Thursday, September 7, 2017

Write Now Literary Book Tours Presents: But My Soul Is Black & Review

Hello. I’m Excited. This is one of my stops during the month tour for But My Soul Is Black by Terrell Williams. This virtual book tour is organized by Write Now Literary Book Tours.

 This tour runs September 4-29, 2017.

 Follow the tour here.

  Book your own tour here WNL 

ISBN-10: 150069312X
ISBN-13: 978-1500693121
Genre: Fiction/Romance

Terrell Williams began life as the 2nd eldest son of 9 children (4 girls and 5 boys) and was reared in less than affluent circumstances. The second in his immediate family to graduate from college, he went on to marry a wonderful woman, and who eventually became the proud parents of 4 children (3 girls and 1 son who is also his namesake).

Mr. Williams enjoys reading and writing poetry, and he has written several plays that have been performed and were well received in Texas. The idea for his debut novel, But my Soul Is Black, lay dormant for many years until Mr. Williams finally finished the novel upon his retirement, fulfilling his dream of becoming a published author. His romantic tale tackles controversial topics such as interracial relationships, generational differences of conceptual thinking about life and love. This novel seeks to remind the readers of the interconnectedness we share as humans, as well as showing that truly, love transcends all!



But My Soul is Black, takes a candid look at interracial romance and the human experience. The book reveals the cultural misperceptions that harm us, and the love that heals us.

My Review 

This book is going to make you think, there is a lot going on here, and I sometimes questioned Bobby’s motives.
Bobby has a chance to have it all, a great career, home, car, and lots of money, and his Uncle seems to be gifting it to him. Ah, but wait until you meet Jimbo, and see what he does to him on their first meeting, but things do become surprising.
What I didn’t see coming what Bobby and Jimbo becoming fast friends, and then there is a betrayal, and it revolves around a woman.
From the author’s description you can just picture Karen, and then Bobby sees how Jimbo treats her, but does he do the right thing?
Come and see how this all works out, maybe not how you expect.
I received this book through Write Now Literary, and was not required to give positive review. 


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1 comment:

  1. Bobby Selinski is cut from a different kind of cloth. He sees something he wants and then ends up almost losing his life to possess it. How many of you would have made that choice if it mean't if you won, you would be the happiest person alive?


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