Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Deception on Sable Hill (Chicago World's Fair Mystery #2) by Shelley Gray

The World’s Fair is nearing its end, but the danger in Chicago lingers.

It's mid-September of 1893 and Eloisa Carstairs is the reigning beauty of Gilded Age Chicago society. To outsiders she appears to have it all. But Eloisa is living with a dark secret. Several months ago, she endured a horrible assault at the hands of Douglass Sloane, heir to one of Chicago's wealthiest families. Fearing the loss of her reputation, Eloisa confided in only one friend. That is, until she meets Detective Sean Ryan at a high-society ball.

Sean is on the outskirts of the wealthy Chicago lifestyle. Born into a poor Irish family, becoming a policeman was his best opportunity to ensure his future security. Despite society's restrictions, he is enamored with Eloisa Carstairs. Sean seethes inside at what he knows happened to her, and he will do anything to keep her safe-even if he can never earn her affections.

About The Author

shelleyshepardgray2013I grew up in Houston, Texas, went to Colorado for college, and after living in Arizona, Dallas, and Denver, we moved to southern Ohio about ten years ago.
I’ve always thought of myself as a very hard worker, but not ‘great’ at anything. I’ve obtained a bachelor’s and master’s degree…but I never was a gifted student. I took years of ballet and dance, but I never was anywhere near the star of any recital. I love to cook, but I’m certainly not close to being gourmet…and finally I love to write books, but I’ve certainly read far better authors.
Maybe you are a little bit like me. I’ve been married for almost twenty years and have raised two kids. I try to exercise but really should put on my tennis shoes a whole lot more. I’m not a great housekeeper, I hate to drive in the snow, and I don’t think I’ve ever won a Monopoly game. However, I am the best wife and mother I know how to be.
Isn’t it wonderful to know that in God’s eyes that is okay? That from His point of view, we are all exceptional? I treasure that knowledge and am always so thankful for my faith. His faith in me makes me stand a little straighter, smile a little bit more, and be so very grateful for every gift He’s given me.
I started writing about the Amish because their way of life appealed to me. I wanted to write stories about regular. likeable people in extraordinary situations-and who just happened to be Amish.
Getting the opportunity to write Inspirational novels is truly gratifying. With every book, I feel my faith grows stronger. And that makes me feel very special indeed.



My Review    

I have so enjoyed experiencing the Chicago’s World Fair, back in 1893, and getting to know the layout and the buildings. With this story the Fair is getting ready to close, and we attend a fabulous gala with quite a send off.
We have a clash of social status here, and this book does carry on from where we left off in The Secrets of Slone House, which I recommend you read, but is not necessary to know what is happening here. This book is Eloisa Carstairs story, and there is a refresher as to what horrible thing happened to her in the previous book. She has confided in one person and that is Police Detective Sean Ryan, and this is where we go from upper to lower classes.
Where Eloisa has had her every whim taken care of her whole life, born with a silver spoon, and richer than most of her friends, a privileged life. On the other hand Detective Ryan, was born in a very poor Irish family and lived in the other side of town.
Will it be possible to break down barriers and social status for these two to have a relationship? Also there is danger surrounding both of these people, one because she is a debutant and the other because of his job. You will think you know who is the culprit, but I changed my mind a few times.
Come along and enjoy the mystery and intrigue that happen during the fleeting moments of this historical event, and walk in the shoes of these characters, I for one hate these stories to end.

I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Zondervan, and was not required to give a positive review.

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