Monday, November 30, 2015

The Midnight Visitors by Juliet David, Jo Parry (Illustrator)

Miriam was glad to be warm and cozy. There were so many people in the town but it was nice and peaceful inside her cowshed. Little did she know that she would soon be joined by Midnight Visitors . . . and not just any old visitors!

Snuggle up and enjoy the warm, soft feel the art and narrative bring to this delightful Christmas picture book with a difference.

About the Author

Juliet David has written many children s stories and Bible activity books. Her other interests include painting, music, and travel to Israel and other Bible lands. This experienced author lives in London with her family. 

My Review

The Midnight Visitors is a beautifully illustrated hard covered book perfect for little hands. They will be drawn to the book by looking at its cover, and pointing to all of the visitors at the manger.
Miriam is the cow in this story and this is her manger, and she doesn’t seem to be getting much sleep this evening, everyone needs a place out of the cold. Thus her home becomes the setting for our Savior’s birth.
A perfect book for this time of the year, and a treasure to keep from year to year, get ready to share with your little ones.
I received this book through Kregel Publishing, and was not required to give a positive review.

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