Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Jesus Who Surprises: Opening Our Eyes to His Presence in All of Life and Scripture by Dee Brestin

oin beloved Bible teacher and best-selling author Dee Brestin in discovering the surprising places Jesus shows up in the Old Testament and the unexpected ways He speaks into our lives today.

Offering a fascinating perspective on the historic, poetic, and prophetic books of the Old Testament, Brestin draws on her deep understanding of the full scope of the Bible to explore the timeless story of God's quest to rescue each of us. She combines rich teaching, memorable storytelling, and an in-depth Bible study component to create a resource that shows readers how the story began (the books of Moses), how to live in the story (the poetic books), and how the story will end (the prophets).


About The Author

Dee Brestin (http://www.deebrestin.com) is excited about seeing lives changed. Her most recent book is Idol Lies where she tells how the Lord set her free of manipulating people and healed her relationships. Her book The Friendships of Women has sold over a million copies and was recently released in a 20th Anniversary Edition. Falling in Love with Jesus has sold over 400,000 copies. Dee has written twenty Bible studies, the first of which, Proverbs and Parables, has been in print for over thirty years. A graduate of Northwestern University, Dee has studied with Covenant Seminary. She is the mother of five grown children and lives in Wisconsin.

My Review

I am enjoying reading this book, and love filling out the study each day as I ponder each of selected readings.
At end of each study I surprised myself as I recalled several ways I saw God today, then think I don’t know why I’m surprised, He is everywhere!
Now I did this study alone, but it is set up for use with a group, and I just skipped over that part. Each chapter begins with words from the author, and each study is divided into five days, beginning with the get acquainted group study, which you can skip.
I will be continuing on and growing using this book! Thank you Dee Brestin.
I received this book through the Publisher Waterbrook, and was not required to give a positive review. 

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