Tuesday, January 23, 2018

The Lacemaker by Laura Frantz

Laura Frantz is passionate about all things historical, particularly the 18th-century, and writes her manuscripts in longhand first. Her stories often incorporate Scottish themes that reflect her family heritage. She is a direct descendant of George Hume, Wedderburn Castle, Berwickshire, Scotland, who was exiled to the American colonies for his role in the Jacobite Rebellion of 1715, settled in Virginia, and is credited with teaching George Washington surveying in the years 1748-1750. Frantz lives and writes in a log cabin in the heart of Kentucky.According to Publishers Weekly, "Frantz has done her historical homework." With her signature attention to historical detail and emotional depth, she is represented by Janet Kobobel Grant, Literary Agent & Founder, Books & Such Literary Agency of Santa Rosa, California.Readers can find Laura Frantz at www.laurafrantz.net.

My Review

The author has set this story at the beginnings of the American Revolution and soon we are experiencing it up close and personal, and walk in both Elisabeth aka Liberty, and Nobel Rynallt a patriot, shoes.
We wonder for a little bit whether one or both of these people, that the author has made us care about, will live through the turmoil that is falling about them. The setting for this read is Virginia, and we are still under the Kings rule, but the beauty of the area is seen through the eyes of those we now care about.
I could just picture Liberty making her lace, what a beautiful talent, and I could see Nobel and his majestic horses, and made me want to live in this area, but with the war looming will it continue to exist as it is?
This is a read that would make a wonderful movie, and I felt I was watching as each chapter unfolded, once you pick this one up you will not want to put it down, you will have to know the outcome.
I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Revell, and was not required to give a positive review.


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