Friday, November 23, 2018

Great Escapes Virtual Book Tours Presents: Mrs Odboddy and Then There Was a Tigerby Elaine Farber

Mrs. Odboddy: And Then There Was a Tiger: (Mrs. Odboddy Mysteries)
by Elaine Faber

A WWII tale of conflict and carnivals, turmoil and tigers.

About the Book

Mrs. Odboddy: And Then There Was a Tiger (Mrs. Odboddy Mysteries)
WWII tale of conflict and carnivals, turmoil and tigers.
Cozy Mystery/Humorous/Historical
3rd in Series
Elk Grove Publications (July 25, 2018)
Print Length: 349 pages
Digital ASIN: B07FXDV1C6
While the ‘tiger of war’ rages across the Pacific during WWII, eccentric, elderly Agnes Odboddy, ‘fights the war from the home front’. Her patriotic duties are interrupted when she is accused of the Wilkey’s Market burglary.
A traveling carnival with a live tiger joins the parishioner’s harvest fair at The First Church of the Evening Star and Everlasting Light. Accused again when counterfeit bills are discovered at the carnival, and when the war bond money goes missing, Agnes sets out to restore her reputation and locate the money. Her attempts lead her into harm’s way when she discovers a friend’s betrayal and even more about carnival life than she bargained for.
Granddaughter Katherine’s turbulent love triangle with a doctor and an FBI agent rivals Agnes’s own on-again, off-again relationship with Godfrey.
In Faber’s latest novel, your favorite quirky character, Mrs. Odboddy, prevails against injustice and faces unexpected challenges . . . and then There Was a Tiger!

About the Author

Elaine Faber lives in Northern California with her husband and two feline companions. She is a member of Sisters in Crime, California Cat Writers, and Northern California Publishers and Authors. She volunteers with the American Cancer Society Discovery Shop. She enjoys speaking on author panels, sharing highlights of her novels. Her short stories have appeared in national magazines and multiple anthologies. She has published seven books. In addition to the Mrs. Odboddy Mysteries Elaine writes the Black Cat Mysteries.
Purchase Link – Amazon
November 19 – Here’s How It Happened – GUEST POST
November 19 – The Book Diva’s Reads – SPOTLIGHT, EXCERPT
November 20 – Mythical Books – SPOTLIGHT, EXCERPT
November 20 – Babs Book Bistro – SPOTLIGHT, EXCERPT, RECIPE
November 21 – The Pulp and Mystery Shelf – AUTHOR INTERVIEW
November 22 – Thanksgiving U.S. – Off
November 23 – Maureen’s Musings – REVIEW
November 23 – A Wytch’s Book Review Blog – CHARACTER INTERVIEW
November 24 – Laura’s Interests – REVIEW
November 24 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – AUTHOR INTERVIEW
November 25 – StoreyBook Reviews – GUEST POST
November 26 – Books Direct – GUEST POST, EXCERPT
November 27 – Mysteries with Character – AUTHOR INTERVIEW
November 27 – T’s Stuff – SPOTLIGHT, EXCERPT
November 28 – Mallory Heart’s Cozies – REVIEW
November 29 – Ruff Drafts – GUEST POST
November 30 – Socrates’ Book Reviews – REVIEW
December 1 – Celticlady’s Reviews – SPOTLIGHT, EXCERPT
December 1 – Bibliophile Reviews – REVIEW

 a Rafflecopter giveaway

My Review

This is the second book in this series that I have read, and it sure won’t be the last, I loved them.
The author keeps me chuckling, especially with the characters names. Just a few, chicken named Mrs. Whistlemeyer, or Dr. Dew-Right, or Chief Waddlemucker, or Sarg. Dimwiddle, and more, like Homer Blenkinsop, and with Blendinsop being a very common name, tongue in cheek, and smiles!
The story does keep you on your toes, and you never see what is about to happen, and the setting is WWII, and even Mrs. Roosevelt is back. A don’t miss read that make you want more once that last page is turned!

I received this book through Great Escapes Book Tours, and was not required to give a positive review. 

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed the excerpt and getting to know you and your book.


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