“Will interest anyone who’s curious about the plain lifestyle,” said Publishers Weekly. I’ve always found the Amish and their lifestyle fascinating. So I requested “Homespun” to review (thanks, Audra Jennings PR). It’s a collection of short essays by Amish and Mennonite women.
Straight from the pens of Amish and Mennonite women . . .
Straight from the pens of Amish and Mennonite women . . .
Ever wish you could visit with a group of Amish or Mennonite women over a cup of coffee? In the pages of Homespun, Amish and Plain Mennonite women swap stories and spin yarns while we listen in. Lorilee Craker, bestselling author of Money Secrets of the Amish,
collects these personal writings about hospitality, home, grief, joy,
and walks with God. Hear from one woman who struggles with feeling
inferior to her sister, from another about her longing for a baby, and
from a third who accidentally bought stretchy material to sew her
husband’s pants. Each woman’s story is a testament to the grace of God
and the blessings of community.
Behind Amish romance novels and tourist spots and television shows stand real people, with longings and loves just like the rest of us. Every Amish and Mennonite woman has a story. In Homespun, you get to hear some of them.
About the editor:

Editor Lorilee Craker is the author of thirteen books, including Money Secrets of the Amish; Anne of Green Gables, My Daughter, and Me; My Journey to Heaven with Marv Besteman; and the New York Times bestseller Through the Story with Lynne Spears. Connect with her at LorileeCraker.com.
Do you enjoy reading about the Amish? Is there a book by or about someone Amish that you would recommend?
My Review
Behind Amish romance novels and tourist spots and television shows stand real people, with longings and loves just like the rest of us. Every Amish and Mennonite woman has a story. In Homespun, you get to hear some of them.
About the editor:
Editor Lorilee Craker is the author of thirteen books, including Money Secrets of the Amish; Anne of Green Gables, My Daughter, and Me; My Journey to Heaven with Marv Besteman; and the New York Times bestseller Through the Story with Lynne Spears. Connect with her at LorileeCraker.com.
Do you enjoy reading about the Amish? Is there a book by or about someone Amish that you would recommend?
My Review
The author has given us a group of writings, that felt like I was
receiving letters from friends. Some are going to make you wish to have
tissues handy, and others had me laughing out loud, wait till you read
about the fussy son who wanted something green in his lunch and the mom
put only a head of lettuce in the next day, loved it!
Trying to read just one and then go do something, it didn’t work, I felt like I was reading about friends. There is a great deal of faith shared here, and felt uplifted and wanted more even after I read the last one offered.
I received this book from the Publisher Herald Press and Audra Reads, and was not required to give a positive review.
Trying to read just one and then go do something, it didn’t work, I felt like I was reading about friends. There is a great deal of faith shared here, and felt uplifted and wanted more even after I read the last one offered.
I received this book from the Publisher Herald Press and Audra Reads, and was not required to give a positive review.