Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Sound of Fear (Echo Falls #2) by Marta Perry

The foundation of Amanda Curtis's very existence cracks the moment she discovers the woman she thought was her mother has never given birth. Where she belongs is a question she can't put to rest. But when the clues lead her to a charming yet chilling small town, the threat against her begins to unfold.

Trey Addison is a fixture in Echo Falls. The town and the people are his to protect. He was born to take his place in the family legal firm, but now that a stranger desperate to unlock her past is depending on him, he's forced to make an impossible choice. If Trey doesn't protect Amanda, she'll walk straight into a deadly trap. If he helps her expose the secrets that haunt her, the truth could shatter them both.


About The Author

Marta Perry is a Pennsylvania-based author of over 35 novels, many of them inspirational romances. She uses her rural Pennsylvania life and her Pennsylvania Dutch heritage in writing her books, especially in her Pleasant Valley Amish series for Berkley Books and her new Amish-set suspense series for HQN Books.

Marta and her husband live in a centuries-old farmhouse in a quiet central Pennsylvania valley. They have three grown children and six beautiful grandchildren, and when she's not busy writing her next book, she's usually trying to keep up with her gardening, baking for church events, or visiting those beautiful grandkids.


My Review

This is my second time back in Echo Falls, and with author Marta Perry, while these falls are lovely, and sure would like to see them, there is a lot of danger here.
We are back with some old Amish friends and a certain law firm, but this book can be read alone, and you will be hooked once you turn the first page.
My mind kept switching as to whom the culprit was, and I was very surprised in the end, and all because of greed. Our main character is a grieving daughter, and searching for her roots, in surprising twists, and in the end not knowing whom she is with her mother gone, but wait for the twists in this story.
There is a bit of romance here, but with the sense of loss so fresh, and the findings so new, both are going slow, and be ready for so much to unfold, and danger around each corner.
I for one can’t wait for the next book in this series, mysteries at the finest.
I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Harlequin, and was not required to give a positive review.

Belle: An Amish Retelling of Beauty and the Beast (An Amish Fairytale #1)

To most townsfolk, he's known simply as The Beast. Annabelle Beiler has little interest in gossip, but she's heard about Adam Herschberger's scars and his gruff, solitary ways. Though he sounds like a character from one of Belle's treasured books, the man is real and, it turns out, just as unreasonable as the rumors claim. When a buggy accident wipes out the last of her daed's money, forcing him to sell their farm, Adam buys it. Then he offers Belle a deal--marry him, and her family can keep their home.

Everyone is shocked by Belle's decision, but she's determined to be a good fraa, cleaning Adam's rundown house and tending the overgrown garden. Breaking through her new husband's icy reserve will be another matter. Belle's courage and strength are abundant, but it will take true faith to guide Adam back to the heart of his Amish community--and to the loving marriage they both deserve.


About The Author

The Preiss family emigrated from Europe in 1705, settling in Pennsylvania as the area's first wave of Mennonite families. Sarah Price has always respected and honored her ancestors through exploration and research about her family history and their religion. At nineteen, she befriended an Amish family and lived on their farm throughout the years.
As a masterful storyteller, Sarah Price prides herself on presenting an authentic Amish experience for her readers. Many of her stories are based on actual people she has met and her own experiences living among the Amish over the years. Sarah now resides in Morris County, New Jersey with her family.
While she started out as an Indie author, she signed on with Realms, an imprint of Charisma House and Waterfall Press, an imprint of Brilliance Publishing. Her first book, First Impressions: An Amish Adaptation of Pride and Prejudice was released in May 2014.

Get the latest news about Sarah Price on Facebook, Twitter, and sarahpriceauthor.com

My Review

A delightful retelling of a classic story “Beauty and the Beast” and the author does it with an Amish twist.
Sarah Price helps us understand that people are fallen, and being a member of a religious community, does not guarantee that they all live their faith.
Surprises abound as Belle begins her journey to become Adam’s fraa, from her childhood home to her new married abode, and yes we get to see these through her eyes. You will soon be sweeping and cleaning before you can even move in, and then what, delightful, and yet serious at the same time.
From the first to the last page it becomes a quick page-turner, and you will be captured in the retelling of this great tale, and then you will be teased into waiting for the next.
I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Kensington Books, and was not required to give a positive review.

