Monday, August 27, 2018

The Best of Intentions (Canadian Crossings, #1) by Susan Anne Mason

In the aftermath of tragedy, Grace hopes to reclaim her nephew from the relatives who rejected her sister because of her class. Under an alias, she becomes her nephew's nanny to observe the formidable family up close. Unexpectedly, she begins to fall for the boy's guardian, who is promised to another. Can Grace protect her nephew . . . and her heart?


About The Author

I have always loved to write. As a teen, I wrote my first novel, only to be politely rejected by my publisher of choice.

Life got in the way – university, marriage and children became the priority. Then once I had time to start reading again, the writing bug bit once more.
I enjoy writing both contemporary and historical Inspirational romances. “Romance sprinkled with faith” describes my writing style. I love themes of forgiveness and redemption!
I am a member of the American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) and the Romance Writers of America. My association with such amazing groups of people has been the biggest asset toward learning my craft.
Home for me is Brampton, Ontario, Canada (near Toronto), where I live with my husband, our two children and two cats. My day job is a part-time secretary at a local church. In my spare time, I like to read and research our family history online.


My Review

As I read this book the title became more and more obvious of the, little white lies, or big ones, I could understand the author putting Grace in the position of wanting to fulfill her sister’s wishes and also wanting to be in life of this young child.
I found myself quickly page turning as we become involved in these characters lives, some you will quickly come to love and others, the old saying “if you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothing at all”, sure comes to mind.
It has been one hundred years since WWI and the horrible Spanish Flu, and it is quickly fading from memories, I love that there are stories that help keep alive what this past generation went through and thank the author for bringing it to the forefront.
I am looking forward to the next book in this series, and hope to catch up on the lives of those we have already met.

I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Bethany House, and was not required to give a positive review.

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