Monday, April 3, 2017

Andi Under the Big Top Circle C Stepping Stones #2 By Susan K. Marlow

The summer after Andi Carter turns nine the circus comes to town. She can't wait to get in line to see the elephants, acrobats, and--most of all--the champion bareback rider. What could be more thrilling than riding your very own horse under the big top?

When the Carters see the show, Andi meets Henry Jackson, a small boy selling concessions. Andi thinks his job must be perfect, hanging out with happy clowns, exotic animals, and excited visitors. But it's not all fun and games. Henry shares a secret with Andi: he ran away from home to join the circus--and now he's trapped. Andi wants to help him get free. But helping him may mean losing something very special to her

About The Author

Susan K Marlowstarted writing stories when she was ten years old. I never planned on becoming a published author. I just liked writing stories. But eventually others found out about my secret "writing" and encouraged me to submit.

I love to teach. I taught in Christian schools before I home schooled. After twenty years, I finished home schooling but find myself "back in the saddle" as I help other home schooling families, including my grandchildren.

You can find FREE stuff to go along with the books at Study guides, coloring pages, on-line puzzles, and a link to Andi's Blog.

My Review

We are back at the Circle C in Fresno California, and with nine-year-old Andi Carter and her family.
Excitement is in the air and the family is going to go to the Circus that is rolling through town. Now this is 1877, and something like a circus was a big deal, the only way most people saw these wild animals was in a book.
Andi and sister are taken to the parade, before the big tops goes up, and although she seems to have a slight clown phobia she has a good time, especially seeing a palomino that looks just like her beloved Taffy.
We also meet Henry, and I wanted to take him home, poor little orphan boy, but he is now enjoying the circus life, doesn’t everyone want to runaway and join the circus? There is more here than meets the eye, and God seems to place this young one in the presence of the Carter family.
Again there are good life lessons here, and a perfect read for ages 7 to 10, they will soon be clamoring for more.
I received this book through Kregel Publishing and was not required to give a positive review.

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