The Quilting Circle by Amy Lillard

Youngest quilter Clara Rose Yutzy is planning her wedding to her longtime beau—which is why she resolutely ignores newly warm feelings for her best friend, Obidiah. But Obie is certain God intends them to be together. With the Lord’s help, he’ll prove to Clara Rose how much he loves her . . .
Mariana Miller prayed for a child throughout fifteen years of marriage. But now, newly widowed, Mariana discovers she’s pregnant—with twins! She’s more grateful than ever for her caring community—especially Reuben Weisel, her late husband’s business partner and best friend. Reuben’s quiet strength comforts her—until he proposes marriage . . .
Tess Smiley is new to Wells Landing and newly married. But her marriage isn’t the harmonious union she envisioned. Tess loves Jacob with all her heart, but her heart tells her she must take a stand—and ask for support. Only then does Jacob see how he has hurt her. But is he too late?


About The Author

I'm a wife, mother, and bona fide Southern belle. Published author, expert corn bread maker, and Squirrel Princess.

I live in Tulsa, though I was born in Mississippi. I moved to the Sooner State when I was seventeen and met my soul mate and best friend not long after. I've retained a little of my Mississippi accent though most people think I'm from Texas. (?) Rob and I have been married for over twenty years and have a son--a mom proclaimed prodigy, of course!

I love homemade tacos, nail polish, and romance novels--not necessarily in that order. I'm a big fan of country music, a staunch proponent of saving the Oxford comma, and I'm shamefully obsessed with all things Harry Potter.

I believe that God is love. I guess that's why I adore romances.

I have always been intrigued with the Amish culture, their gentle ways and slower-paced lifestyle. (And I love, love, love the fact that they stay married for their lifetime.) But until recently I never thought to blend this interest with my penchant for romance. Okay, okay, I'm a bit old-fashioned and even enjoy the gender roles that are present in this culture. I love to cook and take care of my family. Yes, that's me June Cleaver with a laptop.

I dislike people trying to convince me to read the Twlight series (I'll get to it or I won't, either way I'm good with it), gratuitous violence, and strawberry ice cream. (I know I'm alone on this last one, and again, I'm good with it.)

Favorite movies--(besides HP) French Kiss, Maid of Honor, A Lot Like Love, Just Married, and Sweet Home Alabama. Oh, and Miss Congeniality, Sabrina (both versions) and a 1940's movie called Dear Ruth. If you haven't seen it, you should! A-dorable. Anything with Doris Day and most all of Marilyn's and Audrey's.


My Review

Three of the authors Amish stories in one book, each will tug at your heart, and keep you page turning, and then in the end wanting more.
Sometimes you cannot see what is right before your eyes, and then again sometimes what is before your eyes is what is really meant to be.
These stories make you realize that we don’t always get what we want, but God knows his plans, we just need to live our lives. These are just the right size to snuggle down with and enjoy, but you might not be able to stop with just one.
I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Kensington, and was not required to give a positive review.

Friday, October 27, 2017

I Am A Reader, Not A Writer Presents: 7th Grade Revolution by Liana Gardner & Giveaway


7th Grade Revolution by Liana Gardner

 WHEN UNEARTHING A NATIONAL TREASURE BECOMES A NATIONAL INCIDENT   Dennis Alexander: Washington Academy Middle School promises to be another in the long line of boring schools he has been expelled from.   Rhonda Snodgrass: Although trained from childhood in survival tactics, she tries to stay off the radar of the “cool” kids who think she’s weird.   7th grade turns out to be anything but normal when teachers announce the students’ bloodless revolution succeeded and they are now in charge. After conducting a secret-ballot vote on policy, the 7th graders emerge to find the school evacuated and the FBI lurking outside with the task of unearthing a treasure of national importance.   The students’ mission is clear—discover the treasure before the FBI locks down the building. Dennis and Rhonda lead the revolt and must work together to follow century-old clues left by a crazy Revolutionary War buff.   To stay one step ahead of the FBI, they must delve into history and amass an arsenal to defend their school … because this is WAR!


