Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Great Escapes Virtual Book Tours Presents: Music is Murder: A Musical Murder Mystery by B.J. Bowen


Music is Murder: A Musical Murder Mystery
by B.J. Bowen

About Music Is Murder

Music is Murder: A Musical Murder Mystery
Cozy Mystery
1st in Series
Publisher: Camel Press (June 8, 2021)
Paperback: 242 pages
ISBN-10: 1942078161
ISBN-13: 978-1942078166

When a symphony musician is murdered—bashed with her own bassoon—flute player Emily Wilson becomes the prime suspect. To save herself and secure justice for her murdered friend, she must find the killer.


In the close-knit, unforgiving environment of the symphony orchestra Emily makes her way through the tender egos and warped relationships of her fellow musicians to find tantalizing clues. Blackmail, the victim’s abusive ex-boyfriend, an angry neighbor, and a shifty Symphony Board member all lead her to feel she is on the right track.


With the dogged Lieutenant Gordon on her trail, she must flee from the police so she can continue her search. She unexpectedly finds a loyal female friend and the possibility of a new man in her life. But she must learn to trust again after her failed and abusive marriage. With time running out, will she be able to evade the lieutenant, face her personal demons, and clear her name?


About B.J. Bowen

Barbara Bowen is a musician and free-lance writer whose love of music was awakened by her mother, who played the flute. After failing miserably as a flute player, at the age of eleven Ms. Bowen began studying oboe and has since performed and recorded on both oboe and English horn with professional symphonies and chamber groups throughout Mexico and Colorado. Other experience includes working with various children’s organizations, teaching music to children and adults, editing newsletters, and writing grants for non-profits. Her inspirational articles have appeared in Unity Magazine and Daily Word, and she was a finalist who won Honorable Mention in the 2018 Focus: Eddy Awards for her article, “Letting Go with Grace,” published in Unity Magazine. She lives in Colorado Springs, Colorado, with two canine friends, and has a stock of musical puns, as well as a song for any occasion.

Author Links

Website – www.barbarabowenauthor.com

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/barbara.bowen.5055

GoodReads – https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/86942163

Purchase Links – AmazonB&N

a Rafflecopter giveaway


July 14 – Cassidy’s Bookshelves – SPOTLIGHT

July 14 – #BRVL Book Review Virginia Lee Blog – SPOTLIGHT

July 15 – Socrates Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

July 15 – Thoughts in Progress – SPOTLIGHT

July 16 – Novels Alive – GUEST POST

July 16 – Christa Reads and Writes – REVIEW


July 17 – Sapphyria’s Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

July 18 – Brooke Blogs – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

July 18 – StoreyBook Reviews – GUEST POST

July 19 – Literary Gold – SPOTLIGHT

July 19 – ebook addicts – SPOTLIGHT

July 20 – Maureen’s Musings – SPOTLIGHT

July 20 – Baroness’ Book Trove – CHARACTER INTERVIEW

July 21 – Celticlady’s Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

July 21 – Books a Plenty Book Reviews – GUEST POST

July 22 – Christy’s Cozy Corners – GUEST POST

July 22 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – GUEST POST

July 23 – I Read What You Write – REVIEW, GUEST POST

July 23 – BookishKelly2020 – SPOTLIGHT


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