Monday, June 20, 2011

Growing Up Amish: A Memoir by Ira Wagler

Growing Up Amish: A MemoirGrowing Up Amish: A Memoir by Ira Wagler

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed reading this very well written autobiography. At times I felt that I was reading a fictional story, but it was true.
You will love going along with Ira in his everyday life. There are 5 boys and 5 girls in his family, Ira being 3rd to the last. Experience his time of schooling, and his pain in bullying another. You'll meet his friends including some people you already know. Experience his move from Aylmer, Ontario to Bloomfield, Iowa and leaving the only home he has ever known in his sixteen years.
Now we experience his Rumspringa time and meet his new friends, and their antics. We spend time with him each time he leaves, you wonder what he is looking for? In some ways leaving and going out into the "real" world had to be scary for someone who had lived a rather sheltered life. I think what surprises me is his going back, and then leaving again. What is he looking for? In the end you will understand, and it has been hard for Ira to see it!
I loved how the Lord opened the right doors for him, once he learned how to pray! I recommend this book…it is a great read! Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. In his memoir, Growing up Amish, Ira Wangler chronicles his agonizing, decade-long search to find a place where he belongs. Mr. Wangler was born and raised in an Old Order Amish community. His life is stable and predictable, perhaps a bit too predictable for his liking.


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