Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Pump Your Book Tour: Comfortably Awkward by Kenny Scudero

For Albert Ferenzo, life is a series of ironic events that may or may not have a reason behind them. While struggling to find a niche for himself, Albert blames the corporate world for hindering his dream of making money and living a prosperous life. After playing the good guy his entire life, Albert decides that the only way to get ahead in the world is to be the bad guy. Albert questions his own fate as he drives himself to insanity in an effort to find happiness. The destinies of Albert and everyone around him intertwine as he finally realizes what life is all about or at least, he thinks he does in this revolt against normality.

Comfortably Awkward is Kenny Scudero’s debut self-published novel. He is a twenty-two year old author from New York City who looks forward to a bright future in writing. Kenny recently graduated from St. John’s University where he majored in Sport Management. At St. John’s, Kenny was Sports Editor for the University newspaper. After graduating from St. John’s, Kenny had trouble finding a job and wrote “Comfortably Awkward” based off that frustration. He is currently working on his second novel.
You can visit Kenny’s website at www.kennyscudero.com for more information.

My Review:

This is Albert Ferenzo story, and with today's business market, I felt sorry for him. There are some very funny parts and some that made me cringe. I wanted to get away from the sex parts and the bathroom!
Be ready for an adventure here, whether going on dates, or riding a ferry! You will meet several of his friends and relatives and friends, and spend time with some of his co-workers.
I really felt sorry for him, especially with his relationship with his girlfriend. The last few chapters are really action packed and I enjoyed them.
This is a different type book then I usually read, but for a first novel it was pretty good!

I was given a copy of this book by the author, and was not required to give a positive review.


  1. Thank you for your wonderful review, Maureen!

  2. Love the paint color you chose! I know this is an older post, but do you remember the name of the color?

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