Monday, January 1, 2018

Andi Lassos Trouble (Circle C Stepping Stones #3) by Susan K. Marlow

When the Circle C ranch decides to host a rodeo competition with two other ranches, dozens of cowboys are eager to prove they're the best riders and ropers in the valley. But they're not the only ones who want to show off their skills--Andi aims to lasso her way to the prizes, even if big brother Chad says the contest isn't for kids.

The roundup is meant to be a time for food, fun, and friendship. But before Andi can prove she's got what it takes to be a real cowgirl, the day turns dangerous. Will a friendly rodeo turn into a range war between ranchers and sheepherders? Can Andi and her family keep their neighbors--and themselves--safe?


About The Author

Homeschool mom by day. Novel writer by night.

I started writing stories when I was ten years old. I liked writing stories for myself and for my younger sister Julie. Later on when I grew up, I homeschooled teenagers and cared for toddlers all day and escaped into the Old West at night by writing story after story. I never intended to become a published author. Once I began sharing my stories outside my family, though, enough people encouraged me to submit to publishers. They wouldn’t let me give up! With the publication in 2005 of the first book in the Circle C Adventures, Andrea Carter and the Long Ride Home, I discovered that it really is more fun to share my stories with others than to keep them to myself.
Besides the Adventures series, I have written the Circle C Beginnings (a six-year-old Andi Carter), the Stepping Stones (Andi is nine), the Circle C Milestones (a teen Andi Carter), and the Goldtown Adventures, gold-rush novels for boys.
I have a degree in elementary education and I love to teach. I taught in Christian school before I began homeschooling. After twenty+ years, I have finished that season of my life but find myself “back in the saddle” as I help other homeschooling families, including my grandchildren.
My hubby, Roger, and I live on fourteen acres of ponderosa pine at 3,000 feet in north-central Washington state.


My Review

Andi Lassos Trouble is a sweet story geared at ages 7-10, but can be enjoyed by younger and older.
The author presents a compelling read story, and as we experience and excited Andi and her friends learning to rope calves, or sheep, with the hope of competing in the rodeo that is going to happen at the Circle C. Unfortunately, in her enthusiasm Andi forgets to take care of her horse. Come and enjoy what happens and the lessons to be learned.

I received this book through Kregel Blogger Program, and was not required to give a positive review.

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