Tuesday, June 4, 2019

A Reluctant Bride (Bride Ships #1) by Jody Hedlund

After facing desperate heartache and loss, Mercy agrees to escape a bleak future in London and join a bride ship. Wealthy and titled, Joseph leaves home and takes to the sea as the ships surgeon to escape the pain of losing his family. He has no intention of settling down, but when Mercy becomes his assistant, they must fight against a forbidden love.


About The Author

Jody Hedlund is the author of over twenty historicals for both adults and teens and is the winner of numerous awards including the Christy, Carol, and Christian Book Award.

Jody lives in central Michigan with her husband, five busy children, and five spoiled cats. Although Jody prefers to experience daring and dangerous adventures through her characters rather than in real life, she’s learned that a calm existence is simply not meant to be (at least in this phase of her life!).

When she’s not penning another of her page-turning stories, she loves to spend her time reading, especially when it also involves consuming coffee and chocolate.


My Review

What an enjoyable story from beginning to end the author held me spell bound, and then I didn’t want to leave.
We get and up-close look at the poverty that was prevalent in1860’s London, England, and the difference between the classes, and see the constant death because of the conditions. Times and people so desperate for food and any comfort that they are willing to leave and travel to the unknown, or leave on a bride ship to the Canadian North West.
I am excited that there are more books in this series to come!
I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Bethany House, and wa

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