Monday, July 31, 2017

The Second Chance Brides Collection: Nine Historical Romances Offer New Hope for Love by Lauralee Bliss , Angela Breidenbach , Ramona K. Cecil, Pamela Griffin, Grace Hitchcock Pam Hillman,Tiffany Amber Stockton, Liz Tolsma, Amber Stockton Laura V. Hilton

Meet nine women who each believe their chance for lifelong love has passed them by. From the girls who lost their beaus to war, to the wallflowers overshadowed by others, and the widows deeply hurt by their loss, the desire to love and be loved spans American history from 1777 to 1944. Experience the sweet pull of romance on each life and the blossom of faith that leads them to brighter futures.

by Lauralee Bliss, Angela Breidenbach, Ramona K. Cecil, Pamela Griffin, Grace Hitchcock, Pam Hillman,Laura V. Hilton, Tiffany Amber Stockton, Liz Tolsma
My Review

Second Chance Brides is a delightful collection of nine historical romance stories, and they will be keeping you reading long into the night.
Whether you have just a few minutes, or several hours to read, this book should fit the bill, you can quickly read one, or continue on to the next.
These stories span decades, and not only do they provide a great time to get lost in; they offer many historical facts, which I loved. From on to the next they varied as to the time period, and kept my interest right to the end.
I also found myself with a few chuckles, watch for the names of some of the characters.
I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Barbour, and was not required to give a positive review.

The Captivating Lady Charlotte (Regency Brides: A Legacy of Grace, #2) by Carolyn Miller

Her heart is her own--but her hand in marriage is another matter

Lady Charlotte Featherington is destined for great things on the marriage market. After all, as the beautiful daughter of a marquess, she should have her pick of the eligible nobility hen she debuts. She, however, has love at the top of her list of marriageable attributes. And her romantic heart falls hard for one particularly dashing, attentive suitor. Sadly for Charlotte, her noble father intends her betrothed to be someone far more dull.

William Hartwell may be a duke, but he knows he was Charlotte's father's pick, not the young lady's own choice. And the captivating Lady Charlotte does not strike him as a woman who will be wooed by his wealth or title. While she has captured his heart, he has no idea how to win hers in return--and the betrayal and scandal his first wife put him through makes it difficult for him to believe that love can ever be trusted. His only hope is that Charlotte's sense of responsibility will win out over her romantic notions.

Can a widowed duke and a romantically inclined lady negotiate a future and discover love beyond duty? Will they be able to find healing and hope from the legacy of grace? Poignant and charming, this is another beautifully written, clean and wholesome Regency romance from Carolyn Miller.


About The Author

I'm an Inspirational Regency romance author who lives in the beautiful Southern Highlands of New South Wales, Australia with my husband and four children. I love reading (especially Jane Austen and Georgette Heyer), music, films, gardens, art, travel and food. I really enjoy creating worlds where flawed people can grow in faith, hope and love.


My Review

Book two of the Regency Brides: A Legacy of Grace, The Captivating Lady Charlotte is just as good as the first book in this series, and kept me page turning to the end. We are brought up to date with cousin Livvie, and again meet the person who will be focused on in the third book Miss DeLacey, and now I can’t wait for that book.
This time it is cousin Charlotte’s turn, and she has her coming out and presentation to the queen, and she sure does turn heads, and not all of the young men are up to the standards that her parents want for her. Then we learn about William Harwell, a duke, and recent widower, but when all is said will he meet up to the standards set by her family, or will the gossip keep coming.
Then there are terrible things happening at the duke’s estate, and it seems someone wants to do him harm, why are these horrible things occurring, and who is doing them.
We again get to see the countryside of old England, 1814 to be exact, and things are quite different and the royalty live a rather luscious life style.
Once you state to peruse this book you will not be able to leave it alone, it is that good.
I received this book through Kregel Publishing Blogger Program, and was not required to give a positive review.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Write Now Literary Presents: 40 Days of Healing by Danyelle Scroggins

Write Now Literary is pleased to announce The Book Tour for 40 Days of Healing by Danyelle Scroggins. July 27, 2017  Publication Date: June 12, 2017 Genre: Inspirational ASIN: B072MS2TLR ISBN-10: 154806775X ISBN-13: 978-1548067755

40 Days Of Healing takes the reader through 40 days of fasting in hopes of being delivered from the "IT" that has caused separation between them and God, and gives them the opportunity to journal their most personal prayers, thoughts, and intentions.

