Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Being Known (Haven Makers #2) by Robin Jones Gunn

After her mom passed away, Jennalyn was in the midst of moving, having a baby, and helping her husband work toward his dream job. At the time, she thought she processed the shock and loss, but only now that Jennalyn has two small children, a lovely new home, a lucrative side hustle with her art, and a husband who is always working does she feel the full impact of the loss.

Enter an old boyfriend who knew Jennalyn well and who shares many fond memories of her mom. Jennalyn begins to doubt her marriage and all her other life choices ever since her mom passed away. It takes the power of truth, close friends who know her well, and a series of choices at the heart level before Jennalyn can surface from the confusion and see with clarity where her life is headed.


About The Author

ROBIN JONES GUNN is the much loved author of over 100 books with more than 5.5 million copies of her titles sold worldwide. Her Father Christmas books have been made into 3 Hallmark movies. Her popular Christy Miller series now continues in Christy & Todd: The Married Years and The Baby Years. Robin's novels and non-fiction works have received multiple awards and are a favorite with book clubs and study groups. Robin and her husband have a grown son and daughter and live in Hawaii.


My Review

This book picks up where the first book left off, and the main focus is on Jennalyn, and her current struggles. We also have Tess, and her personal decisions, along with the other DOE's, there is information here to bring you up to date, but you will be hooked and wanting to read the first book!
What loving, caring friends, and they sure are there for one another, who wouldn't love to be invited to one of their get togethers? They sure go all out, but through it all there is a constant love of the Lord.
There are a lot of emotions here, including sorrow, compassion, hope, love, friendship, and trust. As the story unfolded it made me page-turn for the answers, and now that the answers and surprises are known, I hope there are more books to come!

I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Waterbroook. and was not required to give a positive review.

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