Saturday, July 6, 2013

Catherine's Pursuit (McKenna's Daughters #3) by Lena Nelson Dooley

In book three of the McKenna’s Daughters series, Catherine McKenna begins a journey to find her lost sisters that turns into a spiritual journey for the entire McKenna family.

When Angus McKenna was forced to give two of his daughters to families in the wagon train, he promised he’d never try to contact them. Catherine made no such pledge. But when she sets out to find her sisters, she doesn’t go alone. Angus sends Collin with her. Will they discover the two women—and love?


Award-winning author, Lena Nelson Dooley, has more than 675,000 books in print. She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers and president of the local chapter, DFW Ready Writers. She’s also a member of Christian Authors Network, CROWN Fiction Marketing, and Gateway Church in Southlake, Texas.
Lena loves James, her children, grandchildren, and great grandson. She loves chocolate, cherries, chocolate-covered cherries, and spending time with friends. Travel is always on her horizon. Cruising, Galveston, the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas, Mexico. One day it will be Hawaii and Australia, but probably not the same year. Helping other authors become published really floats her boat, with fifteen signing their first book contract after her mentoring. Three of her books have been awarded the Carol Award silver pins from American Christian Fiction Writers and she has received the ACFW Mentor of the Year award at their national conference. The high point of her day is receiving feedback from her readers, especially people whose lives have been changed by her books. And she loves chocolate, especially dark chocolate.

My Review:

How would you feel if on your eighteenth birthday, you finally found out the loving Father you've always known has lied to you. No you are not adopted, but he gave away not one but two of your sisters. Not only are they your sister's but your identical sisters. What a secret, and the toll it has taken on her Dad.
Catherine McKenna, had grown up a very spoiled, well indulged. and selfish! Her every desire had been given to her. She never had any siblings and missed that part of her life, something has been missing.
God has his hand on Catherine, and are the things that happen, are they chances? What an exciting journey for Catherine!! Not only are their chance meetings, some scary, some so wonderful. So many people call her by her sister's name.
When her father sends his protege to find and guide Catherine, she is upset and wants Collin Elliott gone! We see trial turned into blessings. We also find romance in the lives of these beautiful young woman. Enjoy this final journey with this final book in this series, make sure you don't miss this amazing story. I loved it!!

I received this book through Booketeria, and was not required to give a positive review.

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