40 Days Of Healing is also a complete guide to 40 days of fasting and spiritual renewal. It is an opportunity for mind renewal in your mind, body, and spirit. It is saturated with wonderful scriptures to help usher you into your healing.


Pastor/ Author Danyelle is the Senior Pastor of New Vessels Ministries North in Shreveport, Louisiana. She studied Theology at Louisiana Baptist University, has a Psychology Degree from the University of Phoenix, an Interdisciplinary Degree in Psychology /Biblical Studies from Liberty University, and is presently working on a Master’s in Religious Education from the Liberty University. Pastor Danyelle owns Divinely Sown Publishing LLC and is the author of both Christian fiction and non-fiction books. She is the wife of Pastor Reynard Scroggins Sr., the mother of three by birth and two additional by marriage.

Tour hosted by Write Now Literary Book Tours

Click here to follow the tour 

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

My Daughter's Legacy (Cousins of the Dove #3) by Mindy Starns Clark, Leslie Gould

Women of Unfailing Conviction

Virginia, 1864

Therese Jennings cannot abide the thought of her family owning slaves. When her wealthy grandfather dies during the Civil War, leaving his slaves and estate to Therese's widowed mother, Therese flees to Richmond. There she works as a tutor by day and a nurse by night. But when trouble befalls her family, how can she reconcile her duty and beliefs? And where does James Talbot—a long-time family friend—fit in her broken world?

Virginia, present day

After years of substance abuse, Nicole Talbot's life is back on track. She's found work at an equestrian therapy center and returned to college with the help of her wealthy grandmother—but that help comes at a price. Nicole must decide between honoring her bargain and doing what she knows is right, even if that could mean losing her new start, her family's trust, and a future with her handsome boss.

About The Author

Mindy Starns Clark is the bestselling author of more than 20 books, both fiction and nonfiction, with over a million copies sold. Mindy and her husband, John, have two adult children and live in Pennsylvania.
Find out more about Mindy Starns at

Leslie Gould

Leslie Gould, a former magazine editor, is the author of numerous novels, including “Beyond the Blue” and “Garden of Dreams.” She received her master of fine arts degree from Portland State University and lives in Oregon with her husband, Peter, and their four children.
Find out more about Leslie at

Meet two women in different eras but both with unfailing conviction in Mindy Starns Clark and Leslie Gould’s new book, My Daughter’s Legacy. Therese Jennings cannot abide the thought of owning slaves. But when trouble befalls her family, can she reconcile her obligations with her beliefs? Nicole Talbot’s life is back on track after years of substance abuse. But when facts she uncovers cast doubt on her family’s legacy, she must risk all that she’s gained—her fresh start, her family’s trust, and her growing relationship with a new man—to unlock the secrets of the past.
Celebrate the release of Mindy and Leslie’s new book by entering to win the $75 Visa Cash Card Giveaway (details below) and by attending their author chat party on August 1!

One grand prize winner will receive:
  • One copy of My Daughter’s Legacy
  • One $75 Visa Cash Card
Enter today by clicking the icon below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on August 1. The winner will be announced at the My Daughter’s Legacy Facebook party. RSVP for a chance to connect with Mindy, Leslie, and other readers, as well as for a chance to win other prizes!

RSVP today and spread the word—tell your friends about the giveaway via social media and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on the 1st!


My Review

This conclusion to the Cousins To The Dove series will have you page turning right to the end as answers begin to unfold.
When this book opens we are with Nicole as she has completed her college year and is heading home to again live with her sister, and life is looking so much brighter.
The story in all three books are about strong Talbot woman, and this like the former books spans generations, with one being current time and the other during the Civil War.
As we span the centuries we are caught up quickly in each of the stories that come together and conclude over an artifact, but how it ends is amazing. I was quickly absorbed in Therese life and her beliefs against slavery, and how she played a part in fighting the injustice.
Then we have current day Nicole, she has fought and will continue to take her life back from her addiction, and this summer she is an intern at a horse stable. Loved how the horses are used to help people, and will this hold answers for Nicole, and will she be able to offer help to the horses?
There is a bit of romance, as we cross the centuries and we hope with some trepidation that these women will pick the right man, and one will have you wondering.
This is a book that will be lingering long after the last page has been turned.
I received this book through Lit Fuse Publicity Book Tours, and was not required to give a positive review


Monday, July 17, 2017

The Cover Story (Branigan Powers Mystery #2) by Deb Richardson-Moore

A bizarre hit-and-run brings Branigan Powers back to the crime-solving beat

A fatal crash involving two college students heading home for the holidays seems like an unfortunate accident. But when the surviving girl wakens, she tells a curious story of the vehicle that forced them off the road--an old-fashioned, 1950s-style hearse.

