Saturday, May 30, 2015

Huckleberry Harvest (The Matchmakers of Huckleberry Hill #5) by Jennifer Beckstrand

Anna and Felty Helmuth’s zest for matchmaking is unstoppable—and with grown-up grandchild number three on her way to their home in lovely Huckleberry Hill, Wisconsin, what better reason to put their talents to work once more?...

When Mandy Helmuth hears that her best friend Kristina’s heart has been broken, she decides to visit her grandparents and cheer her up. Mandy never liked Noah Mischler anyway, with his rough exterior and outspoken ways. Unfortunately, she can’t avoid him—especially after he saves her life…

If he weren’t helping Felty with home repairs, Noah would be more than happy to stay away from uppity Mandy Helmuth. Of course, then he wouldn’t have been able to rescue her—and she wouldn’t have had the chance to discover the real Noah beneath the tough persona—the one she falls in love with.

About The Author:

I grew up with a steady diet of William Shakespeare and Jane Austen. After all that literary immersion, I naturally decided to get a degree in mathematics, which came in handy when one of my six children needed help with homework. After my fourth daughter was born, I started writing. By juggling diaper changes, soccer games, music lessons, laundry, and two more children, I finished my first manuscript—a Western—in just under fourteen years.

I have always been fascinated by the Amish way of life and now write Inspirational Amish Romance. I am drawn to the strong faith of the Plain people and admire the importance they put on enduring family ties. I have visited and studied Amish communities in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin where I met with a bishop and a minister as well as several Amish mamms, dats, and children. It has always impressed me at what salt-of-the-earth people they are. My interactions with these kind people have been some of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I have a dear Amish friend with whom I correspond in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. She helps me keep my facts straight and gives me inspiration for my stories.

My goal is to write uplifting, inspiring stories with happy endings and hopeful messages. If my books make readers want to give themselves a big hug or jump up and down for joy, I’ve done my job. I am a member of Romance Writers of America and American Christian Fiction Writers and am represented by Mary Sue Seymour of The Seymour Agency.

There are three Amish romances in the Forever After in Apple Lake Series (Summerside/Guideposts). Kate’s Song, Rebecca’s Rose, and Miriam’s Quilt are all now available.

The series, The Matchmakers of Huckleberry Hill, is about an elderly Amish couple who try to find suitable mates for their grandchildren. What could be more fun than throwing two young people together to see if sparks ignite? No one would ever suspect two octogenarian Amish folks of mischief.



My Review
I received my copy of Huckleberry Harvest a little while ago, I didn’t open it right away, it was like a piece of candy that you absolutely love, but savor and save for a few days. I knew what I was going to find once I open the pages, and sure was not disappointed, just didn’t want it to end.
This is Granddaughter Mandy’s story, and Annie and Felty are at it again, of course. Annie has away with cooking, that would bring tears to the eyes of any cast iron stomach, but she is so delightful that people suffer through what she offers, and try to find ways not to eat. She does do a wonderful job with her knitting, and she soon has the boys lining up for one of her potholders, and a she has a very special job available. Marry her Granddaughter!
You can guess how delightful this book is, and I found it so very heart-warming, although it does deal with some tough subjects, such as alcoholism, and the trial it puts on families.
As the book opens we find Mandy chewing out an Amish man whom she thinks hurt her dearest friend to the core. How could this Noah Mischler have led on Kristina and then broken her heart, well she sure gives him a piece of her mind. Then we turn around and who appears at he Grandparent’s kitchen, you got it, and we soon are rooting for Noah, and are aghast at the antics a grown woman would go to try and win his favor.
Page-turner to the end, and not a book that I wanted to end, the characters here are like family, and I wanted to stay in their comfortable embrace. Am so glad that there is another grandchild that needs a spouse and so there is another book to come in November called Huckleberry Hearts.

I received this book from the Author for my honest review, and was not required to give a positive review.


  1. Jennifer is a wonderful sweet lady. And, knows how to write a book.
    Loved the review. Probably no one would complain if this series never stop having another book. Maxie > mac262(at)me(dot)com <

  2. Maureen, thank you so much for the review. You always make me smile and you are always so kind. I hope Huckleberry Harvest makes readers want to give themselves a big hug at the end.


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