Praise for 7th Grade Revolution a thrilling and engrossing ride through past and present based on real events in North Carolina. Trust me, you won’t want to put it down.” ~Tracy Riva, Midwest Book Review “… a stunning new Middle Grade novel that is part historical fiction, part action adventure mystery, and all around fun. Featuring a cast of wacky, interesting kids I was hooked on page one and enjoyed every twist and turn of the creative plot. Gardner is a writer to watch.” ~Dan Elish, Award-Winning Author of BORN TOO SHORT: The Confessions of an Eighth-Grade Basket Case “… an exciting, smartly written book filled with adventure, intrigue, and history in a modern school setting. Luke Spooner’s accompanying art is simply spot on.” ~Mercedes M. Yardley, Bram Stoker Award-Winning Author of Little Dead Red “… the book held me captive from beginning to end. You captured the middle school mind perfectly, showing their insecurities as well as the amazing strength that is just below the surface. Bravo!” ~ Karen Rectanus, Exploris Middle School


Excerpt:   Now came the scary part. She closed her eyes and pushed off with her feet. The rock she clung to dug at her hands, but she held fast. Her stomach plummeted when nothing but air supported her feet. She scrunched her eyelids tighter. Probably not the best way to find a foothold, but if she looked now, she’d fall before she even got started. Bam. Her body slammed into the wall. She kicked her feet in a bicycle motion. She probably looked like a goof, but she didn’t care. She sighed when her foot found purchase on the side. But now she’d have to move her hands. Might be impossible to do with her eyes closed. “C’mon, Rhonda. You can do it.” She nearly lost her grip. Spencer? Spencer Jackson had just encouraged her? One eye popped open. Was that a handhold? Her lid fluttered as she forced the other eye open. It was. And it was a handhold within her reach. She took a deep breath, said a quick, “Oh Lordy,” under her breath and stretched her arm out. Her fingers locked on the rock. Ooh. A good place for her foot. She moved it and shifted her weight to the left. The crew on the shore clapped. Rhonda flushed. She wasn’t used to having her classmates encourage her. Especially in athletic things. That she felt more secure after she moved than she had hanging on for dear life surprised her. Crossing the inlet might not be too bad. Curtis didn’t waste any time. As soon as she had shifted to the left and let go of the original rock, he grabbed it, ready to go. It made her feel better knowing he’d be close to her in case something bad happened. “I’m going to stay right beside you, but a little lower so I can help boost you if you need help.” She hoped she didn’t need the help. But she did feel better knowing she was tied to both boys. Every time she shifted closer to Dennis, he shifted closer to the other shore, and Curtis moved closer to her. She smirked. They played a game of chase in slow motion. Goodness, she was glad the FBI weren’t chasing them through here. She’d have to throw her hands up and surrender on the spot. Dennis continued to call out encouragement to her. Her confidence built with each successful move. Right before she reached the halfway point, Dennis jumped down on the other shore. “Okay, next person up.” Dennis called to the others waiting. Selena grabbed the rock before anyone else. Whoops. Rhonda got lightheaded when she turned to watch Selena start. She exhaled. No more looking back. Keep your eye on the goal. Exactly what her dad always told her. She passed the halfway mark when the hand-and-footholds dried up. Dennis made it across, but his arms were longer than hers. “Can you reach the rock to the left and up a bit?” At least Curtis realized her problem. I don’t know. It looks kinda far for me.” “I think it’s your best choice. And it looks easier after that.” Yeah, but what if she couldn’t reach it? But then again, she couldn’t stay in the middle of the wall for the rest of her life. Ultimately, her fingers and toes would give out. “I’ll try.” Rhonda stretched her arm up and strained her fingers. Not quite. She pushed up on her toes … And missed.  


Author Liana Gardner

 Liana Gardner is the two-time teen choice award-winning author of the Misfit McCabe series. Daughter of a rocket scientist and an artist, Liana Gardner combines the traits of both into a quirky yet pragmatic writer and in everything sees the story lurking beneath the surface. Born in Seattle, WA and raised in southern California, Liana is definitely a west coast girl, but loves to travel. She fostered her love of writing after reading Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women and discovering she had a great deal in common with the character Jo. The making up of stories, dramatic feelings, and a quick temper were enough for her to know she and Jo would have been kindred spirits. Liana volunteers with high school students through the International Trade Education Programs (ITEP). ITEP unites business people and educators to prepare students for a meaningful place in the world of tomorrow. Working in partnership with industry and educators, ITEP helps young people “think globally and earn locally.”

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$100 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Giveaway Ends 11/12/17 Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Amazon.com Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author.


 a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Tora Fright Patches Things Up: A Story about Forgiveness by Tracey Madder, Bonnie Pang (Illustrations)

Tora's prize-winning ceramic armadillo has been broken by her little brother! How can she ever forgive him? By asking God for help! Tora learns that God is always willing to help us forgive others when we ask him.

Children and their parents alike will fall in love with the Frights. This funny and endearing family of monsters will teach kids the importance of talking to God first when they are afraid, when things go wrong, or when they need guidance for making good choices. And they will learn that God always answers prayer.