Reporter Branigan Powers delves into the mystery that takes her to the college campus, and leads her into dangerous fraternity and sorority pledge parties.

Reunited with the homeless Malachi Martin, who is so adept at seeing what isn't there rather than what is, Branigan must uncover what is really going on at the college before other students are put in danger.

This second installment in the author's first cozy mystery series delves into the world of newspapers and life on the streets--both of which the author knows well.

About The Author

For 27 years, Deb Richardson-Moore was a reporter for "The Greenville (SC) News," winning three national writing awards and routine recognition from the South Carolina Press Association. She was a wife, mother of three, and that suburban cliche, a minivan-driving soccer mom.

She then took over the religion beat at "The News" and enrolled in a nearby seminary to learn more about it. Her life was never the same. She left the newspaper and earned a master of divinity degree. Because jobs for clergywomen were scarce in her own Baptist denomination, she accepted a job as pastor of the non-denominational Triune Mercy Center, a crumbling, inner-city mission church to the homeless.

"The Weight of Mercy" chronicles her first three turbulent years among her homeless congregants. Here's what novelist Davis Bunn, writer-in-residence at Oxford University, has to say about it:

"This is an amazingly well written work, a genuine testimony of hope in the dark recesses of our times. The words are laid out with an artist's precision, and their smoothness makes this not just a powerful read, but a genuine entry into a world we all need to know better. Perhaps the most important thing I can say about this is, I found Jesus in these pages. Highly recommended."

Deb is a graduate of Wake Forest University and Erskine Theological Seminary. She and her husband, Vince, have three grown children.

My Review

Can you imagine being forced off a road and careening down a hill, not really, but then you see it is a hearse that is hitting you repeatedly. That is the beginning of this story, and the driver of the jeep that is being forced off the road is Charlie, who happens to be Branigan’s niece, and a local reporter.
Something is going on and it seems to center on the local college’s sorority, and they own a hearse, odd I know, but they use it for Halloween and to celebrate engagements, ok? Now you are going to be wondering what does this have to do with a death and injuring of you coeds?
What a ride we have to find answers here, and yes there are some, but it blew my mind at what happens, I didn’t see it coming, full of surprises.
Once again we are with the homeless, and Pastor Liam with his big heart for the unfortunate, and Charlie is his daughter, but we also are back with Malachai a homeless man with a big heart.
What a tale the author has woven here, and this one is just as good as the first book that introduced us to Grambling GA, The Cantaloupe Thief, and you don’t want to miss that one. Is there a romance blooming here for our Branigan, sure hope so, I love being with her!
I received this book through Kregel Publishing Blogger Program, and was not required to give a positive review.

Friday, July 14, 2017

Grounded Hearts by Jeanne M. Dickson Review & Giveaway

In the midst of World War II, Ireland has declared herself neutral. Troops found on Irish soil must be reported and interned, no matter which side they are fighting for. When midwife Nan O’Neil finds a wounded young Canadian pilot at her door, she knows she’s taking a huge risk by letting him in. Not only is she a widow living alone, but if caught harboring a combatant, she’ll face imprisonment.

Still, something compels Nan to take in “flyboy” Dutch Whitney, an RAF pilot whose bomber has just crashed over County Clare. While she tends to his wounds and gives him a secret place of refuge, the two begin to form a mutual affection—and an unbreakable bond.

But Nan has another secret, one that has racked her with guilt since her husband’s death and made her question ever loving again. As Nan and Dutch plan his escape, can he help restore her faith?

Learn more and purchase a copy.

Join Jeanne in celebrating the release of her new book by entering to win the Celtic Knots Giveaway!

One grand prize winner will receive:

Enter today by clicking the icon below, but hurry! The giveaway ends on July 31. The winner will be announced August 1 on the Litfuse blog.

