Saturday, June 1, 2019

The Pink Bonnet by Liz Tolsma The Pink Bonnet: True Colors: Historical Stories of American Crime by Liz Tolsma

A Desperate Mother Searches for Her Child
Step into True Colors -- a new series of Historical Stories of Romance and American Crime

Widowed in Memphis during 1932, Cecile Dowd is struggling to provide for her three-year-old daughter. Unwittingly trusting a neighbor puts little Millie Mae into the clutches of Georgia Tann, corrupt Memphis Tennessee Children’s Home Society director suspected of the disappearance of hundreds of children. With the help of a sympathetic lawyer, the search for Millie uncovers a deep level of corruption that threatens their very lives.

How far will a mother go to find out what happened to her child?



About The Author

Liz Tolsma has lived in Wisconsin most of her life, and she now resides next to a farm field with her husband, their son, and their two daughters. All of their children have been adopted internationally and one has special needs. Her novella, Under His Wings, appeared in the New York Times bestselling collection, A Log Cabin Christmas. Her debut novel, Snow on the Tulips, released in August of 2013. Daisies Are Forever released in May 2014. When not busy putting words to paper, she enjoys reading, walking, working in her large perennial garden, kayaking, and camping with her family. Please visit her blog at and follow her on Facebook and Twitter (@LizTolsma). She is also a regular contributor to the Barn Door blog. 

My Review

This book plays hard on your emotions, sadness, anger, and wanting revenge, and all because of what a powerful woman does to families and children. In her time in Tennessee she is suspected of stealing over 5000 children, and when I think of the loss to the parents, grandparents, siblings and extended family, so many hurting people, and all for greed.
This is a fictional account, but it could be so true, and there are several real people named here, and they are all complacent and are fine with doing the evil work with this woman, Georgia Tann.
We put faces through the author of the what some of these people actually experienced, and it is so hard, you want to be able to help. The people we trust, i.e. the police and legal are not there to help, and this woman has so much power.
You don’t want to miss this one, once I picked it up, I didn’t put it down until finished and that included the don’t miss author’s notes.

I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Barbour, and was not required to give a positive review.

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