About The Author

Tracey Madder is an author and content creator for children. She has over ten years of experience in the entertainment industry, working internationally as a model, actress, and photographer. Then she stepped out of the spotlight to raise a family, and now it is the title of “stay-at-home mom” that she is most proud of.

Inspired by her four kids, Tracey began creating children’s content in 2014. She is the author/creator of The Story Travelers Bible and the Prayer Monsters brand.


My Review

What a darling way to show love and compassion in a family, starting with our little ones and family.
This sweet book has lovely eye catching illustrations that show each step of the way and highlights the Prayer of Forgiveness.
From beginning to end and page-to-page family is the heart of this book and above all relying on God!
This book is a keeper in our home and a great way to highlight forgiveness to siblings.
I received this book through the Tyndale Blog Network, and was not required to give a positive review.

Great Escapes Virtual Book Tours Presents: 16 Millimeters by Larissa Reinhart

16 Millimeters: A Maizie Albright Humorous Mystery by Larissa Reinhart

Cozy Mystery/Romance 2nd in Series #StillAWannabeDetective 
Past Perfect Press (October 17, 2017)  
Print Length: 320 pages Kindle 

In continuing her career-makeover quest as a for-real detective, ex-teen and reality star Maizie Albright has a big learning curve to overcome. A sleuthing background starring in a TV show— Julia Pinkerton, Teen Detective—does not cut the real life mustard. It doesn’t even buy her lunch, let alone extra condiments. Her chosen mentor, Wyatt Nash of Nash Security Solutions, is not a willing teacher. He’d rather stick Maizie with a safe desk job and handle the security solution-ing himself. But Maizie’s got other plans to help Nash. First, win Nash’s trust. Second, his heart.
Wait, not his heart. His respect. His hearty respect.
So when a major movie producer needs a babysitter for his hot mess starlet, Maizie eagerly takes the job. But when her starlet appears dead, and then not dead, Maizie’s got more than an actress to watch and a missing corpse to find. Body doubles, dead bodies, and hot bodies abound when the big screen, small screen, and silent screams collide. Maizie’s on the job, on the skids, and on thin ice, hunting a killer who may be a celebrity stalker. And Maizie just might be the next celebrity who gets snuffed.



About The Author

Larissa is a 2015 Georgia Author of the Year Best Mystery finalist, 2014 finalist for the Silver Falchion and Georgia Author of the Year, 2012 Daphne du Maurier finalist, 2012 The Emily finalist, and 2011 Dixie Kane Memorial winner. Her family and Cairn Terrier, Biscuit, have been living in Nagoya, Japan, but once again call Georgia home. See them on HGTV’s House Hunters International “Living for the Weekend in Nagoya” episode. 
Visit her website, LarissaReinhart.com, find her chatting on Facebook, Instagram, and Goodreads, or join her Facebook street team, The Mystery Minions.

Website: http://larissareinhart.com/  
Official Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/RisWrites  

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/larissareinhartwriter  

Instagram: http://instagram.com/larissareinhart  

Twitter: https://twitter.com/LarissaReinhart  

Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/LarissaReinhart/

Goodreads: http://smarturl.it/LarissaGoodreads  

Newsletter: http://smarturl.it/larissanewsletter  

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/larissa-reinhart  

Amazon: http://smarturl.it/LarissaReinhart  

Purchase Links Amazon B&N Kobo iBooks   a Rafflecopter giveaway  

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October 18 – Cassidy's Bookshelves – REVIEW  
October 18 – Celebrating Authors – SPOTLIGHT  
October 19 – My Reading Journey - REVIEW  
October 20 – Valerie's Musings – GUEST POST  
October 21 - 3 Partners in Shopping, Nana, Mommy, &, Sissy, Too! – SPOTLIGHT  
October 22 – Lori's Reading Corner – GUEST POST  
October 23 – A Holland Reads - CHARACTER GUEST POST  
October 24 – Teresa Trent Author Blog – SPOTLIGHT  
October 25 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – COZY WEDNESDAY – INTERVIEW  
October 26 – Maureen's Musings - SPOTLIGHT  
October 26 – Laura's Interests – REVIEW  
October 27 – Books a Plenty Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT  
October 27 – Community Bookstop – REVIEW  
October 28 – Jane Reads - REVIEW, GUEST POST  
October 29 – Socrates' Book Reviews - REVIEW  
October 30 – Pulp and Mystery Shelf – INTERVIEW  
October 30 – StoreyBook Reviews – GUEST POST    
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Wednesday, October 25, 2017