About The Author

Jeanne M. Dickson

Jeanne M. Dickson was born into an Irish American family, the only girl surrounded by four brothers. She credits her mother, her aunts, and her grandmother with her love of storytelling. Perfecting her craft, she attends many writer’s conferences and over the years, she has won and finaled in numerous RWA romance writing awards including the Daphne du Maurier Award, the Maggie Award, The Molly, The Tara, and she was the overall contest winner of Launching A Star. Today she lives in Coastal San Diego with her fabulous husband, her two wonderful girls, and a dozen disobedient rose bushes.
Find out more about Jeanne M. at

My Review

loved this story, I loved roaming the hills of Ireland, and the concept presented by the author is one that peeked my interest immediately!
Even though I’ve never been there I have always been proud of my Irish heritage, and I knew that Ireland was neutral during the war, but I never knew that they had interment camps, this book is full of interesting and fun facts, along with Irish Gypsies, the Tinkers.
We have a RAF airman, Dutch, shot down with his crew in Southern Ireland, and he ends up at a mid-wife’s door, Nan. What happens from here with warm your heart, and cringe at Finn, and the strong women from doctors to mechanics, and they are there for their own.
Dealing with their demons both Nan and Dutch are survivors, and we see them bond, but can anything come from their relationship, he is actually now a wanted man and she is harboring a fugitive.
I was sure surprised at the turn of events here, and sure wish I could go back, a real page-turner and a book that is going to linger with you.
I received this book through Lit Fuse Publicity Book Tours, and was not required to give a positive review.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

His Guilt (The Amish of Hart County #2) by Shelley Shepard Gray

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Shelley Shepard Gray delivers the next novel in her Amish of Hart County series—a suspenseful tale of an Amish man who will risk all to protect the woman he loves.

Mark Fisher has returned home to Hart County, determined to put the past behind him. Two years ago, after being wrongly accused of assault, he left the Amish community, though never forgot his home. When the one person who had helped him through his rough times asks for help, Mark returns. But it is pretty Waneta Cain who makes him want to stay...

Neeta is one of the few people in Hart County who doesn’t believe Mark is guilty of hurting anyone. However, his worldliness and tough exterior do make her uneasy. As she begins to see the real man behind all the gossip and prejudice, she wonders if he is the man for her.

Just when Mark starts to believe a new life is possible, a close friend of Neeta’s is attacked. Once again, everyone in the community seems to believe he is guilty.  But what hurts most is Neeta’s sudden wariness around him. When another woman is hurt, a woman who is close to both Neeta and himself, Mark fears he knows the real culprit. And time is running out. Will Mark be able to find him before Neeta becomes his next victim?

About The Author

Shelley Shepard Gray is a “New York Times” and “USA Today” bestselling author, a finalist for the American Christian Fiction Writers prestigious Carol Award, and a two-time HOLT Medallion winner. She lives in southern Ohio, where she writes full-time, bakes too much, and can often be found walking her dachshunds on her town’s bike trail.
Find out more about Shelley at

My Review

This Amish Community makes me think that people are judged by the acts of their parents, and no matter how many years go by, no one seems to forget or accept. At least until the author introduces us to a preacher to lives his faith and encourages Mark Fisher to return to his roots and take over the empty home that has been left to him.
Surprisingly Mark has stayed steady in his Amish faith, but that doesn’t mean that the congregation here will forgive and forget. We are also introduced to another young woman, she has not stayed Amish, but has tried to return to her hometown, and will she succeed or finally leave.
Neeta soon discovers Mark working at the green house she works in, but she gives him the same cold shoulder the rest of the community does.
The author will have you questioning whether Mark is a good guy, or is it his wayward brother, or who, as someone is attacking and almost killing young Amish women, and it doesn’t help that Mark was questioned a long time ago about an attack.
Will this community ever come together and live up to their faith, you will be surprised how things turn out, and it keeps surprising right up to the last page.
I received this book through Lit Fuse Publicity Book Tours, and was not required to give a positive review.


Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Over Maya Dead Body (Serena Jones Mystery #3) by Sandra Orchard

FBI Special Agent Serena Jones arrives on Martha's Vineyard with her family, ready for a little bit of R&R and a whole lot of reminiscing as they celebrate the engagement of an old family friend. But crime doesn't take a vacation, and she's soon entangled in an investigation of a suspicious death tied to an antiquities smuggling ring.

