identity Author:  Penny Zeller Genre:  Christian Romantic Suspense Release date: January ...