KJV, Know The Word Study Bible, Ebook, Red Letter Edition by Thomas Nelson

KJV Know The Word Study Bible (Thomas Nelson, September 2017)
Gain a greater understanding of the Bible book by book, verse by verse, or topic by topic.
The study of God’s Word can be easy and rewarding if you break down the Bible into easy-to-understand segments. The KJV Know the Word Study Bible offers three easy ways to begin studying Scripture and helps individuals transition from being a casual reader of the Bible to becoming a regular student of the Bible. You can choose to study the Bible book-by-book, verse-by-verse, or topic-by-topic; each path offers powerful insights that will help you develop a daily routine of Bible study.
The book-by-book series of notes leads you through the main points of each book of the Bible. The verse-by-verse notes help you to dig deeper into God’s Word. The topic-by-topic articles, which cover 21 theological topics, guide you through a series of insightful notes and give you a thorough biblical understanding of each topic. With the beautiful and timeless text of the KJV translation, the KJV Know the Word Study Bible offers you choices of how to study Scripture and grow in your relationship with Christ.
Features include:
—King James Version Bible text
—Three easy approaches to study the Bible: 1. Book by Book; 2. Verse by Verse; 3. Topic by Topic
—Insightful introductions for each book of Scripture
—Words of Jesus in red
—Beautiful two-color interior page design
—Comprehensive list of theological notes
—Full-color maps
—8-point type size

Learn more and purchase a copy.

Thomas Nelson | Blog Tour and Kindle Fire Giveaway

Diving deeper into God’s Word can be easy and rewarding if you break it down book by book, verse by verse, or topic by topic with the new KJV Know The Word Study Bible by Thomas Nelson. The book-by-book series of notes leads you through the main points of each book of the Bible. The verse-by-verse notes help you to dig deeper into God’s Word. The topic-by-topic articles, which cover 21 theological topics, guide you through a series of insightful notes and give you a thorough biblical understanding of each topic. With the beautiful and timeless text of the KJV translation, the KJV Know the Word Study Bible offers you choices of how to study Scripture and grow in your relationship with Christ.
This fall, become a regular student of the Bible and enter to win the Kindle Fire giveaway!

One grand prize winner will receive:
  • A copy of the KJV Know The Word Study Bible
  • A Kindle Fire 7
  • A Kindle Fire case (winner’s choice)
Enter today by clicking the icon below, but hurry! The giveaway ends on October 31. The winner will be announced November 1 on the Litfuse blog.

My Review

As the title states, this is a “know” the word study Bible, and yes it is a Bible, but it offers so much more.
Depending on how you like to study, and I like to research as I read, this bible has it all right at your figure tips. I have my concordance, and this has it all built in, along with beautiful maps to follow.
While it might be geared to a new Christian, I found it handy to have it all right there on each page. I personally am always trying to grow in knowledge, and find myself looking elsewhere for answers, so I loved that it is right here.
According to the leaf jacket--You can read the Bible Book by Book; the book-by-book leads you through the main points of each of the Bible. Verse by Verse: the verse-by-verse notes help you to dig deeper into God’s Word. Topic by Topic: The Topic-by-topic studies, which cover 21 theological topics, guide you through a series of insightful notes and give you a through biblical understanding of each topic.
I am finding myself reaching for this Bible each day in my study of the Word.
I received this Bible through Litfuse Publicity Book Tours, and was not required to give a positive review.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

The Dishonorable Miss Delancey (Regency Brides: A Legacy of Grace #3) by Carolyn Miller

Will a damaged reputation and desire for society's approval thwart the legacy of grace?
Tainted by scandal and forced to leave London for the quieter Brighton countryside, the Honorable Miss Clara DeLancey is a shadow of her former society self. She's lost the man she loved to another and, in a culture that has no patience for self-pity, is struggling with depression. A chance encounter brings her a healing friendship with the sisters of an injured naval captain. But Clara's society mama is appalled at the new company she's keeping.
Captain Benjamin Kemsley is not looking for a wife. But his gallant spirit won't let him ignore the penniless viscount's daughter--not when she so obviously needs assistance to keep moving forward from day to day. Can he protect his heart and still keep her safe?
When they're pushed into the highest echelons of society at the Prince Regent's Brighton Pavilion, this mismatched couple must decide if family honor is more important than their hopes. Can they right the wrongs of the past and find future happiness together--without finances, family support, or royal favor? 


