Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Guarding the Amish Midwife (Amish Country Justice #6) by Dana R. Lynn

An Amish witness to murder

Another riveting Amish Country Justice book

On the way to deliver a baby, Amish midwife Lizzy Miller witnesses her driver’s murder—and now someone plans to silence her. Lizzy knows better than to trust strangers, but she must depend on former Amish turned Englisch police officer Isaac Yoder. And there’s nowhere safe to hide…unless Isaac reconnects with the Amish community he left behind to protect the woman he’s falling for.


About The Author

Dana R. Lynn believes the pow­er of God can tran­scend any cir­cum­stance.  She is a best-sell­ing, award win­ning author of four­teen nov­els who views her writ­ing as a min­istry to show His love can bring heal­ing and peace. She writes roman­tic sus­pense for Harlequin’s Love Inspired Sus­pense line. She has been on Publisher’s Week­ly Best­seller lists twice, and her 2017 title Plain Tar­get won both the first place for her cat­e­go­ry and the over­all Grand Prize win­ner in the New Eng­land Reader’s Choice Awards. Dana is a mem­ber of RWA (Romance Writ­ers of Amer­i­ca), ACFW (Amer­i­can Chris­t­ian Fic­tion Writ­ers and Sis­ters in Crime. She is rep­re­sent­ed by Tamela Han­cock Mur­ray of the Steve Laube Lit­er­ary Agency. In 1996, Dana met her hus­band at a wed­ding and told her par­ents she’d met the man she was going to mar­ry. Nine­teen months lat­er, they were mar­ried. Today, they live in rur­al north­west­ern Penn­syl­va­nia with enough ani­mals to start a pet­ting zoo. In addi­tion to writ­ing, she works as a teacher for the deaf and hard of hear­ing and works in sev­er­al min­istries in her church.


My Review

This is not your usual Amish story, nope, we have been gifted with a story that has non-stop action, so don’t get to comfy, trouble is right around the corner.
With what was supposed to be a hired ride to her cousin’s to be there for the birth of her child, turns this young Amish’s woman’s life around.
Is history repeating itself, we have met this woman before, and Lizzy survived, but this time it isn’t looking good.
Add in an attraction to a former Amish policeman, and then there are so many attempts on her life! Then, well you will need to read this one, there are surprise bombshells coming! Enjoy this quick read!

I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Harlequin, and was not required to give a positive review.


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