Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Her Darling Mr. Day (American Royalty, #2) by Grace Hitchcock


Jilted in front of all New York, Theodore Day decides to lose himself in his family's luxury riverboat business in New Orleans and compete against his brother to become the next company head. The brother with the most sales by summer's end will win the position. Thanks to Theodore's fame as a suitor in a socialite's outlandish competition to find a husband, he has become very desirable royalty in Southern society and thus has an advantage.

It took Flora Wingfield's best work to convince her family to summer in New Orleans, but with Teddy Day a bachelor once again, she's leaving nothing to chance. Desperate to stand out from all the clamoring belles, Flora attempts a bold move that goes completely awry, only to find it's her interior design skills that finally catch his notice.

But when Flora's father's matchmaking schemes come in the way of her plans, Teddy will have to decide where his happiness truly lies and what he is willing to sacrifice for it.



About The Author

 Grace Hitchcock is the author of multiple historical novels and novellas. She holds a Masters in Creative Writing and a Bachelor of Arts in English with a minor in History. Grace lives in the New Orleans area with her husband, Dakota, son, and daughter. Connect with her online at GraceHitchcock.com


My Review

First I loved the title of this read, you can just feel how much Flora is, crazy, in love with Teddy Dey! Oh my, her arrival in New Orleans, and the women coming out of the woodwork! You can feel the catty claws coming out, they don't want this upstart around their Teddy, and Flora is she up to the challenge?

The author keeps us on our toes, and she gives us a wealthy father, that wants his daughters married, will the four girls vie for the same man? We watch as these young woman from NYC High Society, acclimate to their aunts home and finding their own young man. Along the way we meet some pirates, well, your in for some action, and most you will not see coming.

Some scary moments, and some sweet romance, what more can you ask for?

I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Bethany House, and was not required to give a positive review. 

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