About The Author 

Carolyn Miller lives in New South Wales, Australia, with her husband and four children. A longtime lover of Regency romance, Carolyn's previous novels have won several contests, including the 2014 RWA "Touched by Love" and 2014 ACFW Gensis contests. She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers and My Book Therapy.

My Review

I am rather sad to say goodbye to this A Legacy of Grace series, and this book like the others is so good.
I learned to really dislike Miss DeLancy in the first two books, but by the end of this one I had a complete change of mind. This time the author has us walking in Clara DeLancy’s shoes and I came to respect her, especially when she found faith. What a changed individual she has become, and made me think that maybe the cause of a lot of her problems was her mother?
We are back with the Ton and experience a lot of society, what a completely different way of life, and what a life of luxury. We are able to keep our focus with the addition of everyday people, including a pastor and his wife. The little sister is a delight, and her brother becomes a person of interest in the affairs of Miss Delancy.
Each of these books can be read alone, but they are all so good you don’t want to miss the enjoyment that they afford.
I received this book through Kregel Publishing and their Blogger Program, and was not required to give a positive review.

I Am A Reader, Not A Writer Presents: Return To Christmas Falls Books Blast & Giveaway

  Return to Christmas Falls - Seven Heartwarming Christmas Reads by Seven Fabulous Authors!!


Homecoming in Christmas Falls by Ciara Knight
Eight years after fleeing Christmas Falls because of a high school prank gone wrong, Ashley Brooks receives a mysterious letter from her mentor asking her to come home. She arrives to face all she left behind—her family, her friends, and the rich boy she’d loved who would never date the girl from the wrong side of town. Brent Donnelly, high school jock, brainiac, and dutiful son did everything right until the day Ashley returns to ChristmasFalls. With one look at the girl who got away he questions all his life choices, including following in his father’s footsteps in the family business. Faced with a potentially devastating decline of tourism in their hometown, Brent and Ashley must work together to save the magic of their town, but when Ashley discovers he still has feelings for her best friend she must finally face the real reason she left Christmas Falls—to try to heal her broken heart.

Honeymoon for One in Christmas Falls by Jennifer Peel
Is there room for two on this honeymoon for one? Piper Wyatt’s Christmas wish is to get promoted to manager at Blackstock Hotel and Resort. Not only does the promotion mean more money, but it means more time with her son and proof that she’s not such a disappointment after all. Jace Petersen, successful owner of a national chain of sporting goods stores, finds himself alone and miserable on what should have been his honeymoon. That is until he literally falls onto the lovely Piper Wyatt. He’s intrigued with this woman who can fix a car in high heels. Too bad for him, he makes a horrible first impression, and Piper’s not allowed to mingle with the guests. While Piper tries her best to steer clear of Jace during his stay, she can’t help but notice he’s not the man from their first meeting. But is he worth risking her promotion? Or is Jace right, Piper deserves more than she ever thought possible for herself? Find out in this charming Christmas tale about finding love in the most unexpected place, a honeymoon.


Once Again in Christmas Falls by Becky Monson
In one day, London Walsh finds out her ex is going to be her boss and that her parents are getting a divorce—and they want her to referee the situation. So when she’s offered the chance to spend the holidays in her old hometown of ChristmasFalls, far away from all the drama, she jumps on it. But the quaint town doesn’t feel quite like the home it once was. London shed the goth image that defined her in high school long ago, but no one recognizes the woman she's become. Except for Andy Broll, London’s childhood next door neighbor. He recognizes her immediately, which sends London’s heart fluttering as she starts to see Andy in a whole different light. But when her time in Christmas Falls doesn’t go as planned, will London face it head on? Or will she find a reason to run?

Rumor Has It in Christmas Falls by Melinda Curtis
As a political strategist at Dunlop Bennet & Associates, Lexi Townsend's career is going nowhere. She's a cubical dweller writing speeches for freshmen senators in DC. But if she can hitch her career wagon to a rising political star, she’ll be on her way to a corner office in no time. When she’s offered a plum holiday assignment–an ideal candidate with deep pockets, someone who could make the leap from local to national politics–she starts to dream about that corner office. Until she realizes her candidate is Kevin O’Malley, aka Kevin the Hottie, Kevin the Snob, Kevin the Liar, the same guy who shattered her high school reputation back home in Christmas Falls with a rumor. Assignment in hand, Lexi braces herself for the most difficult political race of her career--because this time it’s personal.