When her investigation propels her into danger, Serena must stay the course and solve this case before anyone else dies. But just how is she supposed to do that when the two men in her life arrive on the scene, bringing with them plenty of romantic complications--and even a secret or two?

Award-winning author Sandra Orchard keeps readers guessing with this fast-paced mystery laced with romance.


About The Author

Sandra leaps off the garden trails of her herbal-researcher-turned-amateur-sleuth (Port Aster Secrets) series, to the museum corridors of her plucky FBI art crime agent Serena Jones, in A Fool and His Monet.

When not plotting crimes, Sandra plays make-believe with her grandchildren or hikes with her hubby along the escarpment, near their home in Niagara, Canada.

Her novels have garnered numerous awards, including the National Readers' Choice Award, a Holt Medallion Award of Merit, an RT Book Reviews Reviewers' Choice Award, the Daphne DuMaurier Award of Excellence and five national Canadian Awards.

Learn more about Sandra’s books and fun bonus features at

My Review

Just finished the third book in this series, and it sure didn’t disappoint, and can be read by its self, but you don’t want to miss the other two!
Of course, bodies seem to follow our FBI agent Serena around, and going to Martha’s Vineyard is not exception for her, and this is sad for her family at the same time.
You will be changing your mind as to who is involved from page to page, and just when you think you know for sure, guess what! There is a lot of action too, firebombs, break line cuts, gunshots, etc., better duck.
Our girl ends up with both of the guys who have their eye on her, they come to be of help, but will she ever choose just one? They actually both sound perfect!
Of course, darling Aunt Martha is here, and who does she not know? She is one amazing woman, and we are about to learn more about her, and she seems to have access to all kinds of help.
I adored the epilogue at the end of the book, and maybe there will be another novel in the offing, we can hope!
I received this book through Revell Publishing Book Bloggers Program, and was not required to give a positive review.

I Am A Reader, Not A Writer Presents: The Year I Dated The Internet Blast & Giveaway


The Year I Dated the Internet by Stacy Lynn Carroll

  With her 30th birthday fast approaching, Chelsea Wilson decides she is done being single. She is going to be married by the end of the year if it kills her. And sixteen first dates might just do that. With no male companionship, other than her cat Daughtry, Chelsea reluctantly creates an online dating profile. She begins meeting all kinds of men in a world now full of man buns and skinny jeans. While trying to find one good man, she ends up with four. How will Chelsea ever decide? The best part is she doesn’t have to. It’s up to you. In this romantic comedy like no other, you, the reader, get to pick who Chelsea chooses in the end. Her fate is in your hands.

Grab your copy for just 99 cents from July 11th to 15th

Praise for the Book "I highly recommend reading this book. The story is fantastic, the dates memorable, and the ending is what you decide. I was so happy to choose which guy Chelsea ends up with, I felt even more involved in her story." --Stacy Lybbert, Amazon reviewer "Having read plenty of fiction with endings I didn't love, this book was refreshing and fun. And having been married for a couple of decades and out of the dating scene, it was eye opening to get of glimpse of the new world of online dating and how difficult it can be." --Holly Frasche, Amazon reviewer "There was plenty of humour throughout the story and I shared some of the jokes with friends and family who all laughed as well. I would like to see more books like this. It lived up to its description and recommendation and I'm glad I read it. I would recommend it. It was just what I was looking for: a nice, light read with no heavy stuff." --Autism Mom, Amazon reviewer "I especially liked how real and well developed the characters were. The main character has dating experiences that anyone in the dating world can relate with, as well as experiences that no one would want, and ones that are unique to our age of the internet, taking the reader on a ride that is entertaining and heart warming." --Leilani Peterson, Amazon reviewer.

  I would rather clean a gas station bathroom with my bare hands than be here right now. I hate blind dates. I don’t know how I let myself get talked into one. As soon as married people find out I’m single, it’s like they feel it is their personal duty to find my husband. You’re single? I have a second cousin who is single. I should set you two up! Does he like the same things as me? Doubtful. Is he attractive? Probably not. Do we have anything in common? No … but you’re single and he’s single so it must be a match made in heaven, right? I pick up my glass and take a sip. There’s a huge burst of laughter at the other end of the bar. I look over and see several barely twenty-year-olds in tight dresses with perfect hair and more makeup than I’ve ever worn. They are surrounded by older men who appear to be comedians by the incessant giggling pouring out from them. I watch the men buy another round of shots, followed by more laughter. I feel like an old lady sitting grumpily on my stool, wishing the youngins would keep it down...


