Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Cold Threat (Ryland & St. Clair #2) by Nancy Mehl

 Twenty years ago, several people were murdered in Des Moines, and the only evidence left behind was a snowman ornament hanging ominously on a tree in the victims' front lawns. With a suspect behind bars, the killings have come to an end--or so everyone thought. But now crimes with a similar MO are happening in a small Iowa town, and a local detective believes the killer is back and ready to strike again.

With little time left on the clock before they have another murder on their hands, private investigators River Ryland and Tony St. Clair must work alongside Tony's detective father to find evidence that will uncover an evil that has survived far too long. As the danger mounts and the suspect closes in, it will take all they have to catch a killer--before he catches one of them.



About The Author

Nancy Mehl lives in Missouri, with her husband Norman, and her puggle, Watson. She's authored over fifty books and is currently at work on a new FBI suspense series for Bethany House Publishing.

All of Nancy's novels have an added touch - something for your spirit as well as your soul. "I welcome the opportunity to share my faith through my writing," Nancy says. "It's a part of me and of everything I think or do. God is number one in my life. I wouldn't be writing at all if I didn't believe that this is what He's called me to do. I hope everyone who reads my books will walk away with the most important message I can give them: God is good, and He loves you more than you can imagine. He has a good plan especially for your life, and there is nothing you can't overcome with His help."

You can find out more about Nancy by visiting her Web site at: www.nancymehl.com. She also is active on the Suspense Sisters: www.suspensesisters.blogspot.com and on FaceBook!


My Review


Once again Nancy Mehl kept me page turning for answers, and yes, I did read the first book in this series, and you might want to read it first, but she does a wonderful job of bringing you up to date!

This read has murders twenty years apart, and brings together the former FBI team of Ryland and St. Clair, whom now run their own detective agency. We visit with Tony's family, and see how this personally affects his family!

There are so many twists and turns here, and I really didn't see the main one coming! There is so much love and forgiveness, but there is so much danger, and in the end it is coming from more than one front.

Now I can't wait for the next book in this series!

I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Bethany House, and was not required to give a positive review. 

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