Forever Yours in Christmas Falls by Susan Hatler
Morgan Reed is excited to return to her hometown of Christmas Falls and open her beauty salon, but when she arrives to her rented business space she’s shocked to find it already occupied by Dallas Parker—her brother’s best friend, the guy she had a childhood crush on, and the one her mom blames for their family’s greatest tragedy. With their landlord out of the country and unreachable, Morgan and Dallas must open their businesses together. But, no worries, all small towns need a combo furniture store/beauty salon, right? Ugh. As they work together, Morgan tries to keep her emotional distance but time and off-the-charts chemistry soon turn a childhood friendship into a blossoming romance. Unfortunately, just when their relationship develops into something deeper, an unexpected crisis re-opens her family’s old wounds and the blame is on Dallas once again. Will Morgan’s sadness and fear pull them apart, or make her realize Dallas has always been her heart’s true safe harbor?


Love Notes in Christmas Falls by Beth Labonte

When Caitlin Cook left the small town of Christmas Falls, Tennessee to attend Harvard University, she left behind the burden of her parents’ slowly increasing hoard of antiques, a much younger brother, and Shane Mitchell—the boy who blindsided her with the news that he loved her on the night before she left. Shane Mitchell spent his high school years fascinated by Caitlin Cook. The quiet flute player with her nose always in a book, he wanted desperately to find out what made her tick. Eight years later, Caitlin returns to Christmas Falls—unemployed and newly single—after receiving a devastating letter from her beloved high school mentor. Caitlin is shocked to find her childhood home in disarray, and her little brother in desperate need of his sister. With Shane’s help—now a pillar of the community rather than the carefree teenager Caitlin once knew—she begins to rediscover her love for music, antiques, and possibly even Shane. When faced with the choice of rebuilding her life in Boston, or giving love a second chance in Christmas Falls, will Caitlin be able to decide on the true meaning of home?

Finding The Truth in Christmas Falls by Danielle Stewart

Olivia Mackey spent her whole life hearing how she was destined for bigger and better places than Christmas Falls, Tennessee. A regular on the beauty queen scene from a very young age, she learned from her stage mom, that appearances mean everything. Having spent the years after high school traveling the world and failing at the dream everyone told her she should have, she's back home and wondering what she's to do next. Nothing is where she left it. Friends have scattered, her mentor is ill, and Olivia is fumbling her way through a big life in a small town.
Tim Avondale and his young daughter showed up in Christmas Falls one evening looking for a fresh start. Buying the Sleepy Hound Bookstore seemed the perfect opportunity. Life had gone so wrong and now here in this quiet town he could keep anything bad from happening to his daughter again.
When the two cross paths Olivia and Tim find an instant connection. A tug toward each other they don't want to ignore. The problem is, in the process they are being tugged away from all the things they thought were important in their lives. He can't hide out from real life forever. She is more than just what people see on the surface. But when they're forced to decide will they choose to be better together or safer apart?



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$100 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Giveaway Ends 11/5/17 Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Amazon.com Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author.

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Monday, October 23, 2017

I Am A Reader, Not A Reader Presents: Mine For A Day by Delaney Cameron & Giveaway


Mine for a Day by Delaney Cameron
Growing up in the shadow of three beautiful sisters isn’t easy when you’re average. Not that anyone in Violet’s family ever mentions it, but it’s pointed out to her again and again by everyone else. Guys don’t mind talking to her or hanging out with her, but she doesn’t make the cut as girlfriend material. She compensates for her lack of social life by staying busy. Holding down two jobs and working on her master’s degree is a decent enough smokescreen. What most people don’t realize is that her sensible, no-nonsense exterior hides the heart of a hopeless romantic. More than anything, Violet wants to love and to be loved. There was a time when Jackson looked forward to getting married and having a family, but all that ended his senior year of college. Because of the selfish actions of others, he had to walk away from someone he cared deeply about. Disillusioned and heartbroken, he resolved never to risk falling in love again. This means keeping his relationships short in length and light on commitment. As such, they never come close to touching his heart. This system works flawlessly until he meets Violet; someone who reminds him of what he used to be, and who makes him question whether he really is better off without love.


Praise for the Book A "chance" meeting between Jackson and Violet leads them to a relationship that frees them from their hurting hearts and to a love that makes for a life worth living. Loved the line "The seemingly insignificant things are never unimportant, and chance meetings have little to do with chance." A most enjoyable romance from Delaney Cameron! Easily one of my favorite authors. I especially like how she shows the development of the relationship for our hero & heroine. A sweet, sweet romance. A beautiful story of unexpected love.