Grab your copy for just 99 cents from July 11th to 15th


Author Stacy Lynn Carroll

Stacy Lynn Carroll has always loved telling stories. She started out at Utah State University where she pursued a degree in English, learned how to western swing, and watched as many of her fellow students became ‘True Aggies’. She then finished her BA at the University of Utah where she got an emphasis in creative writing. After college, she worked as an administrative assistant, where she continued to write stories for the amusement of her co-workers. When her first daughter was born, and with the encouragement of a fortune cookie, she quit her job and became a full-time mommy and writer. She and her husband have four children, two dogs, two rats, two fish, and a partridge in a pear tree.

  amazon or paypal 

$50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Giveaway Ends 7/23/17 Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Down a Dark Road (Kate Burkholder #9) by Linda Castillo

In this electrifying new thriller in the New York Times bestselling series, a convicted murderer is on the run and Chief of Police Kate Burkholder must catch him before he strikes again.

Eight years ago Joseph King was convicted of murdering his wife and sentenced to life in prison. He was a "fallen" Amish man and, according to local law enforcement, a known drug user with a violent temper. Now King has escaped, and he’s headed for Painters Mill.

News of a murderer on the loose travels like wildfire and putting Chief of Police Kate Burkholder and her team of officers on edge. A nightmare scenario becomes reality when King shows up with a gun and kidnaps his five children from their Amish uncle’s house. He’s armed and desperate with nothing left to lose.

Fearing for the safety of the children, Kate leaps into action, but her frantic search for a killer leads her into an ambush. When King releases her unharmed, asking her to prove his innocence, she begins to wonder whether the police are hiding something, and she embarks on her own investigation to discover the truth.


About The Author

Linda Castillo is the New York Times bestselling author of the Kate Burkholder series, including Sworn to Silence and Gone Missing, crime thrillers set in Amish country. Sworn to Silence was recently adapted into a Lifetime original movie titled An Amish Murder starring Neve Campbell as Kate Burkholder.

Castillo is the recipient of numerous industry awards, including the Daphne du Maurier Award of Excellence and the Holt Medallion, and she received a nomination for the Rita. In addition to writing, Castillo’s other passion is horses, particularly her appaloosa George. She lives in Texas with her husband and is currently at work on her next novel.


My Review

This series has it all, and Down A Dark Road does not disappoint, except you might want to keep the tissues handy.
The author has us leading with our hearts, a childhood friend, one you spent hours lost in time with, and now he is a convicted murderer, who claims he is innocent.
I have enjoyed all the books in this series, and it is a wonder that Kate Burkholder is even alive, but she is and she shoots from her heart in this story. Will she bring justice, or find out she has been lied to, and will she survive to bring fairness to Joseph’s family, especially little Sadie.
What a path Kate finds herself on, now someone wants to kill her, why, and who is responsible. Is everything tied together in a neat ribbon, or does evil prevail here, and it will make you wonder if these things really did or do happen.
A page-turner for sure, and you won’t be disappointed!
I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Minotour Books, and was not required to give a positive review.

Write Now Literary is pleased to announce The Four In One Gospel
 of Jesus, by Nikola Dimitrov 

Virtual Book Tour, July 3-28, 2017.

Book Title: The Four in One Gospel of Jesus

Book Release Date: May 1, 2017

Genre: Christian non-fiction

About The Book

The Four in One Gospel of JESUS is the Four Gospels compiled chronologically and contextually, this giving the fullness of each Bible story in the Gospels. This unique material is describing the life of Jesus in its fulness, without the repetitions. It stores all facts about Jesus and comprises a full biography of Jesus Christ. It's a chronological Bible project, but also a contextual one, featuring subjects such as: Jesus in the Old Testament, the story of the birth of Jesus, Jesus life, Jesus saves, Jesus Cross, Jesus crucifixion, Jesus death, Jesus blood, Jesus tomb, Jesus resurrection, Jesus in Heaven, Jesus works, Jesus miracles, Jesus baptism, Jesus crown, Jesus call, The Jesus teaching, the Passion of Jesus, etc. It shows us how we can be walking with Jesus - the Anointed One, and how we can be servants of Jesus. The book will show You that King Jesus loves You, and will trigger our falling in love with Jesus as well. It's a one of a kind material indeed, the result of thousands of hours of work in compiling, referencing, structuring and fitting all details in this easy to read, yet, fully referenced edition of the Four Gospels of the Bible.
About The Author

