Monday, March 19, 2012

Special Delivery by Kathi Macais Interview & Giveaway

In book two of the “Freedom” series, readers find Mara fighting against her attraction to Bible college student Jonathan Flannery, even while wrestling with risking her own precarious safety to become involved in the rescue of another girl who is pregnant and desperately wants to escape her captors and save her own life, as well as her child’s.

Halfway around the world in a brothel in Thailand, a young girl named Lawan is rescued with the promise of being reunited with her little sister who was adopted by an interracial couple in the States, friends of Jonathan’s family. Special Delivery cover

Meanwhile, Jefe—Mara’s uncle, who held her as a sex slave in his brothel in San Diego for years—seeks revenge for Mara’s testimony that put him behind bars for life. Will his underworld connections be successful in kidnapping and killing the girl who believes she has finally won her freedom?

Welcome Kathi Macias

What a pleasure to have Kathi Macias here on my blog today. I have had the privilege of reading several of them.

Do you have a recollection as to what made you want to be a writer?
To be honest, I can’t remember ever wanting to do anything else. I’ve loved words since I first discovered them, long before I started school. I’ve always been an avid reader, and when I ran out of things to read, I started writing my own stories. When I was about fourteen, I told my then boyfriend/now husband that I was going to be a writer one day. He often reminds me of that.

Who has influenced you the most in your writing?

In my younger days, it would have to be a man named Bob Ferris, my English and Creative Writing teacher in high school. He always encouraged me to pursue this as a profession, even when everyone else was saying, “Get a real job.” Now my husband is no doubt my biggest supporter. (Trust me, when you dive into this writing thing full time, you actually do need someone with a “real” job to keep a roof over your head!) As for writers who influenced me, there are many. Alan Paton, author of Cry the Beloved Country, is the first who comes to mind, as I realized when I read that phenomenal, life-changing book that I wanted to do more than entertain my readers (though I hope I do that in the process). But I wanted my writing to challenge and confront—and change. As a result, my topics are seldom easy reads, but I know I’m being faithful to my calling.

What encouraged you to tackle such a tough problem as Sex Slavery. So many turn a blind eye to this horrible problem.
Again, authors like Alan Paton, who wrote about the deplorable situation in South Africa prior to the downfall of Apartheid, were my inspiration. My previous series was about the persecuted Church around the world (another tough topic), and as I was finishing those four books, my publisher asked if I’d consider doing a series on human trafficking. I knew about and cared about the topic, but it wasn’t until she challenged me that I truly began to research it. What I learned convinced me that I could not walk away. Victims of all ages, races, and genders—literally, millions of them—cried out to me from around the world. I have always asked God to let me be a voice for the voiceless, and this was another open door—so I walked through it.

If you could interview another Author, who would that be, and what would you ask them?
If he were still alive, it would be Alan Paton, hands down. Or C.S. Lewis—but then he’s gone on to glory too, hasn’t he? There are so many wonderful authors today, but three in particular come to mind, probably because they write books with similar passions as my own: Jeanette Windle, Lisa Harris, and Kay Marshall Strom. Thankfully I’ve actually had the opportunity to talk with and get to know them over the years, and I consider myself privileged to have done so.

What is on your plate as far as future books?
Book three of this Freedom (human trafficking) series, The Deliverer, is done and in production for a Fall 2012 release, as is my Christmas 2012 novel, Unexpected Christmas Hero, dealing with homelessness in the US. I also have a book releasing in 2013 titled Last Chance for Justice, part of the multi-author Bloomfield series, and I have just signed to write a three-book fiction series called “Patches of Courage.” The first book, titled The Moses Quilt, is based on the amazing life of Harriet Tubman, and it is scheduled for release in early 2013. So things are buzzing around here! And, of course, I have tons of traveling/speaking/teaching going on during the next couple of years, so never a dull moment!

How do you like to spend your time when your not writing or touring?

Those times are few and far between, but my hubby and I love to jump in his Corvette (used to be his Harley, but we’re great grandparents now, so we’re opting for comfort) and explore the back roads and oceans and mountains of this amazing country. We also enjoy spending time with our many grandchildren (and yes, now great grandchildren) whenever possible.

My Review:

This is the second book in the Freedom series, and though you can read this one alone, I think it helps and you don't want to miss, to read the first one!
Kathi once again has me wanting to hide under the covers, I want to help these Children get out of these situations so badly. The book is a fairly quick read, and you will be glad it is, as it is a real page turner. I had my heart in my stomach, and could not put this book down.
The book is mainly Mara and Lawan's stories, who we met in Deliver Me From Evil. There is so much Evil in this world, and it is still touching these girls. Mara has tried to move on with her life, she is working as a waitress, and spots a girl with a man, and she just knows what is going on. You can see God using Mara, and he brings the people who rescued her back into her life.
What happens to little Lawan is amazing...but thinking of all those little girls as Slaves is so very upsetting. Especially when it is based on fact! The Golden Triangle indeed! UGH!
I loved that Kathi included an Epilogue...I enjoy it when a book has this. You will enjoy this book as I have, and it is a real mind opener!

I received this book from New Hope Publishers, and was not required to give a positive review.

PLEASE ALLOW RAFFLECOPTER TO LOAD.....It is the only way to enter!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you for kicking off Kathi's Pump Up Your Book VBT. I'm glad you enjoyed the latest in her Freedom series. I'm reading it now.

    Good luck to all who enter the giveaway.


  2. Thank you so much for this post on Special Delivery and the Freedom Series. May we all work together to rescue these victims of human trafficking!

  3. Thank you Kathi and just breaks my heart that these kids are robbed of their childhoods!

  4. It is heartbreaking to think that things like this are going on around our world. This looks like a great series.

  5. Kathi, you always choose such thought-provoking topics. May God use your books to get Christians thinking (and talking) about things that matter to his heart

  6. Thanks for the review of book two of the “Freedom” series. I am really looking forward to read the whole book as soon as possible. Kathi, you never fails to amaze me. I love your topic today :)

  7. A winner is happening right here. Sounds great Kathi.


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