One minute Violet was listening to her newest audiobook; the next she was staring in horror at the busted grille and sagging bumper of a pearly-white Land Rover.
“I’m so sorry,” she said to the serious-looking man walking toward her. “I can’t think how it happened.”
“Can’t you?” his deep voice drawled. “Maybe I can help you figure it out. Were you texting your boyfriend?”
She couldn’t help smiling at his question. The fact that she didn’t have a boyfriend had been a popular topic over the Memorial Day weekend. If she hadn’t been aware of the direness of this situation before, she had no doubts about it now. “No, I wasn’t. Would you like to check my phone?”
He ignored her attempt at humor, choosing instead to inspect the damage to their respective vehicles. The situation reminded her of a show she’d seen recently where a dating expert illustrated different ways to meet men. Running into their car had been one of the more humorous examples. Violet couldn’t have executed this plan any better if she tried, nor could she complain about the result.
The man crouching next to her ten-year-old Fiat was tall enough to make even her feel short. That didn’t happen often when you were five-eleven. His striped polo shirt and jeans fit his wide shoulders and narrow hips like a glove. Costa sunglasses rested in his light brown hair, and his eyes were the color of polished steel. In the words of her Aunt Anita, he was the cat’s meow.
He rose to his feet, dusting off his hands. “This isn’t your first rodeo, is it?”
“Actually, it is. With the exception of today, the rest of those scratches and dents were there when I inherited Leonie.”
For the first time since he stepped out of his vehicle something close to humor entered his handsome face. “In other words, you probably won’t bother to have it, I mean Leonie, repaired.”
Her lips twitched at the correction. “That’s right. Shouldn’t we be calling the police?”
“I don’t think that’s necessary. I’ve got a friend who owns a body shop.”
She reached into her purse. “Let me give you my insurance information.”
“Don’t worry about it,” he said, turning to walk away.
“But it’s my fault. I should have been paying attention.”
He stopped and glanced over his shoulder, an attractive grin forming on his lips. “I agree, but there’s no point in raising your insurance rates over what amounts to a fender bender. Just watch where you’re going from now on. The owner of the next car you back into might not be so distracted by that pretty smile of yours.”
Distracted by her pretty smile? Where had that come from? He’d gone from ice cold to oozing charm in ten seconds. Some people just couldn’t make up their minds.
After giving him a decent head start, Violet left the rest area. Her clean accident record was still intact, but only because of Mr. Wonderful’s kindness. If she hadn’t been so tired from three days of nonstop activity, she might not have done such a stupid thing.
From the moment she arrived at Millicent’s house in Chattanooga on Friday afternoon, she’d been swept up in all the activities of a reunion weekend with a few of her college friends. This included several late-night sessions where everyone provided details about the current man in their life. Violet’s contribution had been sadly lacking.
A quick glance at her phone confirmed that she wouldn’t roll into Columbus until almost ten. She would have been further along if she hadn’t stopped in Dalton. The sight of a Carter’s outlet store had been too much of atemptation to pass up. She’d spent a happy hour browsing the racks and shelves buying baby clothes for her nephew Micah and her friend Holly’s daughter Rebecca.
Hopefully Rachel remembered to feed Bluebell. Her best friend and roommate had become increasingly absentminded since she met Pierre, an exchange student from France. Not that Violet could blame her. If she hada guy whispering sweet nothings in French into her ear, she’d walk around with her head in the clouds, too.
A sigh escaped her lips. Her own Prince Charming didn’t seem to be in any hurry to make an appearance. Her dating life had gone from a dribble to a dry creek bed. She hadn’t given up on finding love, but she was starting to wonder if love had given up on her.
Author Delaney Cameron

I'm a Georgia girl at heart if not by birth. I love to read, watch college football, and spend time with my husband. I'm a hopeless romantic so there will always be a happily ever after in my stories. I also like to write about second chances because love doesn't always work out the first time. My books are sweet romances set in both contemporary and regency settings featuring stories about the journey to love, from that first meeting to the point where two people know their hearts are no longer their own. My characters aren't perfect. They make mistakes and have faults like the rest of us. They learn the sometimes painful truth that the path to love isn't always smooth, but it's a road worth traveling.

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$50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Giveaway

 Ends 11/19/17 Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Amazon.com Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author.


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Celebrate Lit Presents: No Other Way Author: Kate Darroch

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