In 1992 Nikola Dimitrov experienced a miraculous conversion, receiving Jesus as his Lord and Savior. Since 1995 he has been a full time minister of the Gospel, serving as pastor, Bible teacher, preacher, and Christian educator. He started his first church in 1994, which is still standing today, and in 1998 he began his traveling ministry. Nikola is currently pastoring several church groups in Bourgas, Bulgaria and is frequently sought out as a speaker around the country. He also serves as a Bible teacher at the Apostolic Kingdom Institute in Stara Zagora, Bulgaria. As editor-in-chief of Vetil Media Ministry, Nikola has translated and published more than thirty books into Bulgarian, as well as writing some himself. He is passionate for a glorious Church, without spot, wrinkle or any such thing. Nikola’s dynamic preaching pointedly encourages believers to be everything the Lord created them to be. He then encourages his congregations to take responsibility in word and deed toward that end. As a translator, Nikola has also produced and distributed around the nation nearly 1000 Bulgarian versions of audio and video teachings by famous foreign preachers and teachers. As part of a charity in Bulgaria, along with other volunteers, Nikola takes care of needy people from the minorities, distributing clothes, food, medicine, and school materials to children. Nikola is married to Helen, and they have two lovely young-adult daughters, Annie (which means grace) and Mikaela (which means who is like God?). Both are part of Nikola and Helen’s ministry, serving in the area of music.




Tour hosted by Write Now Literary

Monday, July 10, 2017

On Love's Gentle Shore (Prince Edward Island Dreams #3) by Liz Johnson

Fifteen years after she left Prince Edward Island, Natalie O'Ryan had no plans to return. But when her fiancé, music producer Russell Jacobs, books their wedding in her hometown and schedules a summer at Rose's Red Door Inn, she sets out to put the finishing touches on the perfect wedding. But she can't possibly prepare for a run-in with Justin Kane--the best friend she left behind all those years ago after promising to stay.


About The Author

Liz Johnson is a full-time marketing specialist for a Nashville-based publisher. She has been a freelance writer and editor for several publications, including CBA Retailers+Resources, Christian Fiction Online magazine, and Storytellers Journal. A member of American Christian Fiction Writers, she is the author of several books, including The Kidnapping of Kenzie Thorn (an ACFW Carol Award finalist) and A Star in the Night, which was part of the New York Times and ECPA bestselling A Log Cabin Christmas Collection. She lives in Nashville, Tennessee.

My Review

This is the third book in this series that I have read, and oh I loved to be back at the Red Door Inn, back with Marie and Seth, and the beautifully described Island of PEI, and yes I wish I were there!
This is Natalie and Justin’s story, a little girl who was the not seen as a child of this Crick, and if she was seen she was bullied, so can you imagine coming back here after fifteen years? Yes she has grown up and now is being married, and yet the bullies are still here and we see a few of them are still at it. Then there are those who did as much as was possible to help this neglected little girl, yes Aretha Franklin, and Mamma Cheese Kane were two who embraced this woman as a child, and then there was Justin, he stood up for her, and yet she feels he wasn’t there in the end.
How could she come back to the demons that abound here, and yet isn’t it time to face them, she is now in her thirties, and about to be married, as her fiancé has made the plans to marry where she is from.
We get to watch as the events unfold leading to the wedding of the year on this Island, and enjoy picking the flowers and yummy cake, along with the venue.
There are some surprises here and some concerns that will peek your interest, and a lot of needed healing and forgiveness. Enjoy!
I received this book through Bethany House Publishing Blogger Program, and was not required to give a positive review

Celebrate Lit Presents: No Other Way Author: Kate Darroch

  About the Book Book:  No Other Way Author:  Kate Darroch Genre: Thriller Release date: September 26, 2024 Mary is The P...