Friday, July 16, 2021

Celebrate Lit Presents: Rahab's Courage Epic Book Launch


About the Book

Book:  Rahab’s Courage

Author: Naomi Craig

Genre: Biblical Fiction

Release date: August 17, 2021

A scarlet cord tethers one ruined woman to the salvation of mankind.

Harboring two fugitives in a city slated for destruction, Rahab has one small chance of escape. In exchange for their safety, she bargains for her own. Their agreement rewards her courage, and she flees Jericho and a life of prostitution for a new life among the people of Israel. Never again will she have to depend on anyone—especially men.

Except Salmah won’t take the hint.

High ranking soldier and leader of the tribe of Judah, Salmah is determined not to repeat his parents’ mistakes. He will keep the Lord’s commandments. Rahab’s growing faith fits right in with phase one of his plans: find a wife who loves the Lord and settle down in the new land.

Rahab finds shelter and meaning in the Lord’s ways until her past comes back to haunt her. As her new faith is put to test, she finds herself alone. Isn’t that what she’d always wanted?

With her courage waning, only the Lord can turn Rahab’s life around again, but will He do it before she loses everyone and everything that really matters to her—to her heart? 



“Do you pray to the God of the Israelites?” She moved to his side to support him.Salmah’s eyebrows shot up. “Yes.”“Does He answer your prayers?”“Yes, why?”“You might want to pray now. We have to make it up those stairs undetected.”He raised his eyebrows, glancing from her to the stairs stretching up to the heavens. His jaw clenched with the jarring pain. He figured he’d better pray out loud.“Yahweh, help us!” Salmah shrugged at the woman’s curious glance. That was the best he had at the moment. Another look back.He leaned gingerly on the woman’s shoulder. Her hair smelled like wild honey.The tedious ascent forced him to rely heavily on the woman’s support. They reached a crevice in the wall—apparently the resting spot she’d referenced earlier—as they heard voices on the wall above them. Salmah ducked into the crevice and propped himself against the wall. The woman squeezed in after him, jostling his foot. He closed his eyes against the pain and her closeness.Loud, raucous footfalls pounded down the stairs. Two voices competed for prominence as they berated some poor, defenseless soldier who had fallen asleep. At the king’s table, if he heard correctly.


Excerpt One:

Excerpt Two:

Excerpt Three:

Excerpt Four:

Excerpt Five:

Excerpt Six:

Excerpt Seven:



About The Author


Naomi writes Historical Fiction set in Bible times.
She lives in a small town in the south-eastern mountains of Arizona
She is an avid reader, Pastor’s wife, and homeschool mom.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for hosting Rahab's Courage!
    ~Naomi Craig


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