Thursday, July 27, 2017

Write Now Literary Presents: 40 Days of Healing by Danyelle Scroggins

Write Now Literary is pleased to announce The Book Tour for 40 Days of Healing by Danyelle Scroggins. July 27, 2017  Publication Date: June 12, 2017 Genre: Inspirational ASIN: B072MS2TLR ISBN-10: 154806775X ISBN-13: 978-1548067755

40 Days Of Healing takes the reader through 40 days of fasting in hopes of being delivered from the "IT" that has caused separation between them and God, and gives them the opportunity to journal their most personal prayers, thoughts, and intentions.

40 Days Of Healing is also a complete guide to 40 days of fasting and spiritual renewal. It is an opportunity for mind renewal in your mind, body, and spirit. It is saturated with wonderful scriptures to help usher you into your healing.


Pastor/ Author Danyelle is the Senior Pastor of New Vessels Ministries North in Shreveport, Louisiana. She studied Theology at Louisiana Baptist University, has a Psychology Degree from the University of Phoenix, an Interdisciplinary Degree in Psychology /Biblical Studies from Liberty University, and is presently working on a Master’s in Religious Education from the Liberty University. Pastor Danyelle owns Divinely Sown Publishing LLC and is the author of both Christian fiction and non-fiction books. She is the wife of Pastor Reynard Scroggins Sr., the mother of three by birth and two additional by marriage.

Tour hosted by Write Now Literary Book Tours

Click here to follow the tour 

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