Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Dog That Talked to God by Jim Kraus

The Dog That Talked to GodThe Dog That Talked to God by Jim Kraus

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Mary Fassler has been grieving for her Husband and Son, who were killed almost 5 years ago, by a drunk driver. She is still angry with God, and is struggling with her grief. Enter a sweet baby schnauzer, whom she names Rufus.
What a delight he turns out of be, and then he starts talking. He is at times very deep in his thoughts, and at other times hilarious! At one time he asks her if she thinks he is "fat". All the time he is talking I pictured in my mind the dog in the youtube spot!
The main problem I had was the ending seemed very rushed, and the lack of Church attending. I think it is an enjoyable book, and would recommend it for a quick read.

I received this book from the Publisher Abingdon Press, and was not required to give a positive review.

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