Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Blame It on the Mistletoe by Joyce Magnin

Blame It on the Mistletoe
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What a delightful read, full of chuckles and good laughs! Agnes Sparrow is now in a nursing home, Greenbrier, and is loosing some weight. Griselda is now taking flying lessons, and doesn't know if she wants to live alone or marry Zeb.

There are such goings on! Enjoy the play on names throughout the book! Is it the Mistletoe or water from the Fountain of Youth?? Meet Leon Fountain, and all the youngins at the Nursing Home! Enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving at Ruth's, her take on a tropical one!!

Poor Agnes, Ruth is going to make her a dress, and she is using 3 pieced patterns? Oh my, and you imagine the yards and yards of fabric!!

Experience the joy of the Christmas Pageant, with a real camel. Can't you just picture that!!

Once you pick this book up, your on a wonderful journey, immense yourself and enjoy!!

I received this book through Netgalley and the Publisher Abingdon Press, and was not required to give a positive review!

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