Monday, September 25, 2017

Liar's Winter: An Appalachian Novel by Cindy K. Sproles

The choices you make determine who you are. No no mark." Lochiel Ogle was born with a red-wine birthmark--and it put her life in jeopardy from the moment she entered the world. Mountain folks called it "the mark of the devil," and for all the evil that has plagued her nineteen-year existence, Lochiel is ready to believe that is true. And the evil surely took control of the mind of the boy who stole her as an infant, bringing her home for his mother to raise.

Abused and abandoned by the only people she knows as family, Lochiel is rescued by a peddler and given the first glimpse of love she has ever known. The truth of her past is gradually revealed as is the fact that she is still hunted by a brother driven to see her dead. Unsure if there's anyone she can truly trust, Lochiel is faced with a series of choices: Will she continue to run for escape or will she face her past and accept the heartbreaking secrets it reveals? Which will truly free her?

Set in the wild and beautiful Appalachian Mountains of nineteenth-century East Tennessee, Liar's Winter is an unflinching yet inspirational exploration of prejudice and choice.

About The Auhor

Cindy K. Sproles is an author and a speaker, whose dream is to do nothing more than craft words that speak from the heart. God's plan seems to be for her to write and teach the craft.  With God’s guidance, Cindy is expanding her horizons. We'll see how He uses her.
Cindy is a mountain gal. Proud of her heritage, she was born and raised in the Appalachian Mountains where life is simple, words have a deep southern drawl, and colloquialisms like, "well slap my knee and call me corn pone" seem to take precedence over proper speech. Apple Butter, coal mining, the river, pink sunrises and golden sunsets help you settle into a porch swing and relax. Family, the love of God and strong morals are embedded into her life in the mountains. Teaching writers, spinning fiction tales about life in the mountains, history and down home ideas find their way into all she does. “I love to write devotions, to seek after the deeper side of Christ and to share the lessons He teaches me from life in the hills of East Tennessee. I am a writer. A speaker. A lover of God's Word and friend to all.” This is Cindy Sproles.

My Review

Liar’s Winter is a book that will warm your heart and bring tears to your eyes. A baby snatched from those who loved her and taken to be raised as more or less a slave with no comfort from other humans, ah but that is just the beginning.
The author makes you think about the injustice of all that happens to Lochiel, and we wonder with all that transpires to her if she will survive until the end of the story. A powerful read if there ever was one, and you will not want to put it down, and then you will want it to continue once you get to the end.
Superstition plays a part in a lot of cultures, and these mountain folks are ripe for it, when it is spread that this innocent young woman has the “mark of the devil”, but you can see the hand of the Lord in her rescue and surprises abound as you peruse the pages of this novel. We find friends and family, but also those who believe the lies and take it out on a defenseless girl, and yet she has the power of God on her side, will it be enough, or will those who believe in evil prevail?
Don’t miss this one; it will linger with you for a long time.
I received this book through Kregel Blogging Program, and was not required to give a positive review.

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