Friday, November 21, 2014

At Bluebonnet Lake (Texas Crossroads, #1) by Amanda Cabot

Marketing maven Kate Sherwood’s world is fast-paced, challenging, and always changing. The last thing she wants to do is slow down to a crawl at Rainbow’s End, a dilapidated resort in the Texas Hill Country. But she cannot deny her ailing grandmother’s request to visit the place where she and her deceased husband spent one glorious week (albeit fifty years ago). There Kate meets Greg Vange, the resort’s handyman. But there’s more to Greg than meets the eye–billions more, in fact, as he recently sold his successful software company and is at the resort in search of what’s next for his life.
Kate isn’t looking for romance, but she can’t deny the sparks of attraction that fly every time she and Greg are together. She even starts to see potential in the rundown resort. Could there be a future there? Or will Kate’s long-sought promotion take her back to the big city?

About The Author 

With both parents avid readers, it's no surprise that Amanda Cabot learned to read at an early age. From there it was only a small step to deciding to become a writer. Of course, deciding and becoming are two different things, as she soon discovered. Fortunately for the world, her first attempts at fiction were not published, but she did meet her goal of selling a novel by her thirtieth birthday. Since then she’s sold more than thirty novels under a variety of pseudonyms. When she’s not writing, Amanda enjoys sewing, cooking and – of course – reading.  

My Review: 
How I hated this book to end, but I rejoiced when I read the author’s notes at the end, and there are to be two more books.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder is more than true when Sally and her Granddaughter Kate arrive at Rainbow’s End Lodge. Sally had spent a loving time there years ago with her husband Larry, and had finally convinced Kate to take some time off and enjoy this place with her.
Of course you can picture what it looks like after several years of neglect, and of course new owners, who have removed the Christian aspect of the place. The saving grace of the place appears to be the cook Carmen, and several of the other visitors, and local people.
What a gift Kate appears to have to help people, but can she help herself. Her main goal in life, above everything is to become a partner in her firm. Will she succeed? Or will she lose everything she has always wanted, or are their trade ups.
One thing neither woman has any inkling of, or a desire for is a bit of romance, but lo and behold, there appears to be some on the horizon, not for one of them, but both. When we travel into the countryside in Texas, in April, the place is filled with the beauty of the blue bonnets, oh how I would love to see this, and I felt like I was on the ground lying in them. Amanda Cabot’s way with words put me right in the meadows, along with the Indian Paintbrush, oh how I loved it.
There is another major character in Greg, his problem; he is extremely bright, and very wealthy. To most of the woman who have crossed his path they are interested in his being their meal ticket. Will he find peace and happiness? He does have a strong faith in God, as do most of the people at the lodge, but will they make the right decisions, and turn to Him for help, or forge their own way?
I highly recommend this great read, and cannot wait for the next book in this series.

I received this book through Revell’s Book Bloggers Tour, and was not required to give a positive review

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