Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Litfust Blog Tours Presents: The Haven by Suzanne Woods Fisher

When Sadie Lapp steps off the bus in Stoney Ridge after being in Ohio for the winter, she is faced with a decision–one that goes against her very essence. Yet it’s the only way she can think of to protect a loved one.

Schoolteacher Gideon Smucker has been crazy about Sadie since boyhood. But his response to her surprising decision undermines his own reputation–and his relationship with Sadie.

College student Will Stoltz is spending the spring at the Lapp farm as a guard for a pair of nesting Peregrine Falcons–courtesy of the Lancaster County Game Warden. Will needs to get his life back on track, but his growing friendship with Sadie threatens his plans.

The lives of these three individuals intertwine, and then unravel as unexpected twists create ripples through the town of Stoney Ridge . . . and through Sadie’s heart.

Once again, bestselling author Suzanne Woods Fisher intrigues and delights with a story that explores the bonds of friendship, family, and true love. Readers will enjoy every surprise in Sadie’s story as they search for the truth hidden within these pages.

Suzanne Woods Fisher’s interest in the Amish began with her grandfather, W.D. Benedict, who was raised Plain. Suzanne has a great admiration for the Plain people and believes they provide wonderful examples to the world. In both her fiction and non-fiction books, she has an underlying theme: You don’t have to “go Amish” to incorporate many of their principles–simplicity, living with less, appreciating nature, forgiving others more readily– into your life.

When Suzanne isn’t writing or bragging to her friends about her first new grandbaby (!), she is raising puppies for Guide Dogs for the Blind.

To Suzanne’s way of thinking, you just can’t take life too seriously when a puppy is tearing through your house with someone’s underwear in its mouth. Suzanne can be found on-line at:

Win a Kindle Fire or Nook Color from @SuzanneWFisher in "The Haven" Giveaway! RSVP for Live Video Chat on 8/30! Celebrate the newest book in the Stoney Ridge Seasons series with Suzanne by entering her 4 eReader Giveaway and Facebook Party and RSVPing for the Live Video Chat on 8/30! 

See what folks are saying about The Haven!

Four grand prize winners will receive:
  • A Brand new Kindle Fire or Nook Color 
  • $25 or Barnes& Gift certificate 
Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on August 29th. Winner will be announced at Suzanne's Live Author Chat Party on 8/30. Suzanne will be hosting an author chat (party will start on Facebook AND then be Live from her website) and giving away books, gift certificates and several Burt's Bees® Nourishing Radiance Kits!!

So grab your copy of The Haven and join Suzanne on the evening of the August 30th for a fun chat (both on Facebook and via Live Video), trivia contest and lots of giveaways. 

Enter via E-mail Enter via FacebookEnter via Twitter

Don't miss a moment of the RSVP today. Tell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on the 30th!

My Review:

This book continues where The Keeper left off...I recommend you read that book...but you can read this one alone. Enough facts are given to make this a great read. Sadie Lapp arrives home to see people all over her farm. She is a quiet soul and does not like attention. When Mary Kate sees her, the rest of the family do too. We find that Sadie is not alone, she has brought a basket with a baby in it?? M K does what Mary Kate does best and starts the Amish Grapevine going. Poor Sadie is beside herself, but she does not want to part with the baby. Also new to the farm is Will Stolfz...he is there to help on the farm, and to watch the Falcons, which look like they are going to nest. Hence the many people on the farm...looking to see these rare birds.
Gid Smucker has loved Sadie forever, and is thrilled to have her home, but does Sadie still have the same feelings for him?
This one has a lot of questions being asked, and it finished with more questions. Will Sadie be shunned? Does she choose Will or Gid, also will Amos declare his feelings for Fern? or will Ira win her heart?
Don't miss this book, you will wish it would never end..a real page turner. Enjoy....and then pray for the next book to be out soon!!

I received this book from Litfuse Publicity Tours, and the Publisher Revell, and was not required to give a positive review.


  1. I love stories that intertwine lives! I think I would really love this book, but will read the other one first.

  2. This sounds like a great book and I love sequels but also love it when they stand alone. I'll keep my eyes open for this book.

  3. I also read this book and loved it. My review is coming soon. I found you through the Goodreads page. Hope you have a wonderful week! :O)

  4. Hmmm.... That characters' name sounds really familiar but I don't think I've read this series.... I wonder if Sadie Lapp is in another series by this author? I enjoy this genre but hate reading in the middle of a sereis. I'll have to check this out on amazon!

  5. Hi Maureen! I laughed out loud when I read your comment about "the Amish grapevine." Well said! I wish I had thought of that. :) Really enjoyed your review and I appreciate how you pointed others to "Keeper," but said it was a stand alone. I really try to make each book stand on its own merits. Hope you'll be on M.K.'s tour ("The Lesson"...will be out soon!). Warmly, Suzanne


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