Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Pump Your Book Virtual Tours Presents: Two Are Better: Midlife Newlyweds Bicycle Coast to Coast by Tim Bishop, Debbie Bishop

With no prior experience in either bicycle touring or marriage, 52-year-olds Tim and Debbie Bishop went from an engagement, to Tim’s “retirement” and relocation, to a cross-country trek in just ten weeks. Their adventure, which touches on midlife change, marriage, and faith, inspires its readers to cast away the old and the stale in pursuit of their dreams.

About The Authors

Originally from Maine, Tim Bishop has over thirty years of experience in business, first as a CPA, then for many years in various roles in the corporate world. In addition to consulting for small businesses, Tim serves as a Hope Coach for TheHopeLine, a nonprofit organization that seeks to reach, rescue, and restore hurting teens and young adults.
Debbie grew up in Connecticut and New York, and lived in Colorado for 20 years before moving back east and living in Massachusetts for the past 17 years. She taught school for over 25 years and recently retired from her position as a literacy specialist. Tim was born and raised in Houlton, Maine. He is a CPA and worked for a private company in Maine as their treasurer. We met each other on the Internet in 2003 and married in 2010. We were both 52 when we got married and neither of us had been married before.


My Review:

I loved the faith of these two souls. Tim and Debbie find each other and end up marrying at age 52. Just how they were put in the path of one another, warms my heart.
Once they are married they embark on an unusual honeymoon. They fly to Oregon and begin a bicycle trip across the USA. They seem to be put in the right place at the right time to witness to others. The book is chocked full of beautiful, and breathtaking photos. We sure are blessed to live here.
Come along and share the ride and events that happen along their trip. Some are very unusual, and there are a few chuckles too. Most of the story seems to be written by Tim, but there are reports by Debbie...enjoy two different perspectives of the same event!
A enjoyed this fast read, and lingered over the pictures of this wonderful, and eventful trip.

I received this book through Pump Your Book Virtual Tours, and was not required to give a positive review.


  1. Maureen, Thanks for taking the time to read and review Two Are Better. We're glad you enjoyed our book.

  2. Thanks for the wonderful review, Maureen. I'm glad you enjoyed this book.


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