Sunday, March 27, 2011

People of the Book (Extreme Devotion) by Kathi Macias

Synopsis..Will God protect and keep them safe in the midst of persecution?
Farah lives in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, with her family, and wants nothing more than to develop a deeper devotion to her Muslim faith. She sees the month of Ramadan as her chance to draw nearer to Allah, and pursues that goal. All goes well until the prophet Isa—Jesus—appears to her in a dream and calls her to Himself. Her brother, Kareem, who has never liked her, seeks to discredit her.
Farah’s cousin, an only child, frequents an online chat. She discovers former Muslims discussing their new belief that Isa is much more than a Muslim prophet—He is actually the Son of God. She becomes acquainted with an American girl of Muslim ancestry—now a devout Christian—Sara. Sara has problems of her own due to her brother Emir’s suspicious behavior.
Each finds their faith put to the test. Will they be true to their beliefs? Will God protect them, or will they pay the ultimate price for their faith?
This book for me was very hard to put is well written and part of Kathi's Extreme Devotion Series, the 4th one. It gives a very big insight into life...especially for Muslim Saudi Arabia. I sure wouldn't want to live there.
The story focus on 2 cousins who live in Saudi Arabia, and a brother and sister living in River Crest Washington.
Farah and Nura come from devote Muslim families, and Farah especially is trying to develop a much stronger relationship with Allah. Sara and Emir parents are converts to Christianity, and the teens have been brought up as Christians.
I really came to appreciate living in the USA, all that we take for granted in our religious freedoms. Bring out the tissues, there are some very hard parts, and very strong love of the Lord!
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from New Hope Publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great, thought-provoking read ;)

    I'm following.


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